Star Trek Into Darkness - In theaters May 17, 2013

Apr 17, 2009
San Diego, CA
From IMDB:
With: Chris Pine, Zachary Quinto, Karl Urban, zoe Saldana, Anton Yelchin, Simon Pegg and more...

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(Youtube video is dead...)

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New Trailer just aired today (2013/04/16)

Old infos:
'Star Trek' Sequel Gets A Release Date

UPDATE: Paramount has confirmed to MTV that the projected release date for the "Star Trek" sequel is indeed June 29, 2012.

This counts as news, but there's not much to it. We all know there's a "Star Trek" sequel coming. Hell, Alex Kurtzman and Roberto Orci, writers/producers of the May reboot, were talking about sequel possibilities as far back as the week after the first movie came out. Now we have a date to pin our hopes to: June 29, 2012.

Nothing else is known or announced, so don't ask. Maybe director J.J. Abrams will return to helm the sequel, maybe he won't. Maybe Khan will be the villain, maybe not. For all we know, the plan is to give us an epic "Star Trek Meets Star Wars" crossover. Could happen, right?

The news comes from a variety of sources, including Ain't It Cool News and Box Office Mojo, but there's no Paramount-issued press release that I can find. The information ran through some trustworthy sources, but we've yet to receive comment from the studio directly.

Regardless, there really hasn't ever been any doubt that we'd be seeing more "Star Trek." Abrams' take on the series made it friendly to an entirely new, much wider audience than its ever known before.


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No Khan In STAR TREK 2... So Who Will Kirk & Co. Face?

I have an informant placed close to the production of JJ Abrams’ Star Trek 2, and this informant got in touch with me to reveal that it looks like the storyline of the film has been decided. This person says that until the script is turned in anything could change, but right now there are two things that look to be set in stone:

1) Khan will not be the villain. You would think this would go without saying, but people keep speculating. In fact, my source says that the film won’t be focused on a traditional ‘villain’ type at all. Which leads us to:

2) The story will focus on a classic Trek character. And when I say classic, I mean a character who appeared in season one of the original series, when Gene Roddenberry was in charge.

Some sources give you all sorts of info, but this source likes to play games. I couldn’t get the exact character from them, but I got an email that reads:

It’s definitely a character that will make fans of TOS excited. Think along the lines of Harry Mudd or Trelane or Gary Mitchell or the Talosians or the Horta. Actually it’s one of those that I named.

Repeated requests for clarification were met with only

Star Trek 2 News

Screenwriters Alex Kurtzman and Roberto Orci are still in the early stages of writing the sequel to 2009′s Star Trek reboot (likely due in the summer of 2012), and given the general fog of secrecy that hovers over every J.J. Abrams project, you won’t be surprised to find out that their recent interview with the Los Angeles Times is very light on any specific plot revelations. However, if you sift through the writing pair’s jaunty obfuscation, you can spot two key bits of wisdom that may indicate the shape of Star Trek 12/2/Whatever.
1. They’re not thinking trilogy.
The last decade of blockbuster Hollywood storytelling has been defined by trilogies. The Matrix, The Lord of the Rings, Sam Raimi’s Spider-Man series, Christopher Nolan’s Batman series, even seemingly open-ended franchises like Blade and The Bourne Identity all reached for the curious magic of a three-part cycle. So it’s interesting to note that Orci and Kurtzman seem to be pretty okay with just making a regular old sequel. “I don’t know that we’ve ever thought of [the new Star Trek series] in terms of a trilogy,” says Orci. Kurtzman contrasts the first movie, which was essentially an origin story, with the new one: “It becomes about this family that’s together, so now it becomes about the thing that shakes them up and challenges them.”
I love trilogies as much as the next guy, but I’m sort of intrigued by the notion of these guys creating a new standalone story — which is sort of what the Star Trek film series was all about, pre-reboot. (Although I guess you could argue that Star Treks II through IV form a sub-trilogy within the larger series.)
2. They’re watching old episodes for “inspiration.”
To me, the best part about the Star Trek reboot was how it managed to have its cake and eat it too. The creators embedded a few hundred throwaway references to Star Trek lore (yeesh, they even gave Bakula’s character from Enterprise a shout-out), but they also essentially tore apart the entirety of Trek history to create a brand new continuity. So although Kurtzman and Orci seem pretty set on creating a new story, they’re still looking back to old episodes of the original series for further inspiration.
Says Orci, “Whereas the last movie was all about breaking free from Star Trek and its canon, now that we can do whatever we want, we still want it to feel like good ol’ Star Trek even though it’s a new story.” I read that as an indication that, we’re probably not going to see Wrath of Khan 2.0, or any other obvious villains from Trek past. (That might mean no Klingons, which wouldn’t be the worst thing in the world. Hey, I love the Klingons, but they’re the most overexposed Big Bads in the Trekverse.)
There’s a part of me that’s still hoping that the next Trek will feature a new version of an old villain from the original series, like the Gorn. Then again, Orci is on the record as a fan of the great Star Trek book Prime Directive — maybe we’ll some some elements of that book in the sequel? What do you think, PopWatchers? Do you want a whole new storyline, or are you hankering for some Klingons?
Star Trek 2 Megathread - Star Trek 2 To Be 'Daring'

The forthcoming 'Star Trek' sequel will have more ''daring'' elements than the first movie starring Chris Pine and Zachary Quinto.

'Star Trek 2' will be "a bit more daring" than the 2009 instalment.

Screenwriter Robert Orci has confirmed the first film - a reboot of the classic 60s TV series starring Chris Pine, Zoe Saldana and Zachary Quinto - had to be "organic" in feel so people understood, but believes the sequel will be "different".

He said: "I think we get to be a little bit more daring with the theme. The first one had to be an origin story - or we felt it had to be an origin story - it was kind of 'Star Trek Zero' - how did it all start? So to do that organically, you had to get each character in his or her place.

"Now, they're all together from the beginning, and so now they're all going to face, I think, a theme that is different and potentially more challenging than just: they met and they're kind of facing this force of nature in Nero."

The writer also confirmed Kirk - originally played by William Shatner - may have become Captain of the USS Enterprise too quickly, a possible theme in the second film.

Speaking at WonderCon, he said: "Some people thought Kirk, did he become Captain too fast? It's easy to think of, well, we'll look through a place in the story - without giving anything in the story away - where someone can look at him sideways and go, 'You sure became Captain fast!'

"And for anyone to say that, whether we do or not, that's just an example. I'm not saying if for sure we'll do that, you can do those kinds of things and suddenly your criticism is part of the movie, and it's kind of fun if you're a fan to see that incorporated."
I was really surprised by the reboot. I originally thought it was gonna be lame and just a by the numbers cash in. How wrong I was. I fell in love with it instantly and it turned out to be my favourite film of 2009. 2012 cannot come soon enough for me.
Agreed, not a Star Trek fan, but we LOVED this flick! I hope the 2nd one is as entertaining and visually appealing!
I've never been a Star Trek fan, more a Star Wars addict, but with the reboot, it was fresh and action packed!

I'll look forward for the 2nd!!! :movie:
Just Abrams really did an awesome job with the first title. Im a fan of star wars and was never really interested in star trek, but now I can't wait to see what the sequel is storing for us.

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Just Abrams really did an awesome job with the first title. Im a fan of star wars and was never really interested in star trek, but now I can't wait to see what the sequel is storing for us.

Sent from my LG-P999 using Tapatalk

+ 1000

I watched Next Generation occasionally with my uncle... But SW was always my go to space series... However, the new ST movie was good! I have high expectations for this one!
Per Screen Rant:

While most of the heavyweight Hollywood titles due to hit theaters next summer – like The Avengers and The Dark Knight Rises - have either recently begun filming or will in the very near future, Star Trek 2 has yet to reach that point in its development. Paramount has nonetheless already committed to the sci-fi sequel by going ahead and financing pre-production on the project.

Co-screenwriter/producer Roberto Orci revealed a few months ago that he, Alex Kurtzman, and Damon Lindelof had not yet completed the Star Trek 2 screenplay. Jump ahead to the present and Orci is saying that this remains the case – however, pre-production is still pressing ahead, even though the film doesn’t technically have a director onboard just yet.

Orci informed TrekMovie that a 70-page outline for the Star Trek followup has been finished, and that it allowed for progress on the project to be made while J.J. Abrams completed post-production duties on next month’s release, Super 8. Star Trek 2 is still tentatively expected to begin production by this fall – even though it may still ultimately be delayed from its current June 2012 release date.

With regards to the actual Star Trek 2 script, Orci offer the following:

“Just been waiting for J.J. [Abrams] to be free to really decide if he likes the story and hear his suggestions before we finish our script. Once he says go, we’ll have it in no time…”

Abrams is reportedly “hopeful” that he’ll return to direct Star Trek 2, which may end up having to follow in the footsteps of its predecessor by having its release date pushed pack several months – so as to not rush production in order to make an increasingly tight deadline.
Paramount and IMAX have put out an official press release (via confirming that Trek 2 will indeed be arriving in IMAX 3D on May 17th, 2013. You read that right - 3D. Wait, really? Even though this was shot in 2D it's going to get a 3D conversion, too.

From Abrams himself:
"We were so thrilled with the creative results of shooting IMAX for Mission: Impossible that we jumped at the chance to use the format for Star Trek. All expectations were exceeded -- the action and resolution is insane at this scale. We cannot wait for audiences to see the crew of the Enterprise in a way they never have before,"
EEK! Cooey, I am shocked!

Had no interest mate. I've never been a fan of the original series, never a fan of any of the old movies and all of the other gumpf they released over the years. It just so happened I flicked channels one evening and saw it was on that I watched it and loved it!!

Best thing is, I watched it on my fiancé's 14" CRT TV!!! So when my US blu arrives I'll watch it again properly :cool: