The World's End (Blu-ray SteelBook) [UK]

Jul 5, 2013
Norwich, UK
Release date: November 25, 2013
Purchase links: - £22.95 Sold out
Amazon UK - £21.50 Sold out


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anyone been charged from Amazon for this yet? I know they started slacking with non-release day delivery on free posting this year, but still thought I'd have been charged by now :ohno:
I live up near Albany and he did a special showing of this movie and a Q&A session at my local theater over the summer. It was pretty rad, he was a really cool guy.

I saw him at SDCC before the movie came out for his panel with Simon Pegg and Nick Frost and he was actually in another panel called the visionaries panel with other directors Marc Webb and Alfonso Cuarón

It was pretty cool. But I would still have liked the auto on the steel and the likelihood is that at an event like that they would not charge for the autograph, it would likely come with purchase