Silent Hill - Limited Edition Futurepak NOT STEELBOOK - UK

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Jun 18, 2013
Scrub that - it's a futurepak.

Probably why it didn't show up when I searched. Apologies.
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Yeah my bad. Listing on Amazon is wrong. Have amended 1st post and this can be axed. I did do a search first but nothing came up.
The pictures on Amazon however are pretty clear.

Should I apologise to EVERY individual member then? I get it, I made an error. It's not the end of the world but hey feel free to do what you do best and try and one up someone else.

Can a mod please delete this thread before this MAJOR error spirals further out of control.

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The problem is you're about the tenth person to create a thread for one of these titles. Maybe the forum admins should create a tutorial on how to use the search function effectively?
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The problem is you're about the tenth person to create a thread for one of these titles. Maybe the forum admins should create a tutorial on how to use the search function effectively?

Why bother? You seem to always be available to stick your oar in. The search function on all vBulletin forums is not ideal and when I looked for Silent Hill the futurepak didn't even come up on the first page (it was on the top of the second page when I just looked again). What can I do about that?

I made the thread after spotting the listing, I posted up the initial details and then, as I was adding in the additional pictures I saw that it was a futurepak.

I immediately realised my mistake and edited the thread. I'm sure a mod will come along and delete it shortly and it really isn't hurting anyone or ruining anyone's day. If you knew it was an error then just leave it alone and move on - absolutely no need for you to post other than to try and make me look bad as I'd already admitted my error before you even posted.

If a few posts are made in error and swiftly fixed then it is no great issue. Or so I would have thought.
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If you use the 'Search Titles Only' function, then it would have been the first result. There's nothing wrong with the search function, it's just that many don't know how to use it effectively. I agree that it doesn't hurt anyone but when the same threads are posted over and over, it is a little bit annoying.
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