PS3 Information Thread (for that news that doesn't quite fit anywhere else)

Apr 17, 2009
San Diego, CA
I decided to make this thread so I could post information if a company just makes a single announcement that isn't anything concrete on a single game.

That way there's not 100 useless threads started, that are never replied to... :) :)
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Swiss Government Proposal Could See Violent Games Banned

It's petition time in Switzerland as Swiss games site GamesMarkt has reported that the country's parliament have passed a law that could see a complete ban on anything deemed a 'violent' videogame.

Their definition of a violent game - which the proposal would see the outright removal of - is any game featuring "cruel acts of violence against humans and human-like creatures for in-game success".

The proposal has been passed by the Swiss National Council, which means that it's now up to the Swiss parliament how they'll choose to enact the new law. note that "citizens are able to challenge any new law passed by parliament if they can show sufficient opposition to it", so we suggest that if you're a Swiss gamer, you get a petition going sharpish. There has already been one motion put forward by the Christian Democratic Party calling for the ban of any FPS game PEGI rated 16+ or 18+.
2 things:

1) It seems like it'd be a better idea to release things like the Heavy Rain Chronicles before the game, not PAID demos...

2) If the "demo" is like Battlefield 1943 then it's essentially a shorter game. I never considered 1943 anywhere related to a demo, it was a fun little romp. I couldn't see the point in paying to play a demo that didn't have trophies...

They add additional trophy support and I'll consider it, if not this idea is lost on me.

I am not sure what EA is expecting from all this. Obviously money, but aside from that.
i hope they offer some better games than that. although im not sure im even in the market for another psn game right now. still slowly playing pixel junk shooter
Puppet Masters - The not so Invisible Hands of Video Game PR

Naga Theatre

Four masters of video game PR talk about the role of public relations in the video game industry. They’ll cover the buying and selling of souls, crafting and controlling messages, the rise of community, and how social media is changing how they do business.

Panelists Include: Charles Husemann [Editor in Chief, Gaming Nexus], Arne Meyer [Senior Manager, Marketing Communications, Naughty Dog], Aram Jabbari [Manager of Public Relations, Atlus], Stephanie Tinsley Schopp [Owner, Tinsley PR], Chris Paladino [Promethium Marketing, Director of Community Relations]

Head here for more PAX East info and schedule:
Bungie On PlayStation 3 - "All Options Are Open Right Now"

Halo developer, Bungie has dropped a hint that its next project could quite possibly end up on PlayStation 3.

Talking to Industry Gamers, Bungie's Brian Jarrard told the site in an interview, "In terms of platform, I know these things are all still pending topics in the studio. It hasn't gotten to the point where we're unable to do great work and we're moving forward. Things are definitely coming together though.

"We definitely have plans in the works, and I think we're really close to understanding of what is next and who, what, when, where, that's all going to land. But we're not looking at one particular piece of technology right now.

All options are open right now, so long as we find the best possible fit for our creative vision and what this project is going to be."

Could Jarrard's words mean that the studio is considering PS3 as the platform for its next game? Don't rule it out.
Michael Jackson Set To Moonwalk Onto PS3?

The King of Pop could be coming to PlayStation 3 following Sony's acquisition of the late star's estate for a cool $200 million last week.

Between now and 2017, Sony could use the rights to release ten new albums of unreleased material and an array of DVD's and videogames.

Rob Stringer, chairman for Columbia Epic's division of Sony, following announcement of the rights deal said: "There may be theatre. There may be films and movies. There may be computer games."

Of course, the smart money is on a Michael Jackson Singstar, although if you're old enough you might remember Michael Jackson's Moonwalker on the Mega Drive, a game in which you dispatched enemies using Jacko's own inimitable dance style.

Sony previously released a PS3 Slim bundle with posthumous MJ movie 'This Is It' on Blu-ray.
Lawsuit Filed Against GameStop Over Deceptive Used Game Sales

Retailer GameStop have had a lawsuit filed against them following claims that the company is "deceptively misleading" its customers into believing that advertised free downloadable content comes packaged with the game, when in fact the DLC is free only to those that purchased the full game as new.

Said content is accessed via a one-time use code for free, but thereafter must be bought for $15. Plaintiff James Collins bought a copy of Dragon Age: Origins back in January for $54.99 plus tax from a GameStop store in California, making a saving of just $5 compared to a brand new copy.

Collins claimed to have bought the game due to the cover stating that there was additional free DLC, which he then had to purchase for $15, making an overall $10 loss on his purchase.

Attempting to claim a refund on the used game, Collins was refused due to the expiration of GameStop's 7-day returns policy.

The lawsuit states that, "GameStop, who makes more than 20% of its revenue and nearly $2 billion from the sale of used video games, is aware of this issue, and continues to fail to alert customers that this content is not available on used games."

It then goes on to say, "As a result, GameStop tricks consumers into paying more for a used game than they would if they purchased the same game and content new."

Through the filed lawsuit, Collins is seeking restitution, punitive damages for fraud and other compensatory damages.
What a moron. I wish I was in the court room where I could both slap him in the face, and tell the judge how much of a moron he is.

OF COURSE the used game isn't going to have the DL voucher... There are PLENTY of crappy things that Gamestop does, this isn't one of them.
What an idiot! I'm sure on that voucher it says so itself that its a one time use code.

Not to mention that on the dragon age box it says to check inside for a "CHANCE" at the content. Which is them covering their butts on a chance that it didn't come in one package or someone buying it used... Because as far as I know EVERYONE that bought the game new got the code.
Jane McGonigal: Gaming can make a better world

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David Jaffe's new game will have DLC

Eat, Sleep, Play’s David Jaffe has revealed that his new project will “absolutely” feature downloadable content.

Chatting during the recent Bonus Round in response to whether or not DLC can expand a game’s story or experience, Jaffe commented, “We absolutely will be doing DLC with our new game.”

“But our new game, while it does have a story, that’s just not really sort of where its heart and soul is,” he added.

Details on Jaffe’s new game are sketchy at best, though it is believed the project may be a PlayStation 3 reboot of the Twisted Metal franchise. Stay tuned.
Heavenly Sword failed to turn a profit, says dev

Tameem Antoniades, co-founder of Ninja Theory, has revealed that the developer’s PlayStation 3 exclusive Heavenly Sword didn’t shift enough copies for it to turn a profit, resulting in the company’s decision to branch in to multi-format development.

Chatting with the folks at CVG, Antoniades commented, "It's difficult. Heavenly Sword came out pretty early on the PS3, and we sold, I think, a million and a half copies, and that's still not enough as an independent studio to break even.”

"The publisher potentially breaks even at that point, but the developers don't."

Antoniades further added that it simply didn’t make business sense to limit the firm to just one platform given the significant installed base that exists for Microsoft’s Xbox 360.

"It's just that when so many people have Xbox - I mean over half the market or more has Xbox 360s - why limit yourself to one platform?" he said.

Look out for Ninja Theory’s latest project – titled Enslaved – later this year for PS3 and 360.
Heavenly Sword failed to turn a profit, says dev

Tameem Antoniades, co-founder of Ninja Theory, has revealed that the developer’s PlayStation 3 exclusive Heavenly Sword didn’t shift enough copies for it to turn a profit, resulting in the company’s decision to branch in to multi-format development.

Chatting with the folks at CVG, Antoniades commented, "It's difficult. Heavenly Sword came out pretty early on the PS3, and we sold, I think, a million and a half copies, and that's still not enough as an independent studio to break even.”

"The publisher potentially breaks even at that point, but the developers don't."

Antoniades further added that it simply didn’t make business sense to limit the firm to just one platform given the significant installed base that exists for Microsoft’s Xbox 360.

"It's just that when so many people have Xbox - I mean over half the market or more has Xbox 360s - why limit yourself to one platform?" he said.

Look out for Ninja Theory’s latest project – titled Enslaved – later this year for PS3 and 360.

How dumb could you be to create a launch title (basically) and then expect to sell more than a million copies when there are barely a million PS3s out at the time. Obviously the 360, with it's year jump, had more people buying it.

I also realize they can't just hold off on the game until more people but a PS3, but to say they went multi-plat ONLY because of that issue is BS.
I bought it, still have it too, since its a good game an I havent finished it. I'll keep an eye on enslaved.
Celebrate TikGames/Creat Studios Dedicated PSN Publisher Page with a Half-Off Sale!

And just when I thought I was out…you pull me back IN! While I’m confident that you’re all much too busy playing Wakeboarding HD and Hamsterball to focus on anything else, I have even more cool news for you that I simply must share.

TikGames/Creat Studios is proud to announce the grand opening of our new, dedicated PlayStation Network publisher page! (Here is where you imagine thundering applause, blaring trumpets and a cascade of confetti.) After launching our eighth and ninth PSN titles last week, the great, hard-working folks at PlayStation provided us with our own special place where you can always go to get our latest and greatest new games, videos, themes and wallpapers. And if you did miss anything along the way, it will be there too.


Now, I know what you’re thinking as you’re shaking our hands and congratulating us…what’s in it for me? So glad you asked! Actually, we want to congratulate YOU, since we could never have been able to get this far without you. You deserve a little something for helping us make so many games that we had to build a new digital space to put them in.

When the publisher page launches on Thursday, April 1, our first seven titles will be on sale for 50% OFF for two weeks!

Never got around to trying Magic Orbz? Grab it for $4.99! Have you wondered what all the fuss was about with Smash Cars? You can’t go wrong at $7.49! Are you curious about all the critical acclaim for Mushroom Wars? It’s a steal at $4.99. Cuboid, Mahjong Tales, Interpol and Digger HD are also available for $4.99 each for the duration of the sale.


Now you can fill in all of your TikGames/Creat Studios gaps in your PSN collection! No longer must your list of PSN titles remain incomplete. And don’t worry… there’s plenty more on the way. TikGames/Creat Studios is devoted to PlayStation Network like nobody else, and we can’t wait to show you what’s just around the corner.

Until then, thank you again from everyone here at TikGames and Creat Studios. We love what we do, and we can’t do it without your support. Please let us know what you think of all the games in our catalog, and what else you would like to see.