Star Trek Into Darkness - In theaters May 17, 2013

Apr 17, 2009
San Diego, CA
From IMDB:
With: Chris Pine, Zachary Quinto, Karl Urban, zoe Saldana, Anton Yelchin, Simon Pegg and more...

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(Youtube video is dead...)

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New Trailer just aired today (2013/04/16)

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'Star Trek' Sequel Gets A Release Date

UPDATE: Paramount has confirmed to MTV that the projected release date for the "Star Trek" sequel is indeed June 29, 2012.

This counts as news, but there's not much to it. We all know there's a "Star Trek" sequel coming. Hell, Alex Kurtzman and Roberto Orci, writers/producers of the May reboot, were talking about sequel possibilities as far back as the week after the first movie came out. Now we have a date to pin our hopes to: June 29, 2012.

Nothing else is known or announced, so don't ask. Maybe director J.J. Abrams will return to helm the sequel, maybe he won't. Maybe Khan will be the villain, maybe not. For all we know, the plan is to give us an epic "Star Trek Meets Star Wars" crossover. Could happen, right?

The news comes from a variety of sources, including Ain't It Cool News and Box Office Mojo, but there's no Paramount-issued press release that I can find. The information ran through some trustworthy sources, but we've yet to receive comment from the studio directly.

Regardless, there really hasn't ever been any doubt that we'd be seeing more "Star Trek." Abrams' take on the series made it friendly to an entirely new, much wider audience than its ever known before.


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Hated the films because they simply weren't Star Trek. I find J.J. Abrams a one trick pony with everything he does. He clearly didn't understand or want to understand the Original Star Trek. He threw everything out that made the original show great and totally changed the nature of the characters. Even the "new' Enterprise looks like it was designed by a 3 year old. Sorry but he managed to alienate a hell of a lot of Star Trek fans (me included) with that 2009 film.
He does the same thing in all this work, poor scripts that lead nowhere, lens flare in every frame, special effects that aren't so special as they never stay still long enough of you to see them, characters with no depth, crap endings to all his work, rips off half his plots from films and TV from years ago and hope none stops the links......
He reminds me of The one that did the Sixth Sense....

Well in jj's universe things are different.hell he had time travel in the first film.I personaly think that was a great idea,You keep the same characters but now theor future is changed, and there is no beaten path we have no idea where these characters are going to go or who they are going to face.Anything can literally happen in this series now.i love to be surprised.I would have hated if he just remade the old movies with a new cast and coat of CGI.
This is a spoiler so if you have not seen it do not read this.

Let me first say that I really like this movie. I think the SFX in this movie are well let's just say...out of this world. With that being said I just have one problem with this movie. It's one scene or actually one sequence of a scene.

When Kirk and Khan are over on the Dreadnought class ship and they had just taken control of the bridge and Scotty had just stunned Khan. When Khan comes-to and overtakes Scotty and is making his way over to Admiral Marcus he pushes Carol down across some steps.

With Khan being a far superior fighter and everything else for that matter why would he then stop after he pushes her down, step on her leg breaking it? :angry: When she's already pushed to the ground she poses no threat to him at that point so why would he need to also break her leg? :wtf:

I think that should have been omitted from the movie. It's a little excessive and is distasteful towards the whole movie. I mean he did less to Scotty and Kirk when he retook the bridge so why would he need to do twice the damage to Carol to get to the Admiral?

I love this movie but that could have been left out. Yes it was a small scene but that one scene could have been left out. ;)
Just watched it today (finally) and gotta say it was as good as the hype said! Lots of action, great emotions and I discovered Cumberbatch!!! Boy that actor is impressive!!!

Can't wait to hear his voice for Smaug!
(ah crap... almost forgot I Watch my LOTR movies in French... damn book reading! :p)
Just watched it today (finally) and gotta say it was as good as the hype said! Lots of action, great emotions and I discovered Cumberbatch!!! Boy that actor is impressive!!!

Can't wait to hear his voice for Smaug!
(ah crap... almost forgot I Watch my LOTR movies in French... damn book reading! :p)

Glad you liked it Marc. :thumbs: Cumberbatch was indeed awesome in this movie.
Yup. Finally saw it myself. Was quite good. It would be nice if Giacchino could reprise some Star Trek themes but he seems comprised on doing his own themes. You only really get the rehash of the original 60's theme at the end.