The World's End (Blu-ray SteelBook) [UK]

Jul 5, 2013
Norwich, UK
Release date: November 25, 2013
Purchase links: - £22.95 Sold out
Amazon UK - £21.50 Sold out


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Nah they just need to release a horizontal. Hot Fuzz and SotD have regular versions and horizontals and the comic book versions. So the worlds end needs to catch up
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I think your tastes are in question, it wasn't as good as the other two but it was still good and still funny. The fights scenes in the film are up there with the Don't Stop Me Now fight scene and the Battle for Sandford.

Seriously if you don't like it fine, but don't act like everyone who likes it has bad taste. The film is great and no offence but you are in the minority.

Just saying

This is definitely the case. I got tired of Flip regularly bashing many of my favorite films (usually classics and other acclaimed films) so I blocked him :naughty:

Edit: Maybe I was a bit hasty. Sorry Flip. For the record you've actually not been blocked for a while
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I never understand people going into threads of steelbooks for films you hate just to bash the film. What exactly does it achieve? :wtf: Just dont go in the thread as its clear youre just fishing for bites!

Personally found this hilarious - its very British humour - and this will be my first blu ray steel in a looooong while to complete the trilogy :)
The pricing on this one is a bit of a joke. I was really looking forward to grabbing this one but the cheapest it has been anywhere is £19.99. I'm hoping Amazon pull off something similar to what they did with Pacific Rim (£16.33) and The Great Gatsby (£15.86) as I would happily snap this up for that price.
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i pre-ordered this from wowhd a while ago for 20€ which is about 16GBP..i only hope it arrives without any damage because wowhd send from hongkong in plain jiffy bags. my experience so far: 1 damaged, 1 mint.
I hope this has some embossing. If the sign is embossed, this could be another one of those awesome steelbooks with a [in some peoples' opinion] not so awesome movie (The Green Lantern)