(WINNER CHOSEN) [NINJA WEEK'14 GIVEAWAY] Oblivion Steelbook [Korea]

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Premium Supporter
Apr 12, 2009
Hello HDN!

Courtesy of our Trading Manager naughtius maximus via our friends at www.k2dvd.com, comes one of the coolest sci-fi flicks in recent history. You can win a brand new, sealed copy of this beautiful Steelbook right here during Ninja Week!



Contest rules:

Post a scene from your favorite futuristic movie, and share why you love it!

Winner drawn at random during Ninja week.



Winner avenger5:

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thanks for the giveaway

love this film this just shows that no matter what a father and son can find a common interest, reminds me of me and my dad
Thx for the give-away!

This is concept art, but I've always admired the practical view of Chicago in 2035 as shown in I, Robot. I think their concept could be relatively close to what we really see in the future. Since I live 20 minutes from downtown, that wouldn't be such a bad thing :).


Mine had to come from Inception. Hard to choose a favorite one though - whether to choose the rampaging train, the gravity free hotel scene or the arrival at the USA airport when all is 'done' (tears in my eyes eveyrtime!). But this scene is so brilliant in showing you that it isn't about the question whether the ending is real life.
Thanks for the Give-Away!

I have to go with this scene from Alien. I was about 10 years old at the time i first watched it, and to this day...nothing has ever come close to terrifying me as much as this scene did, back then.


Absolutely love the idea of motion controlled interactive displays in Minority Report. We are so close to being there now.
The Matrix - first scene with Trinity fighting the cops - it blew my mind in the theater when she was running up walls; then that slow motion jump kick!

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