[WINNER CHOSEN. Ninja Week '14 Give-Away] The Dark Knight (Re-Release)Steelbook

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Jun 10, 2010
OK Ninjas, Time For Another Give-Away :D

The Dark Knight (Canadian Re-Release) Steelbook, Case Only.

To Enter: What Was Your Favorite Film Of 2013 And Why?

Winner Will Be Chosen By Random Number Generator In About 24 Hours From Now.



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For me there is only one film for the 2013, Rush.
A lot of talk about the Steelbook and most wanting it. I hope that you all get round to watching the film and not leaving it sealed as a collector peace (Even though it will be).
I'm a big petrol head, and F1 is as big as it gets. So great to see a film that both F1 fans and none both can enjoy.
Thanks for the Givaway.

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Django all the way, as many others, Im a big Tarantino fan but this film was amazing, just to see his eccentricity being past onto his films is just perfect, and also amazing performances by all actors in his films.

Thanks for the giveaway :)
I love Django Unchained, but it came out in 2012 here. I really haven't caught up to 2013 yet. I suppose Star Trek: Into the Darkness for now
The Place Beyond the Pines

Great story and it was like three movies in one!

Thx. for the giveaway!!!

WWZ, Oblivion and Gravity are awesome, but I say Man of Steel. It's a new take on superhero, not just typical crime fighter but as a savior (messiah).

Happy Ninja Week!!!
Oblivion. I was not expecting much out of this one but it ended up being the smart kind of science fiction flick that just does not get made often enough.
12 Years a Slave

To think how that was a true story to be captured like that and put into slavery and too manage to make it out alive. Amazing
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