R.I.P Paul Walker.

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Woke up a few minutes ago and it's the first thing I read, so sad. May he rest in peace. My condolences to his family. :(
EEK! Noooooo :tear: So tragic :(
I thought it was a bad joke when I saw that, because there is not even a word said here in France about this event...
All my condolences to his family and friends ...
Oh dear, that's very sad news.

I read that he leaves behind a daughter. Hope she's able to find strength through this tragic time.
Just heard it this morning. I'm sad right now, Fast-franchise is my childhood, I've grown up with those movies and I loved the chimistry between Diesel and Walker.

RIP Paul Walker, F&F 4 Life.
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What a waste. Top fella and will be sorely missed :(

My wife will be heartbroken even further if they stopped F&F because of this accident....hope they don't.
Wow. I cant believe it. We have not only lost a great actor. But a great guy too. R.I.P. paul. Too soon. I dont think i want new fast honestly. Wont be the same. I'll just get teary eyes
Massive loss to the series, I imagine the film set will be like a morgue now without him, he's been making these films for 13 years!
Very sad and shocking news. I also thought it was a hoax at first, then I heard about it on the radio... gutted. :(
Along with Heath Ledger I have grown up with the films of Paul Walker. Despite listening to friends make fun of his acting ability I always defended him as he always brought something to his films that I enjoyed. The Fast films have been a big part of my teen years right through to my late 20's and I still enjoy them with a giddy-ness that most don't have going to the movies anymore. I remember seeing the first fast film and rushing out to buy black converse, black jeans and a plain white tee, just cos I thought he looked cool in the film. I find it strange to be affected so deeply by the death of someone I never knew but I will sorely miss his presence in future films. As both an actor and a human being who did a lot for charities, the world has gone and lost itself a really great person. RIP Paul.
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Very sad news indeed. Seeing the horrific condition of that vehicle reminded me of Princess Diana's tragic death as well. Once you lose control of your car at that rate of speed you have very little chance of surviving.

My condolences to his family and friends! :(
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