[NINJA WEEK '15 GIVEAWAY] The Wolf of Wall Street & Drive (Steelbooks) [WINNER CHOSEN]

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Lone Crusader

The Savage Ninja!
Super Moderator
Premium Supporter
Nov 24, 2011
Corpus Christi, Texas, USA
On behalf of HDN's steelbook section I present to you one copy of each for this giveaway;
  • 1x The Wolf of Wall Street [UK] - New (Big tear in cellophane)
  • 1x Drive [US] - New
Courtesy of @spass

Rules: Display a pic of your favorite scene in the movie Drive.
Winner: I'll determine the winner by using a random number generator hosted at Random.org.
Shipping: Winner pays Shipping

Giveaway to end Sunday, March 1st.

Winner: @Joanie Mason

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Please don't include me because I already own these steelbooks, but I wanted to thank @spass for his generous gift to the forum! :whistle::angel:

Thanks, my friend! :thumbs:

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Guys/gals, here's a pic of the tear in the shrinkwrap on TWOWS. It's pretty big but the steels is absolutely mint as far as I can see. See this as the perfect viewing copy. :thumbs:
And @dfoles, just to clarify, I have multiple copies of Drive and it's not your SS gift I'm giving away. I would never do that. ;)

Maybe a mod want to add the pics the OP? @digitalbabe @AcIDc0r3 @Apollon @Naughtius Maximus @Ricker

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