The World's End (Blu-ray SteelBook) [UK]

Jul 5, 2013
Norwich, UK
Release date: November 25, 2013
Purchase links: - £22.95 Sold out
Amazon UK - £21.50 Sold out


Amazon Artwork

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I got mine from Sainsburys and its thankfully mint. Note however that the pub sign on the back has a scratched effect on it, to give it an old pub sign look. I hope people aren't returning it for this reason :hilarious:
No. There's a difference between part of the art and a visible gouge in the finish.
I bought mine from an HMV store, and my copy has small thin hairline scratches predominantly on the back but has a few on the front too. Its not obvious at first glance however once you catch them in the right light they're annoyingly noticeable. It looks like a manufacturing issue in the glossing/printing process, rather than damage through distribution of the steelbook. Perhaps why we don't see so many glossy releases now, they're getting harder to produce to a high quality standard. Just my thoughts :dunno:
Glossing obviously has more steeps to the process (how many steps is anyone's guess) and it takes longer and more importantly costs more to produce them than it does with the matte finish steelbooks. I wish they would just come out and admit it. That said what they are probably doing is cutting the production costs and for the most part not passing the savings on to us, the consumers but are instead pocketing the extra change.

Now it seems they are becoming aware that we want a nice looking gloss finish and that we won't continue paying top dollar for these cheapo matte rush jobs. So now they are trying new gloss methods on the cheap that are just not cutting it. Look at the Aladdin and Roger Rabbit...they are proof that nice glossing can be done without resulting in a product that self-destructs if it is ever touched by human hands.

I could be 100% off base but I have worked around cost cutting in business and can usually smell it a mile away.
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Mine arrived today from Amazon ......... scratched through to the metal in exactly the same place as other people have described. It's definately not part of the design. deep scratch in bottom left corner on the back and scratched top also. Not impressed!
Mine has arrived and its covered in scratches on the back :( was gonna ask amazon for a replacement and try my luck again but it appears to sold out..I was gonna display it from the back too lol