The World's End (Blu-ray SteelBook) [UK]

Jul 5, 2013
Norwich, UK
Release date: November 25, 2013
Purchase links: - £22.95 Sold out
Amazon UK - £21.50 Sold out


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Glad I didn't cancel my pre-order in favour of picking up at my local HMV. Despite telling me that they were getting them in there, they were nowhere to be seen!
What kind of bad flaws?

Interested in this too. Mine arrived with loads of scratches on the left hand side of the rear - not through to the metal but almost like the paint didnt go on properly (hard to explain!)

I also have two dents on the back

I stopped collecting for this exact reason so if others are seeing the same sort of problems ill just pick the amaray up!

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Damaged here on the back also in the same places mentioned. Got mine from Sainsburys. They are sending out a replacement so hope it's not on every single copy...

Damaged here on the back also in the same places mentioned. Got mine from Sainsburys. They are sending out a replacement so hope it's not on every single copy...


I got mine from Sainsburys and its thankfully mint. Note however that the pub sign on the back has a scratched effect on it, to give it an old pub sign look. I hope people aren't returning it for this reason :hilarious:
Hoping for an Amazon Oblivion-style price drop in the next couple of days, £16.49 please Amazon :thumbs:
Will wait for a price drop on this one. :) (have it on my wishlist as well, maybe I'll get it in wrapped paper on the 24th) :p

Gonna watch the movie again today, I just love it! Gonna show it to my dad, hopefully he'll like it. I showed him Hot Fuzz once and he enjoyed it. Hope he can look past the robots and **** and see the genius in it!
Saw this instore at HMV today. No embossing and couldn't be sure but looked matte to me and 22.99. No way am I paying that for single disc steel. That's just pure greed on the studios part.:angry:
Note however that the pub sign on the back has a scratched effect on it, to give it an old pub sign look. I hope people aren't returning it for this reason

I noticed that and always look very closely, it's all near the sides and definitely not part of the artwork, it's thicker scratch damage.
Mine are to the left as per the pics. Ill try a replacement but fear theyre more or less all gonna have it - maybe this is why theres hardly any glossy steels....

Other than that it looks awesome! Great colours


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Looks great, I may consider this one-have not seen the film, but liked the other two :scat:

I watched it the other day, it was okay. The other two were better but if you own either the FS or UK versions and you like to complete the set I would recommend it.