[WINNER CHOSEN!! NINJA WEEK '14 GIVEAWAY] Arrow Video Blu-ray Bundle!!!

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Premium Supporter
Jan 5, 2012
With huge huge huge thanks to our friends at Arrow Video, I am very proud to offer the following as a giveaway for Ninja Week! :scat: :oohyeah: :thumbs:


:hidefninja: One winner will receive the following -

* Demons 1 & 2 sealed Steelbook
* The Beyond sealed Steelbook
* The People Under The Stairs Blu-ray
* Hell Comes To Frogtown (limited to 1000 copies!) :hidefninja:


In order to win these superb BDs, tell me - What is your favourite movie released by Arrow so far. Also post the artwork of it too :) Doesn't have to all be steelbooks guys. Arrow have a huge catalogue of releases

Rules: You MUST thank the thread, as that's where I'll get the list of entrants from. This is open to everyone! Giveaway ends on Friday 7th February at 1200GMT

Shipping: Must be covered for by the winner

Good luck everyone! :thumbs::naughty:
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