[WINNER CHOSEN] 2 Pairs Of There Will Be Blood & Zatoichi (w/ HDN artcard) Steelbooks (UK)

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Steelbook, POP & Statue Collector
Premium Supporter
Jan 27, 2012
Ontario, Canada
Winner 1: @kbr1656
Winner 2: @LucasEatWorld

Opens: 9AM EST Saturday
Closes: Noon EST Sunday
Donated By: @Wreck
Condition: New/Sealed
# of Winners: 2 via Random Number Generator

To enter this giveaway, please post 1) There Will Be Blood was loosely based on a novel. Do you prefer book to movie adaptations to follow the book as closely as possible or for the director to add their own "creative license" if it makes the movie better? and 2) What is your favourite film involving swordplay?



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Thanks for the giveaway!
I'm not too bothered if a movie closely follows the novel or not.
Its good to see a different interpretation of the written word.
Fave swordplay in a movie would have to be The Princess Bride!!
1. I'm not really into books so I guess I like the director to go his own way with movies from books.
2 Kill bill and wolvorine
Thanks for this GA!!!
Mmh I like movies after books. My fave movies came after books / novels (LOTR, Shawshank).

And LOTR is my fave movie with swords obviously ;)
1) It is depends from the movie and from the book. Some movies should be as close as possible to book/original story.Someone may not.
2) Six String Samurai
Thanks fot the Giveaway!
1) I don't mind if a director deviates from an original story as long the movie is entertaining, otherwise I may as well just read the book.

2) The princess bride

Thanks for the brilliant giveaway
1. it depends. but mostly i like it more when the movie sticks closely to the book origin (as far as possible in 2 hours runtime). i always wonder why they don't try to make more tv shows out of books. the format would fit much more than a single "short" movie.


thanks for the give-away!
If the movie is good to watch, Idont mind the director to be creative.

Kill Bill

Thanks for the giveaway!
1) I say add "creative license". Obviously this may backfire, but I'd like to give more discretion.

2) The Princess Bride (unless you count Laser swords, i.e. Star Wars)
If the director can make the movie better, than i'm all for it. Besides I'll probably never read the book anyway lol.

Best sword film over than Highlander would be Kill Bill Volume 1
I think a book adaptation should respect the author's work and try to stick as close to it as possible. The visual language of the movie is where the director has the chance to put their own spin on it.

Tough choice: Maybe Versus? :smuggrin:
1) There Will Be Blood was loosely based on a novel. Do you prefer book to movie adaptations to follow the book as closely as possible or for the director to add their own "creative license" if it makes the movie better?

Tough one, I think it depends on the book.

Some thing I enjoyed more on the book for Jurassic Park but the movie was perfect on it's own

2) What is your favourite film involving swordplay?
Princess Bride

Thanks for the giveaway.

I'm in the middle when it comes to differences. I think it all depends on the movie. Sometimes it's best to follow the book as closely as possible and other times I think it's alright to be more creative and change up a few things.

Kill Bill would probably be my favorite sword fighting movie.
I usually prefer for the director to put in their own creative vision into the film.

Star Wars Episode VI: Return of the Jedi
I prefer that the movie remain faithful to the book but there are times that the book contents will not work on screen so a capable Director should improvise and make it work on screen.

Favorite film with swordplay is Ninja Assasin.
1. I prefer directors to do there own thing than follow a book to closely.

2. Kill bill 1 would be my fave.

Thanks for the giveaway
Thank you!

I think a book is a book and a film is a film. Given the fact that there is no real limitation to number of pages or time constraint for books, the author has the option to tell the story exactly the way he or she wants it to be, for a few pages more or less make no difference to a reader. However, a film or TV show is different, and i do believe that a solid director -(with a team of creative thinkers behind him)- has the ability to take from the book exactly what's suitable for the big screen. However, they have to pick carefully...because the difference between a 90 minute film and a 120 minute film is much bigger than the difference between 800 pages and 850 pages. There is no way a book can ever be translated to a film "entirely" or "perfectly"...it just is what it is, and we should take each medium for what it is. Different medium, different approach to the same story.

My favorite film that involves a lot of swordplay is Braveheart.
1. It will always depend on the movie and the vision of the director. I'm the kind of person who will always prefer the books over the motion picture, however there are particular cases where the movie is as amazing as the book or slightly better (The Pianist, Schindler's List, Wolf of Wall Street).

2. Seven Samurai

Thanks for the giveaway.
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