White Cover UK Steels - will move thread later

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Is Here To Serve
Staff Member
Jan 26, 2009
I see a lot of comments in the different threads about them, but figured I'd post an open message with info as many don't have the background on "Premium Collection"

The Premium Collection for blu-ray first started as digibooks for Germany.

https://www.amazon.de/?tag=hidefnin0d-21 then search "Blu-ray Premium Collection" if you want to see all the art.

Then Spain made some digibooks that while the art was the same it had spanish titles. (The digis were a bit less in regards to build quality but most featured pictures only which was a nice touch.)

Then there was France who released some, and are releasing more.

When looking at these steelbooks vs. those of Japan I just wanted to state that while I see comments saying they have copied the Japan steelbooks its more that the Japan steels copied the digis and these UK steels are actually almost identical to the France digis. (Matrix in green letters, etc. etc.)

Last but not least, while nothing to do with the steels ... NL is starting to release these Premium Collection Digis in English.

So while they are using the white art ... they are using the white plus colored titles art ... so you might get a better idea of whats to come in the future by looking at https://www.amazon.fr/?tag=hidefnin0a-21
I bet if HMV dedicated a pre packaged display (as Best Buy USA did for Dad's Day for instance) they would be quite attractive looking.... for many the "set" mentality would def take hold....

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It's been a while since I let off some steam so here goes ;)

I think it's safe to say Warner UK just don't get it. Or to be more accurate, they don't see it from the collectors point of view. Globally Warner have released some real gems over the years but recently in the UK they have turned out some right turds on awful films like Final Destination 5.

Now they have just taken it one step too far with regards to ignoring the target audience. The art on the majority of these sucks (imo). To assume they can combine a b&w photo of a cat, some numbers and one of the worst films to be made and turn it into a steelbook worth collecting is ridiculous. To then think they can release 12 films on the same day at £17 is just stupid.

Like surf says, there will be loads of these floating about stores for a long while yet and I wouldn't be surprised if they aren't cheap deals of the week / day on Play and Amazon to sell through the thousands of copies more than Warner should have printed.

Play have shown what can be done for around the £10-£11 mark on catalogue steel releases and it's safe to say that they have set the benchmark for them at the same time, having released some of the best and most talked about steels this year. You also have to take your hat off to the studios who appear to have worked closely with Play to acheive this (Fox, Paramount, Universal - even if they are on the wonk! :p)

Maybe if Warner UK had collaborated with them then they might be bringing out a stronger, more concentrated and higher quality wave which would stand out in any collection.

Hope you are listening Warner!
Wreck: Did you have any discussions with the studio regarding this wave?

I mean why didn't they release the Batman steelbooks? I mean not that I want them to do that.

Well they did just release the white versions of BB and TDK in the UK ... but if you notice they just chose slip version.

Might be they come at a later date, or might be they want to do a Batman Trilogy steel so are just wating to do that .... I hope they dont do just the 2, either do a tril or do all 3 in individuals with the spines all coming together to make one image of the bat symbol when in order. :drool::naughty:

But I have no intel on whether BB/TDK will come or whats up with that ....

As for this wave, I've known a bit about it for a few months.
What I don't understand is what's Premium about these. I don't mean just the steelbooks but the whole range of releases over all countries. OK they have been digibooks but there also have just been slips.

In the end it's just the same release/disc with new artwork but even with steelbooks and digibooks they aren't premium just rehashed existing releases at a premium price.
Well they did just release the white versions of BB and TDK in the UK ... but if you notice they just chose slip version.

Might be they come at a later date, or might be they want to do a Batman Trilogy steel so are just wating to do that .... I hope they dont do just the 2, either do a tril or do all 3 in individuals with the spines all coming together to make one image of the bat symbol when in order. :drool::naughty:

But I have no intel on whether BB/TDK will come or whats up with that ....

As for this wave, I've known a bit about it for a few months.

Interesting, thanks for the answer Wreck :)

I mean in theory they could have actually listened to the steelbooks fans and skipped the Batman steelbooks.

Regarding the price, I think that is a bit strange. According to Amazon the steelbooks only have one disc? Are they trying to match the prices of the Japanese steelbooks?
Personally I don't mind the design style, but its not great when used to try and represent different types of films. For instance you don't associate 'white' with Sherlock Holmes which you would normally associate with gritty urban colours. Also as a collector I'm put off the fact that they are no way connected, other than distributor and having the same style. I'd be more tempted to purchase these if each of the artworks were more individual and unique. Just my own opinion and preference really.
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so pretty :drool: :drool: :drool:



I can see why these have the £17 asking price. Well worth it imo, and i hope the premium collections continue.
It makes buying steelbooks so much more worthwhile to us collectors who love the movies contained inside :movie:

....can we get SuckerPunch in uk plllleeeeeeaaaassee :D
I'm a little confused. Everyone is talking about steelbooks, but from what I can see oif the images they are digibooks. I know there are white steelbooks being released, but the collection mentioned appears to be all digibooks, which have what looks like some quite impressive artwork...

ok, I'm a bit slow, I think I understand. Wreck is saying based on previous experience we should see the premium collection digibooks appearing as steelbooks in the near future.
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Growly, the art being used for the Steelbooks was already used on Digibooks elsewhere-see 1st post by Wreck. Some are just referencing specific art for Digis in discussions.
Are we getting the info/pictures that were included in the digis as a "Booklet" inside the steel? if so that would justify the price and the "Premium" title.
My hope is that these will be 2-disc+ sets (even though Amazon is listing them as 1-disc only). that would justify the premium title for me but if these dont have inside artwork then I am not sure why they give them a premium title
i'm going to post in this general discussion coz i don't wanna waist my time in any single white release post, honestly i don't like the wave at all, so i won't waist my money on any of these...i just don't understand why if Warner have so many great films keeps doing the same movie releases all the time, i'm tired of this...the worst thing is that they don't put any effort at all...
When I found out my local Best Buy was receiving all the awesome steelbooks that future shop once carried exclusively I was excited, pumped and ready to spend a lot of money! Then as we got closer and closer to the actual release, photos started floating. Then, videos starting coming. I saw two things, one, the future shop originals had such more of a "pop" to them. I dont know if they seemed more glossy or it was they had better color texture to them. Then,! The BBY versions had zero inside artwork! My first reaction was, "damn you're cheap warner!" My second was, "guess I'll be hunting down the original FS releases!" Now I am not trying to say the same will happen in this case, but I am trying to say, original is always better! You can spend 50 on a bonafide release or 25 on a re-release. In the end original is always better!

And no, I haven't spent an absurd amount of money on the original Japan releases. And yes, there are maybe two or three of these white steels I am interested in. All in all, you never know what the future brings until we crack these open ourselves!

Thanks all
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Are we getting the info/pictures that were included in the digis as a "Booklet" inside the steel? if so that would justify the price and the "Premium" title.

Agreed, booklets and any bonus/extras discs would make them more of a premium.

But what worries me is AFAIK the premium slipcover versions didn't have those.
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