Ask Wreck: SteelBooks Questions


Is Here To Serve
Staff Member
Jan 26, 2009
I dont know how long I will do this, or if people have questions ... but I'll check this thread daily in case people have questions about steelbooks etc. I'll try to answer to the best of my ability from what I am allowed to say in some cases or just info you may not have seen me drop before in past threads.
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Ps: Wreck *cough*007 steels*cough*?
This is gonna come down to studio only, so if you guys want more then you all should bombard their face book page as thats where they posted that last choose the art thing.... Perhaps if they see a bunch of interest things might take form on that front in one way or another.

Hi Wreck,

Is there any news on future Australian steelbook releases, as so far it's been pretty poor.

I'll see what I can find out. Most likely probably back with the studios "not being on board" cause same group managing the Asian steels handles Australia and Asia seems to be pumping them out as of late.

I have to agree.

Meetings recently held so plenty of stuff have been brought to the light and awareness in regards to how there's been some issues. Hopefully now things will get better soon, but it doesn't happen over night ...
Great idea for a thread Wreck it's a very good read. Just a couple of simple questions hopefully

1) Who do I bug to the point they break to get a Uk Disney wave :D

2) Being nosey here so sorry can I ask what you do for work, you seem to have a fair few contacts just wondered if it was through work or hobbie.

Cheers Ross
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Can you sit round the round table with Play management and see if they can work on the IM3 when it comes out.

Great thread Wreck.
Great idea for a thread Wreck it's a very good read. Just a couple of simple questions hopefully

1) Who do I bug to the point they break to get a Uk Disney wave :D

2) Being nosey here so sorry can I ask what you do for work, you seem to have a fair few contacts just wondered if it was through work or hobbie.

Cheers Ross

1) Disney is very picky on what special editions that want to release pretty much anywhere (world-wide). I know that there are some people who are consistently going back to Disney and trying to get them to do a wave but so far no dice. (uk)

2) Let's just say I'm blessed enough to have a job that allows tons of free time (and I'm the boss at my location) to work on HDN. In that regard, I pleased a lot of contacts and kept that going .... Dont really wanna' give out my trade secrets so just take that and let your mind run wild. ;) So it's both, work and hobby.

What is the likelihood of getting some special treatments like embossing/debossing and lenticular covers for US steelbooks?

Good question, I would like to just say 2013 ... as that is me hoping. However as you've seen we've had slim to none in regards to BD steelbook catalog titles released in USA, but it seems that should change soon. I think USA is just behind the eight ball so to speak .... its more about how fast will the studios learn what it is we want as collectors. Its not like I myself or Scanavo haven't told studio reps what it is we want ... its just they seem to pay more attention to the bottom line and thus you get steels that aren't as nicely made (ie. adding premium finishes) All it takes tho is one studio to take that leap and spend a little extra and have a successful steelbook run for other studios to take notice. So I'm sure it'll happen eventually ... but in the end they really just are too scared to step out of the norm sometimes. Hopefully the sales of ET / Spiderman / TDKr will do good and make them open their eyes a bit more. The USA is a frustrating movie market ; I can get further and more intel from practically any other Country.
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Hi Wreck, I'm loving this thread, it's very informative for a newbie like me. I was just wondering if you think Batman Begins and Dark Knight from the Japanese Warner wave would be released in the UK? Quite a few from that wave have been released here with the same cover aside from Inception. Oh, and is there any chance of the MIB set selling out soon? I'd like to pick it up but can't do it at the moment. Thanks.
Hi Wreck, I'm loving this thread, it's very informative for a newbie like me. I was just wondering if you think Batman Begins and Dark Knight from the Japanese Warner wave would be released in the UK? Quite a few from that wave have been released here with the same cover aside from Inception. Oh, and is there any chance of the MIB set selling out soon? I'd like to pick it up but can't do it at the moment. Thanks.

I believe BB/TDK didnt happen cause they released the jumbo instead. Its possible they could release the 2 to coincide with a white TDKr release but HMV got exclusive on that .... maybe they'll release them one day with a TDKr in that fashion like 6 months from now ... ya know, milk us all. ;p

Any chance any of the big horror franchises are gonna get some steelbook releases next year? Excellent thread btw!

High chance, I've heard some titles briefly talked about.... and no cant say what has been talked about.
Hi wreck - what happened with the late change in the front art for the UK Warner Wave of Inception? Mistake or just not signed off in time? Thanks!

Never heard nothing on this ; I mean I just saw ... but yeah.

to answer an above question .... MIB Trilogy Play has sold through roughly 75%+ of stock.
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With releasing Lawless in January, is there much chance of them picking up more new releases in 2013? HMV seems to get most new release exclusives in the UK at the moment which IMO is a big shame, as seem to be a lot more accommodating to collectors.
I know some Steelbooks are stickerbooks but most paint. I was curious if you knew how it is done because I didn't see anything about it on their website?