Rambo (2008) (Blu-ray SteelBook) (Zavvi Exclusive) [UK]


The 'Negative' Ninja
Premium Supporter
Feb 12, 2012
Release date: March 7th, 2016
Purchase link: Rambo
Price: £12.99
Notes: Limited to 2,000 copies.



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Well, I still haven't received my copy and I'm guessing, with the luck I have, I won't get it at all.
Some nice postman probably claimed ownership on it or it got "lost" during shipping.

Fingers crossed I get it soon or at least get a replacement if this one doesn't find its way to my mailbox.
mine was only shipped yesterday ... don't know why it took so long but i hopefully it will turn up safely as i don't think this will come back in stock again and even if it does i think it will be gone very quick
Sent them a message asking when mine was being despatched.
Got the generic 'we're out of stock trying and trying to obtain new stock from suppliers"
In Zavvi speak that means we stuffed up (again) and you are missing out mate. :banghead:

Hope I'm wrong but this is Zavvi...

(Sorry first post on here is a sooky whinging one but I needed to vent - feel better now :happy:)
Sent them a message asking when mine was being despatched.
Got the generic 'we're out of stock trying and trying to obtain new stock from suppliers"
Yes, and HOPEFULLY NOT same for you as it was for me with "Ex_Machina" where the message received from Zavvi at the time was, and I quote, "Unfortunately we have had to cancel this order. This is due to an oversell" un-quote . . .
Mine was finally dispatched on Monday and arrived today.
I like it

My only change would be red on the arm
As my pal Forrest used to say, S**t happens :hilarious:
To quote Wikipedia, "a simple existential observation that life is full of unpredictable events and an acknowledgment that bad things happen to people seemingly for no particular reason" and with similar meaning to the more polite "C'est la vie" (Fr.) or "Asi es la vida" (Sp.) or as my father was fond of saying "L'homme propose, Dieu dispose (Fr.).
"First observed in 1964 but not used in print until 1983".
According to the Urban Dictionary - it's a universal concept:-"
Taoism - S**t happens - Hinduism - This s**t has happened before - Islam - If s**t happens, it is the will of Allah/If s**t happens, kill the people responsible/If s**t happens, blame Israel - Buddhism - If s**t happens, it isn't really s**t/S**t is . . . . and is not/What is the sound of s**t happening ? - Protestantism - Let s**t happen to someone else - Catholicism - If s**t happens, you deserve it - 7th Day Adventist - No s**t shall happen on Saturday - Mormonism - God sent us this s**t/This s**t is going to happen again - Judaism - Why does this s**t always happen to us - Hare Krishna - S**t happens, rama rama Jehovah's Witness - May we have a moment of your time to show you some of our s**t ?/ S**t has be prophesied and is imminent and only the righteous shall survive its happening - Paganism - Each s**t has its own name
Atheism - What s**t ?/I can't believe this s**t - Rastafarianism - Let's smoke this s**t - Narcisism - I am the s**t - Nihilism - No s**t - Agnosticism - S**t might have happened, then again it might not
Satanism - SNEPPAH TIHS - Practicalism/Alcoholics Anonymous - Deal with s**t one day at a time - Moonies - Only really happy s**t happens - Stoicism - This s**t is good for me - Existentialism - S**t doesn't happen, s**t IS - Idolism - Let's gold plate this s**t - Impressionism - From a distance this s**t looks like a garden - Commercialism - Let's package this s**t - Feminism - Men are s**t - Chauvinism - We may be s**t but you can't live without us . . . - Darwinism - This s**t was once food - Capitalism - That's MY s**t - Utopianism - That s**t does not stink - Quakers - Let us not fight over this s**t
Unitarianism - Come, friends, let us reason together about this s**t/S**T that happens to one person is just as bad as s**t that happens to another - Christian Scientist - When s**t happens, don't call a doctor - PRAY !/S**t happening is all in your mind - Secular Humanism - S**t evolves - Creationism - God made all s**t - Calvinism - S**t happens because you don't work - Congregationalism - S**t that happens to one person is just as good as s**t that happens to another - Presbyterianism - This s**t was bound to happen - Confucianism - Confucius say "S**t happens"

The quote I remember, I THINK, was from "Predator 2" from King Willie when he's saying something along the lines of "There's no stopping what can't be stopped and no killing what can't be killed - s**t 'appens" and if he didn't say it he should have.. . LOL
I think it was also used a couple of timesin "Forrest Gump"