(WINNER CHOSEN) [NINJA WEEK'14 GIVEAWAY] Oblivion Steelbook [Korea]

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Premium Supporter
Apr 12, 2009
Hello HDN!

Courtesy of our Trading Manager naughtius maximus via our friends at www.k2dvd.com, comes one of the coolest sci-fi flicks in recent history. You can win a brand new, sealed copy of this beautiful Steelbook right here during Ninja Week!



Contest rules:

Post a scene from your favorite futuristic movie, and share why you love it!

Winner drawn at random during Ninja week.



Winner avenger5:

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My favorite scene would be this


It has always made me wonder, that how much effort, knowledge and imagination, Mr Lucas must have applied to create such scenes, that too in year '77.
I am also one of many who liked Original Star Wars Trilogy, over prequel trilogy.

Thanks for the giveaway.
I always think of Moon thirst, but all these BTTF pictures remind me that I LOVE BACK TO THE FUTURE!!!


Thanks for the giveaway!

I have always loved those scenes in Empire Strikes Back where Yoda teaches Luke the way of the Force and how he explains it to Luke.

One of my favorite movies of ALL TIME! I love movies that when finished, make you stop and think. More than just a mindless action movie. THANKS FOR THE GIVEAWAY!!!:scat:
renanbg already posted the exact picture I thought of when I read the rules but here it is again.

The reason I choose this is because it's just so damn effing beautiful!

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I love Oblivion! :drool: Definitely on of my new favorite sci-fi films! Thanks for the kick ass give-away! PLEASE NINJA GODS... allow me to win this steelbook! :p

When Rambo is kicking ass in Pandora! :hilarious: JK! :p


Definitely the Birth sequence of Neo in The Matrix! EEK! :scat:


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Thanks for the giveaway! :scat:

So many great sci-fi flicks to choose from so I'll just go with my most recent favorite from 2013:

The fight scenes from Pacific Rim were simply awesome!

This pic (not technically a fight scene) is when Gypsy Danger and Striker Eureka (already underwater) are deployed for Operation Pitfall.

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