Monsters University (Blu-ray SteelBook) (Zavvi Exclusive: The Pixar Collection #2) [UK]


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Apr 12, 2009
Release Date: November 25th, 2013
Price: £23.99
Buy Link: Monsters University LIVE!!
The others: Zavvi Exclusive: The Pixar Collection Blu-ray SteelBooks






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The artwork is the same as

Zavvi may not have a choice in this as disney will dictate what they want.
Anyone else feel like a lot if these steelbooks are being thrown together without much care and attention. They are concentrating on quantity rather than quality but we all would prefer the opposite surely!?
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Great artwork mdewater :scat:

Now this one i want to get :naughty:

Come on zavvi, change the artwork.
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You know what... seriously... I am getting sick and tired of this. That might be one of the stupidest looking steelbook covers I've ever seen.

I haven't heard ONE single person.. not a single comment, on any thread, in any way, say that they like that front. I have only heard that everyone hates it. At least put that crap on the back. Gah! :angry:

If this is a worldwide release like Choi alluded to, then shame on Disney/Pixar. I hope the Monsters University steelbook crashes and burns.

I'm sorry but I am just beside myself. The artwork presented in this thread in the last few pages is INCREDIBLY awesome. People can say all they want that it's the studio... and it needs to be approved... and yada yada.

Earth to Disney... either fire the head of your steelbook art department or make your approval process more collector friendly, because this cover is HORRIBLY inadequate compared to the other choices presented.

0% chance of me keeping any order of Monster U if this is the cover art for all releases.
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I actually quite like the front as its nice and simply. I can see monsters university logo being in the middle but of not then a titless steel like iron man 3 is great. Back works perfectly as its more busy.
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You know what... seriously... I am getting sick and tired of this. That might be one of the stupidest looking steelbook covers I've ever seen.

I haven't heard ONE single person.. not a single comment, on any thread, in any way, say that they like that front. I have only heard that everyone hates it. At least put that crap on the back. Gah! :angry:

If this is a worldwide release like Choi alluded to, then shame on Disney/Pixar. I hope the Monsters University steelbook crashes and burns.

I'm sorry but I am just beside myself. The artwork presented in this thread in the last few pages is INCREDIBLY awesome. People can say all they want that it's the studio... and it needs to be approved... and yada yada.

Earth to Disney... either fire the head of your steelbook art department or make your approval process more collector friendly, because this cover is HORRIBLY inadequate compared to the other choices presented.

0% chance of me keeping any order of Monster U if this is the cover art for all releases.

I couldn't have said it better myself, 100% agree
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guess I'm one of the few who really like this artwork?
Much prefer simple, title-less steels and this is excellent!!

though it will be a deal breaker should they change it - the lack of 3D is already putting me off big time so crappy art would be a complete no go
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I think the front looks good. I like steels that dont include the film title on the front and I think it looks unique. Hope that spine changes though
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^Haha just came here to say "where the hell is the title??" I certainly wish it was on there.

But yikes... The back looks good, but my god. I'm not sure what to do. I of course want to continue my Disney Pixar collection, but I don't want THAT ugly thing sitting on my shelf.