What are the 2 steelbooks you most want made?

So many to choose from but I'll go for:

1. The Haunting (1963) ( pref with embossed 'maze' original artwork.
2.Rocky Horror Picture Show ( surprised it doesn't already exist.)

Also would like to see :

A) all the Marvel movies that have yet to get a uk blu steel release.

B) HAmmer Horrors ( with original artwork.

C) Universal horrors ( Frankenstein/ Dracula etc. again with original art.

D) the Bond movies.

Fingers crossed someone out there is listening....
Sucker Punch "Cartoon art" UK G2 version

Chasing Amy "using the comic book artwork drawn for the film"

Other than that I would truly love to see each Bond movie get a separate steel, using the original poster art in full gloss. Maybe release them 2 at a time every 3 months till completion.

- Sky Captain
- Dune G2

(also wouldn't mind a decent Jurassic Park trilogy G2.)
(oh, and Apocalypto.)

(Only two? geez...)
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