Ask Wreck: SteelBooks Questions


Is Here To Serve
Staff Member
Jan 26, 2009
I dont know how long I will do this, or if people have questions ... but I'll check this thread daily in case people have questions about steelbooks etc. I'll try to answer to the best of my ability from what I am allowed to say in some cases or just info you may not have seen me drop before in past threads.
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All the paint chips and scratches as well as gobs of glue and torn J-cards. What a mess!!! :angry:

Just as likely to be your postmans fault as it is Scanavo's. My Watchmen arrived damaged and personally, I blame Play. Couldn't agree more about the glue. Why is it needed at all? Just seal the J-card in there along with the steel!! :wtf:

Quality of SBs generally has changed, Wreck eluded to this in answer to my previous question. I have Death Proof and Iron Man FS (both very early SBs) and the quality of the metal is much better than any recent release i've seen.
A quick question, are going to release all the 3D titles that are being released in Germany (Titanic, Avatar, I Robot etc.)? They're pretty pricey and I would be gutted if sell the same titles (probably with better artwork too) for a tenner each having paid 29EUR + postage for the MM versions.



Can you please do us all a favor and contact Scanavo and find out what the f**k is going on with quality control. These steels coming from Play are a JOKE. I would be ashamed of myself if I sent a steelbook to any of my clients that look like some of the ones people are getting from play.

Idk man, I've had tons of UK steels go through my hands in the lsat few months and im not getting any of those types of marks. You hardly open any ... if at all? So where are yo seeing these marks? I mean I learned long ago how to pull of the glue from the back of the steel without causing the paint to remove. Of course i learned the hard way. :( Its not scanavo or retailer addding the glue its something between studio and replicator who does the packaging. I'll pass the concern a long tho ...

Wreck, first of all thanks for all the work on here!! Any news on how close we are to Zombieland selling out on Play yet?

still a while to go. IT basically started like gangbusters then slowed off .. im guessing it has something to do with the DE reprint ... I think once people see that its not the exaact same a first print then the UK one will get more attention. However, I should actually find that out (if its exact same or not, i mean we speculate its not and i think the spine was a tad diff? but I shouold get a confirm.... will do)
You didn't understand my post. The glue is not taking the paint off. The glue is an issue when you keep them seeled and there are globs of glue on the front cover. Lots of em have it. Also if you see the threads that Dave and Sunnyx are posting in you would understand they are dealing with volumes of these and it is a major problem with the paint chips on these Paramount titles. Watchman is a JOKE. There is a reason why the price is so low by 3rd party sellers on It has the stigma of paint chips galore.
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You didn't understand my post. The glue is not taking the paint off. The glue is an issue when you keep them seeled and there are globs of blue on the front cover. Lots of em have it. Also if you see the threads that Dave and Sunnyx are posting in you would understand they are dealing with volumes of these and it is a major problem with the paint chips on these Paramount titles. Watchman is a JOKE. There is a reason why the price is so low by 3rd party sellers on It has the stigma of paint chips galore.

chip, I've discussed this with Customer Service and they are aware of these issues. I am in the process of returning over 20 steelz to them which is a P in the A. But the only way can address these issues is by us return them, making them aware so they can then addres this to Scanavo. I am just dreading Old Boy and Battle Royale are gonna have similar paint chips and that would be a disaster!
chip, I've discussed this with Customer Service and they are aware of these issues. I am in the process of returning over 20 steelz to them which is a P in the A. But the only way can address these issues is by us return them, making them aware so they can then addres this to Scanavo. I am just dreading Old Boy and Battle Royale are gonna have similar paint chips and that would be a disaster!

Just make sure to be first in line. You better take off work that week. :hilarious:
Hi Wreck, great thread :)
Any news on whether there will be a UK release for the Batman Trilogy as a steelbook?
Thanks :D
You didn't understand my post. The glue is not taking the paint off. The glue is an issue when you keep them seeled and there are globs of glue on the front cover. Lots of em have it. Also if you see the threads that Dave and Sunnyx are posting in you would understand they are dealing with volumes of these and it is a major problem with the paint chips on these Paramount titles. Watchman is a JOKE. There is a reason why the price is so low by 3rd party sellers on It has the stigma of paint chips galore.

ok well I bought some watchmen's and none had any issue that I can see. Guess I was lucky.

As for Zombieland Germany re-release folks, I can confirm printed text on back and they even claim the artwork is completely new. So while it does look similar I guess that means that when in hand you will see its a different version compared to the original print. Probably means inside artwork is diff too.
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ok well I bought some watchmen's and none had any issue that I can see. Guess I was lucky.

As for Zombieland Germany re-release folks, I can confirm printed text on back and they even claim the artwork is completely new. So while it does look similar I guess that means that when in hand you will see its a different version compared to the original print. Probably means inside artwork is diff too.
Hi Wreck! Regarding the Sony re-release wave, would you happen to know if this also applies to the other titles in this release, or just Zombieland? Thanks! :)

EDIT: Oops. Just saw your reply on the Sony Wave thread regarding how the entire wave will possible follow this pattern. :emb:
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Hi Wreck, I was just curious if you knew if the Amazing Spiderman Best Buy Exclusive is a regular run that will sell out. It seems this might be a very valuable steel since it has exclusive artwork.
A month ago I could have given much more info about spiderman .... but some things have changed ... hopefully they change for the better in the future. I know thats vague but all I can really say.
A month ago I could have given much more info about spiderman .... but some things have changed ... hopefully they change for the better in the future. I know thats vague but all I can really say.

Yikes! No inside artwork!EEK!
Hi Wreck - firstly, great thread and thanks for all the hints/news/updates you post, much appreciated!

I was wondering if you've heard anything about upcoming votes on HDN/FB etc. for artwork or new steelbooks? Thanks
Sounds like overproduction to me.

no not at all.

Yikes! No inside artwork!EEK!

My comment means I have no info to share about Spiderman ... I know nothing negative about spiderman and I will be picking up a copy myself asap as well! Support NA steelbooks!

Hi Wreck - firstly, great thread and thanks for all the hints/news/updates you post, much appreciated!

I was wondering if you've heard anything about upcoming votes on HDN/FB etc. for artwork or new steelbooks? Thanks

There's always on-going talk on that front but getting the trigger pulled can be pretty hard due to so many people involved in the stage or politics behind how art is chosen/allowed etc. Sometimes there are titles with wiggle room that we think we'll be involved in and things just get swept under the rug around that time for one reason or the next ... just the way it works, we're always working tho to bring you guys exclusive news and hopefully more chances to vote/participate in steelbook art etc. Everyone *cross fingers* :p

*Heads to ninja board to drop some juicy news*
Hi Wreck, you are being kept busy so i'll keep it brief.
Will the french from dusk till dawn be released on its own?
Many thanks, keep up the good work.

P.S. It might have been confirmed already but is the German version of 'the Raid' the same as U.K.?