[WINNER ANNOUNCED][NINJA WEEK '14 GIVEAWAY] Dragon Age Origins Xbox 360 Game

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Lead Steelbook Mod
Premium Supporter
Jan 21, 2011
United Kingdom
Here we go again folks with yet another great Ninja week giveaway! This is your chance to win a copy of Dragon Age Origins for the Xbox 360 courtesy of apsmith21!:ninja:


Prize: Dragon Age Origins Xbox 360 game (Opened)

Rules: To enter simply tell us your favourite game character and why. It can be from any era so as far back as Pacman to the present with Solid Snake! Once all the entrants are in I will use random generator to find a lucky winner!

Closing date: The contest will close on the 6th February.

Shipping: The Item will be shipped free to the winner!

Good luck and lets have some fun!:D
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Great give away!

My favorite Game Character is Guybrush Threepwood from Monkey Island. The Monkey Island games are just so funny. Monkey Island 3 is still my favorite game ever!
I very like Rayman, because I love classic arcade games.

Thanks for Giveaway!
Well i love 2 actually and they are Sonic The Hedgehogand Super Mario. The reason is because they are Legend and great memories from childhood.

Thanks for the giveaway :thumbs:
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Ooooh, so many I could pick. I'll go with Solid Snake. The MGS games are the very best in my opinion. The story is huge and so well thought out and well Snake is a badass (David Hayter is a legend for the voice)
Thx. for the giveaway!!!

Eddie Riggs (Brütal Legend) Cause he ROCKS!!!

Happy Ninja Week!!!
Mine would have to be sonic.
I loved playing Sonic the Hedgehog on the Sega Mega Drive, had hours and hours of fun going through the levels :D

Thanks for the giveaway :)
Thanks for the give away
The wizard from gauntlet as he started it all for me
And yes I'm wating for the age comments :p

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Super Mario, i grow up playing the super Mario games and it was FUN! :D


Thanks for the giveaway :thumbs:
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