What's your Steelbook wishlist for 2011?

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Apr 12, 2009
As we near the end of 2010, which movies should be released next year? With the home video window much shorter than it used to be (only a few months between theater and home, for most), the new releases won't necessary be known yet, but what about some older flicks?

Have fun!
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I'd like to see Star Wars The Complete Collection in individual steelbooks but it will never happen. If the Abyss gets released this year I'd also like to see it get the steelbook treatment as well as a Remastered Terminator.
black beat me to Jaws
All of the batman movies
blade trilogy
any comic book movie really
lawrence of arabia
bad boys and bad boys 2
get back to the 007 steels because i'm a completionist
that's about it of the top of my head
Black Swan
Lion King
Pulp Fiction
True Grit

those are for the movies currently being released for this year. just started listing the ones that are already released that i would love to see in steelbook but theres just too many.
I'd like to see "blown away" with jeff bridges. And a personal favorite, "brazil". How awesome would that be?! Pretty friggin awesome!
GROUP BUY!!! :movie::D

lol classic. For some more crazyness that is actually real, check out the "We Dare lol at Ubisoft" thread in the wii section. Its insane, its like a kinky party-lead-to-sex game and it says 12 and up. The trailer is tripped out.
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lol classic. For some more crazyness that is actually real, check out the "We Dare lol at Ubisoft" thread in the wii section. Its insane, its like a kinky party-lead-to-sex game and it says 12 and up. The trailer is tripped out.

I'm on my way ;)

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