[WINNER CHOSEN!! NINJA WEEK '14 GIVEAWAY] Arrow Video Blu-ray Bundle!!!

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Premium Supporter
Jan 5, 2012
With huge huge huge thanks to our friends at Arrow Video, I am very proud to offer the following as a giveaway for Ninja Week! :scat: :oohyeah: :thumbs:


:hidefninja: One winner will receive the following -

* Demons 1 & 2 sealed Steelbook
* The Beyond sealed Steelbook
* The People Under The Stairs Blu-ray
* Hell Comes To Frogtown (limited to 1000 copies!) :hidefninja:


In order to win these superb BDs, tell me - What is your favourite movie released by Arrow so far. Also post the artwork of it too :) Doesn't have to all be steelbooks guys. Arrow have a huge catalogue of releases

Rules: You MUST thank the thread, as that's where I'll get the list of entrants from. This is open to everyone! Giveaway ends on Friday 7th February at 1200GMT

Shipping: Must be covered for by the winner

Good luck everyone! :thumbs::naughty:
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Zombie Flesh Eaters: Slipbox Edition is my favorite, because of the film and rarity. Steelbook comes in a close second.

Thanks for the great giveaway!
Oh my god, oh my god, oh my god. I want to win this so bad. I'LL KILL EVERY ONE OF YOU!

Dude, that's not cool. Just calm down and read the rules.

What is your favourite movie released by Arrow so far? How am I supposed to answer that? Everything they release is awesome. If I pick one, the others will feel left out. I mean, they only have the single greatest catlogue in all the world! I'LL KILL EVERY ONE OF YOU!

Dude. Get it together.

I'm gonna pick this one because of the exploding head on the front, but I could easily pick a few hundred more...

This is an awesome giveaway, cooey. You're my new favorite person. Thanks.
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For me it has to be Battle Royale - Originally had to watch it twice, once to read the story and the second time to watch the movie. This is the original Hunger Games.
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