XboxONE Xbox One - Main discussion thread


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Aug 23, 2010
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8 CPU cores at 1.6GHz, with a custom 800MHz graphics processor in the GPU. There are 8GB of RAM on board, with 32MB of fast embedded SRAM at double the throughput speed, and a 50GB-capable 6x Blu-ray drive. Wireless connectivity protocols include both Wi-Fi and Wi-Fi Direct, and there’s still a Gigabit Ethernet port for gamers with low latency multiplayer demands. It’ll also come with USB 3.0 and HDMI 1.4a, which supports 3D over HDMI, Ethernet, audio return channels and 4K resolution.​



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As long as it does what they're claiming it does, I have no problem with it. You said it yourself....

...I think it's okay that a Kinect wouldn't be able to be completely reliable in a presentation environment....
As long as it does what they're claiming it does, I have no problem with it. You said it yourself....

Goes against that it actually works though... I say the same thing about the faked gameplay on stage.. Most have started to get away from that and just do god mode now.
Why do you say that? Why so brand loyal, when probably both companies could care less about you, especially Microsoft.

Why do you say that? Sony doesn't care about you either. From working for the largest cell phone carrier in the US has taught me anything, it's that no company really cares about anyone. If you feel loyalty to some company for your own reasons, that's your business and opinion. I just don't think people should be forcing negativity And questioning why some has a certain opinion. That's what these threads are for discussion, not a blitzkrieg of propaganda. :chill pill:
I was just being dramatic. I just have never wanted anything to do with play station. I wouldn't even play it at friends' houses as a kid. Down from the loading time (I'm sure it's better now) to the ridiculous controller.

Anyways that's all I have to say about Sony. This is, after all, a thread about the Xbox one.

I'm not really sure how I feel about it yet. I'll read a comment and then feel one way then watch a video and feel the opposite. I think that just proves its too early to tell.

Personally, I'm quite indifferent as I won't be buying it right away since I'm so incredibly busy with training I won't have time to justify the purchase. But I can definitely see where people are coming from from both ends of the spectrum. If I was still the hardcore COD player I used to be maybe I'd be bothered. Who knows?

I'm huge in aesthetics, and this model fails terribly. I have the mw3 360 and absolutely love the look of the console. But, it seems like it's turning to an all in one kinda thing, so maybe that's why they changed it so drastically.

Anyway, it is what it is; hopefully anyone here who buys it is happy with it :)
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Why do you say that? Sony doesn't care about you either. From working for the largest cell phone carrier in the US has taught me anything, it's that no company really cares about anyone. If you feel loyalty to some company for your own reasons, that's your business and opinion. I just don't think people should be forcing negativity And questioning why some has a certain opinion. That's what these threads are for discussion, not a blitzkrieg of propaganda. :chill pill:

I was asking for discussion, why he wants to buy it, what sells it for him, and why does he write off Sony so easily. You all need to relax, I'm not pushing Sony or anyone just giving different vantage points and understanding the gamers here. I own all 3 consoles and a pc gaming rig.. Lol
I cant wait to see the games already.E3 is taking forever.I guess they will have 12 or so more games to show as we know that Halo 5,Forza and Quantum break are three of the fifteen exclusives.
I'm not pushing Playstations down your throat, I opened up the conversation more and gave a fare look between the two and said it would be interesting to see if Microsoft could catch up 1st party wise.

So you like COD, and FIFA. Forza and GT are practically the same. So you believe Halo is worth buying a console for. Your system seller is Halo.

Microsoft needs a system seller besides shooting games, it can only take you so far, people get over saturated. Examples: guitar Hero, tony hawk, etc.

I don't deny MS could use more exclusives. Mass Effect was also xbox exclusive for a long time. The reason Sony have so many exclusives is because they started buying up studios like crazy when MS announced the old XBox. But you still haven't explained why I would care about a baseball game. I'd hardly call it a worthwhile exclusive.

I like getting CoD dlc early. So do millions of other players. It's a much bigger selling point than you realise. And yes if i had a choice between Killzone and Halo, Halo would win hands down any day.

But you forget my main point. I have several friends with XBoxes, only one that I know of with a PS3. And most of them will get the new XBox at launch. And I had no reason to watch the PS4 launch.

Still, this thread is about the XBoxOne, not what exclusives Sony have. The only reason the PS3 sold so well is because it had a blu ray player.
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