War for the Planet of the Apes (4K+3D+2D Blu-ray SteelBook) (HMV Exclusive) [UK]

Jul 13, 2016
United kingdom
Release date: November 27th , 2017
Purchase link: HMV
Price: £24.99


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As long this stays white I actually quite like the cover, definitely sucks for those who have the first 2 steelbooks though, doesn't fit with them at all. I feel like it may have been a good idea to release a 2D/3D copy that goes better with the other 2, then release either a matching set of 4k or a 4k trilogy steelbook.
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As long this stays white I actually quite like the cover, definitely sucks for those who have the first 2 steelbooks though, doesn't fit with them at all. I feel like it may have been a good idea to release a 2D/3D copy that goes better with the other 2, then release either a matching set of 4k or a 4k trilogy steelbook.
Yeah the white artwork doesn't work with the last 2 steels which is pretty crap but I still think it's pretty awesome and still with the the 4K disc I can't wait!
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Got to admit it's the most unusual style artwork I've seen on a steelbook in a while with the red tint . . . there to represent the title of the film (?) . . . after all, red is the colour of War, of fire and blood, of anger and danger, of aggression and dominance etc.
There's also the ancient Roman god of war, Mars, and the planet named after him (the 'red planet').

The issue of filming the apes in snow has been alluded to by director Matt Reeves in an interview last December "The next movie: snow. I want to put an ape in the snow." That simple-sounding image will form a major sequence in WotPotA, as Caesar goes off on a revenge mission across a post-apocalyptic America. Even with the advances in mo-cap technology that have gone on since Rise Of The Planet Of The Apes in 2011, these scenes of apes in snow give Weta Digital a fairly major technical hurdle to clear.
"Taking the apes out of the equation, snow's difficult to make it look real," Stafford says. "Shades of white are very, very difficult - it's difficult to shoot, it's difficult to light, it's difficult to render. Throw the apes into the mix, and it just becomes a very new territory. We can send the performers through the snow, but they move differently, they're on crutches, their foot sizes and fists are different. So we have to abandon everything that we did in-camera and create it all digitally."

If WW can get 6 steelbooks in addition to the International then there's surely hope that this film will get at least another one.

As it stands, yes, it doesn't go with the first two v. nice big head steels in the trilogy and , yes, they've tried something very different this time around by using the iconic Caesar going into battle image and tweaking it considerably to make it stand out more against the background. They probably felt that the famous image was not 'interesting' enough . . . they do have a point (IMO) if this is anything to go by . . . and without the red added to the mix I'd say this would have been less effective with the original poster image looking flat by comparison against the snowy backdrop:-

That being said my favourite apes release remains the futurepak of "Rise" . . . brief unboxing of the Target release (same as U.K.):-
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Such a shame.

The initial design (as is so often the case) was perfect. Great in its own right, and matched the first 2 perfectly. I just don't get the logic of many of Fox's (and Disney's for that matter) choices. When there's so many great theatrical posters for many of their titles, why do they insist on doing mundane and often amateurish steelbooks? Nine times out of ten, their amaray covers are exactly what you'd want, but the reverse is true when it comes to their steelbooks.
Such a shame.

The initial design (as is so often the case) was perfect. Great in its own right, and matched the first 2 perfectly. I just don't get the logic of many of Fox's (and Disney's for that matter) choices. When there's so many great theatrical posters for many of their titles, why do they insist on doing mundane and often amateurish steelbooks? Nine times out of ten, their amaray covers are exactly what you'd want, but the reverse is true when it comes to their steelbooks.
Because they can milk it with a premium release for more money with better artwork further down the line. Seems to be a growing and annoying trend recently.
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i decided to go back and order this because my 2 previous planet of the apes are steelbook mean i need this even i dont like the artwork. i like the 4K ULTRA HD version
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With Dawn of Planet of the Apes France had a futurepak with bonus disc
I wonder will the same happen with War for the planet of the apes in France that release also have a bonus disc
Rise of the planet of the apes in France also had a bonus disc and booklet in a nice WEA steelbook

Hopefully there will be other War for the planet of the apes steelbook or Futurpak releases with different artwork
@bloodsnake007 you seen this? What you saying?

I love it personally (except the back)
@Flloydo Honestly? Its not bad, I'm just not crazy about it! Thanks for the tag though ;) You know I'm a sucker for these amazing films! :drool: Hopefully Best Buy will release an exclusive here in the States, but I want it to be similar to the RISE and DAWN :notworthy:
rise.jpg dawn.jpg
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@Flloydo Honestly? Its not bad, I'm just not crazy about it! Thanks for the tag though ;) You know I'm a sucker for these amazing films! :drool: Hopefully Best Buy will release an exclusive here in the States, but I want it to be similar to the RISE and DAWN :notworthy:
View attachment 329153 View attachment 329154

That's fair enough. I think with the right treatment it could look great in hand with an actual white background and maybe spot gloss the red. But being fox I'll keep my expectations low

I don't actually own a steel for rise because of the printed back so I'm hoping one day the UK actually get a re release of that. I don't say that often but printed backs are a no no for me.
When I cancelled my order for this I also said I was disappointed with the art choice. I got a reply saying that they'd pass on the feedback to the manufacturer, which is reasonable of them I guess. I've tried that before with Zavvi and they gave me the written equivalent of someone shrugging their shoulders whilst lazily chewing gum.

If anyone here still isn't a fan of the art change then maybe give them your feedback too... [email protected]
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On another forum less than a half don't like this artwork:-

  • Crap (35%, 80 Votes)
  • Not good (34%, 76 Votes)
  • Good (23%, 52 Votes)
  • Great (8%, 18 Votes)
Only 229 votes at the time of writing though.
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Reactions: robbodoc
For the upcoming trilogy available in The Americas on the 24th October . . . also to be released as a steelbook trilogy probably everywhere (Italy already announced with France pending) at some point before long (including here in the U.K.) . . . would be nice if an allocation of 500 - 1,000 of the U.K. run could be put in the hands of our friends over at EverythingBlu to come up with a smart box to house it (trilogy steel) / them (new art or re-release of existing individual steels) "The Mummy" style.

Wondering if this variant of the iconic image would have been preferred . . . latest poster also has a lot of red in it . . . both using it as background though:-
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