Se7en (4K+2D Blu-ray SteelBook) (Ultimate Collector's Edition/What's in the Box?! Special Edition) [UK]


That's not a skirt girl, that's a sawn off shotgun
Premium Supporter
Jun 4, 2013
Ur mum
Release date: TBA
Purchase links: Collectors's Edition - Amazon UK - Zavvi - HMV - WB Shop UK - What's in the Box?! Special Edition - Amazon UK - Zavvi - HMV - WB Shop UK
Price: £44.99 (Collectors Edition) - £79.99 (What's in the Box?! Special Edition)
Notes: What's in the Box?! Special Edition is a UK/Ireland Exclusive

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Collectors edition contents
  • Film on 4K UHD and Blu-Ray
  • Steelbook (Design TBC)
  • Slipcase (Design TBC)
  • John Doe 38-Page Booklet
  • 7x Deadly Sin Crime Scene Art Cards
  • Double-Sided A3 Poster
  • 'Help Me' Glow-in-the-Dark Art Card
  • Investigation Chalkboard Art Card

What’s in the box edition contents:
  • Film on 4K UHD and Blu-Ray
  • Steelbook (Design TBC)
  • Box Packaging (Design TBC)
  • John Doe 38-Page Booklet
  • Frosted Pine LITTLE TREES Brand Air Freshener
  • 7x Deadly Sin Comic Books
  • 7x Deadly Sin Crime Scene Art Cards
  • Double-Sided A3 Poster
  • “Help Me” Glow-in-the-Dark Art Card
  • Investigation Chalkboard Art Card
  • Numbered Sticker of Authenticity
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I know it is literally is an upscale, but that term has a stigma attached to it that diminishes it's worth. "Oh, just an upscale, no point". It's almost as bad as that "fake 4k" moniker that went around for ages. It's just Internet sheep BS that clueless people focus on way to much.

The gains can only be appreciated by watching something, not by theorising over the technicalities and writing it off before you've begun. Particularly as there are plenty of native 4K content that looks way worse due to poor source or mastering, yet it's prases are sung before it's seen.

I agree though, the WCG and HDR typically has a much bigger impact than the resolution bump, particularly when we're talking about a relatively "new" blu-ray as a comparison.
The funny thing is. I absolutely love 4k and I advocate it every chance I get.

But some people are so quick to just call streaming trash and while I have no intention of every stopping buying 4k discs. The truth is that one day and it might not even be too far away, Internet speeds will increase, codes improve, and devices that play them will get better and eventually streaming will just be the best way to watch things.

I mean some people like to claim that dvd is better than a 1080 or even a 4k stream. It's not. 4k streams especially blow dvd out of the water. And gun to my head. I'm not entirely confident I could pick out a 4k stream from a 4k disc, 1080 disc. Especially with the upscale settings on my player turned on. The days we can confidently claim physical is better because the quality is better are numbered.

Not that it is the only reason. But still.
We have the technology to do higher quality right now, it's not practical but why worry about what the future holds when we can't even get some of the best films on 4k even now? I think the argument against streaming is not technical but more so ownership. The annoyance of hunting down specific titles will probably reduce as more smaller streaming platforms fail.

I don't see the point in paying a premium for a digital library which I assume is the studio's end goal. With physical you actually have some resale value, found a better version? Changed your mind? Just need some cash? None of that works under streaming only.

So no I don't think streaming is trash, it's probably inevitable but right now while physical is still going I want to enjoy it, I want to enjoy sets put together with care and film hasn't been improved by making it cheaper and more disposable.
The moviegoing experience has definitely been devalued, and the feelings are usually cheapened. An amateur YouTube video is now the same, as a TV episode, and zoomers are watching it all with the same 'excitement', or lack thereof.

I pirate a lot, but I always buy a physical disc to replace a file on HDD, if I liked it, and it's available.

The truth is that one day and it might not even be too far away, Internet speeds will increase, codes improve, and devices that play them will get better and eventually streaming will just be the best way to watch things.
Everybody Loves Raymond Traitor GIF by TV Land

I mean some people like to claim that dvd is better than a 1080 or even a 4k stream. It's not. 4k streams especially blow dvd out of the water. And gun to my head. I'm not entirely confident I could pick out a 4k stream from a 4k disc, 1080 disc. Especially with the upscale settings on my player turned on. The days we can confidently claim physical is better because the quality is better are numbered.

There were times when I was sure there isn't much difference between 720p and 1080p, because I only had a 32" TV, and the files of mid 00-s weren't as good. Nowadays I almost can't watch those 4-6gb rips.
On the other hand codecs have gotten better, there are 8gb UHD files, that means we could've had 2160p video on a DVD9 disc! 1080p for sure...
But I still will always want my own copy, even if it's only on some drive.
When there are no physical media (and for most TV series there isn't), I'll steal and pirate.
As long as those streaming platforms don’t offer lossless audio, I’ll stick to physical media every day
That is apparently the hardest bit, but that's mainly due to the supporting equipment. Sony's Bravia Core, for example... north of 80MBps on most video streams, yet the audio is locked at 1.5MBps DTS for IMAX Enhanced. There are only a handful of streamers that can handle that, let alone lossless audio, and even less from the typical selection of audio equipment. I am 100% with you, but genuinely, joe public is completely ignorant to lossy streaming atmos vs TrueHD atmos. They do not care.
That is apparently the hardest bit, but that's mainly due to the supporting equipment. Sony's Bravia Core, for example... north of 80MBps on most video streams, yet the audio is locked at 1.5MBps DTS for IMAX Enhanced. There are only a handful of streamers that can handle that, let alone lossless audio, and even less from the typical selection of audio equipment. I am 100% with you, but genuinely, joe public is completely ignorant to lossy streaming atmos vs TrueHD atmos. They do not care.
...because most of us are aged, really deaf and not got hearing aides fitted yet. Don't get me started on decaying eyesight and going blind, a pixel isn't what it was a few years back. I feel better for getting that off my chest :rofl: have issued me a refund due to this now currently out of stock with no restock date available.
Removed it from their website completely by the looks of it. Amazon US have refunded customers who preordered to import too.

Zavvi & Amazon UK will dick ride it to whatever placeholder date they fathom next. I suspect HMV will be the one to keep an eye on.

Surely if Amazon US have refunded customers then Amazon UK just haven't caught up yet though somehow.

This Is Bad Brandon Scott Jones GIF by CBS
Removed it from their website completely by the looks of it. Amazon US have refunded customers who preordered to import too.

Zavvi & Amazon UK will dick ride it to whatever placeholder date they fathom next. I suspect HMV will be the one to keep an eye on.

Surely if Amazon US have refunded customers then Amazon UK just haven't caught up yet though somehow.

This Is Bad Brandon Scott Jones GIF by CBS
Amazon only take payment when processing for dispatch as in when they have item ordered in stock.

Amazon USA if they cancelled any orders would not have involved doing refunds as payment would not have been taken.
Amazon USA listings was UK imports from a third party seller but as a pre order you see listed amazon as the seller and fulfilled by amazon after the acutal release date as in when the release actually happens (in stock) the third party seller name then gets listed instead.
These third party UK import listings of warner releases on Amazon USA often get removed or list as unavailable and regularly list wrong release dates.

Release date so far has never been announced by Warner Bros UK
but expected sometime in 2025
UK retailers will update listings when they have the actual release date.

Ignore Amazon UK/Zavvi/WB Shop or any other retailer that list December date as they use placeholder date when they don’t have actual release date.

WB Shop UK often remove listings from their website and cancel orders that’s nothing new. That webstore is operated by a third party (Snow Commerce Ltd.) The website it's not run by Warner Bros.
It's operated under license from Warner Bros.
Reason why WB Shop issued refund is they now often take payment when doing a pre order
Previously before 2022 payment was only taken when ready to be dispatched but that was when a different third party company operated the website.

HMV don’t use placeholder dates and will change from coming soon to an actual date when they receive info of the release date.
Amazon only take payment when processing for dispatch as in when they have item ordered in stock.

Amazon USA if they cancelled any orders would not have involved doing refunds as payment would not have been taken.
Amazon USA listings was UK imports from a third party seller but as a pre order you see listed amazon as the seller and fulfilled by amazon after the acutal release date as in when the release actually happens (in stock) the third party seller name then gets listed instead.
These third party UK import listings of warner releases on Amazon USA often get removed or list as unavailable and regularly list wrong release dates.

Release date so far has never been announced by Warner Bros UK
but expected sometime in 2025
UK retailers will update listings when they have the actual release date.

Ignore Amazon UK/Zavvi/WB Shop or any other retailer that list December date as they use placeholder date when they don’t have actual release date.

WB Shop UK often remove listings from their website and cancel orders that’s nothing new. That webstore is operated by a third party (Snow Commerce Ltd.) The website it's not run by Warner Bros.
It's operated under license from Warner Bros.
Reason why WB Shop issued refund is they now often take payment when doing a pre order
Previously before 2022 payment was only taken when ready to be dispatched but that was when a different third party company operated the website.

HMV don’t use placeholder dates and will change from coming soon to an actual date when they receive info of the release date.
Good to know. Thanks for taking the time for that explanation bud.
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