
Is Here To Serve
Staff Member
Jan 26, 2009
Hey all,

Use this thread to chat about all things steelbook. Chat away ...

In an undetermined amount of time (when I need to submit GB addresses) I will then conduct the giveaway via random.org using the Post #s in this thread.

Your entries could be 1 (if you post 1 time) or 100 if you post 100 times.

At that time, I will figure out who wins the free DL TDK Blufans Edition. If you already bought the DL, you will get yours for free as I will refund you. ;)

I will host the giveaway LIVE on my IG by rolling the virtual dice first, if it lands on 5 then I will randomize the numbers 5 times and whatever # it lands on that post count # is the winner.
Never. I don’t see myself ever buying an OC. I think y’all who get them are crazy, why would I want to pay for the same steelbook 3 times?
Exactly! Well, I did pay for the same steelbook with Nova John Wick, and Kimchidvd Fifth Element, just for the slips, as 'the crazy' say, so I guess I'm susceptible, but only sometimes rarely.
Crazy ones buy every other OC.

FilmArena makes ut hard sometimes, because they not only put both cards and booklet in each fullslip, unlike Blufans, but also make each booklet and set of cards different, unlike everyone else, and sometimes even the steelbooks are different, so if you like the movie, there can be no excuse to think of, and that's why they're the best. IMHO, AFAIK, and all that...:cigar:
Yeah, he sure is a spammer. :D
ayo chill, look at who's spamming now
Happy Season 5 GIF by The Office
Alright, I'm expecting most of you to be quite inactive while I'm asleep. Good night and make sure not to comment a lot because it might crash the servers. We definitely don't want that, right ;)
  • Haha
Reactions: Lenny Nero
I buy the OCs, sell the double/triple Steels.. keep one Steel and all the different slips / box.. and put other Steels of the same movie in the empty slips
I was thinking of doing that with Memento, Fifth Element, John Wick, those which have all the same steels and cards inside. Good if they're individually sealed inside too. But never got around to.
Gotta sort through my collection, surely will set aside a few 100 I could sell, if anyone will still want them. Many will be just regular BDs or even DVDs, that were replaced by better editions. And so you often think, if you buy $100 editions, should you bother selling $3-5 releases?
You know I've actually never watched The Fifth Element. Is there a version out there I should watch or just the normal theatrical cut
There's only one version of the movie (except if it was cut for TV somewhere), maybe you're thinking of Leon.
Not all special features are in any one edition, but by this point most and many are.
Awesome giveaway, thanks! I missed out on this GB which bummed me out a bit. It's guaranteed to be better than HDZs one :D