Ask Wreck: SteelBooks Questions


Is Here To Serve
Staff Member
Jan 26, 2009
I dont know how long I will do this, or if people have questions ... but I'll check this thread daily in case people have questions about steelbooks etc. I'll try to answer to the best of my ability from what I am allowed to say in some cases or just info you may not have seen me drop before in past threads.
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On January 10th, True Romance will be released within the Tarantino XX collection in Germany, is there a chance that the film alone will be released ? (maybe in a steelbook ? maybe from play ?)

True Romance is already available on blu-ray in the UK, it's currently £7.75 at Amazon

I agree it would be great to have it as a steelbook to go with the Tarantino ones already out.
durability of shrink-wrap packaging

Hi, Wreck

As you and everyone here are very well aware, shrink-wrap packaging on Blu-ray SteelBooks (and, before them, on Blu-rays and DVDs) is not very durable and is easily breached. Any damage to this packaging is very frustrating and can be costly (with the expense of having to pay for the return of the items to other countries).

To be sure, I have seen thicker, much more durable plastic packaging on SteelBooks and Blu-rays, but they've been few and far between. And I've seen specific mention/discussion of this thicker packaging right here on our boards.

I realize that the cost factor is probably preventing any improvement.

¿Any thoughts about what changes, if any, might be coming our way?

Thanks for your help.
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There wont be any improvements in regards to shrink wrap. And it will continue to be very far between on titles that get a clear slip etc. Steelbooks are manufactured, then they are shipped to another company in which the studio deals with that then puts all the discs in, back card, j-cards, shrink wrap etc. ... there are a few of those companies and thus that is why you see diff shrink wrap from diff Countries etc. In all likelihood I dont see that changing and its really the last thing I would bring up and try to keep informing/requesting a change for as there are other things that are higher up on the pecking order at the moment.

First it was stop the printed rating logos so we got stickers ... then there are those who dont like the cost of stickers so we had to convince another territory to do j-cards, slips etc. Then there was the fight for better packaging from Play ... then it's been the line scratches plaguing steels spines. Now it's quit throwing all that glue on the back ... all of which are things that many suits who dont collect think are just minimal and not that "big of a deal" but with the power of these forums, our community and me pointing contacts to proof we've made many large leaps and bounds.

In some territories they could care less, but slowly but surely I keep seeing more and more suits willing to play ball as we grow our reputation.

I have high hopes for 2013, and love the position that Hi-Def Ninja plays in our industry. We are a very passionate intelligent community who vote with our wallets and thus we're taken seriously, because myself and others don't take no for an answer and lead the way for what we as collectors and consumers want from our media.

---------- Post added at 08:07 PM ---------- Previous post was at 07:48 PM ----------

Any chance Steelbooks for TV shows will catch on anytime soon?

If TV shows do sell out as steelbooks then those studios take notice and will want to steel up other properties they have ... so yes if they do well then its a snowball effect.

yeah some hbo / amc series would be awesome. walking dead season 2 was an good starter is there hope for season 1?

If Season 2 sells out, then yes high chance!

I know some Steelbooks are stickerbooks but most paint. I was curious if you knew how it is done because I didn't see anything about it on their website?

Computerized machines that do pretty much everything!

On January 10th, True Romance will be released within the Tarantino XX collection in Germany, is there a chance that the film alone will be released ? (maybe in a steelbook ? maybe from play ?)

Tell you what ... Start a thread in Feedback area if there isnt one already then send it to me in a PM (the link) and also promote the voting of it in you sig etc. ie. get the thread noticed ... I'll then personally deliver it to my contacts at Play .. If all is well then they want to try and see if its possible if they can steel up. I know I'd buy it.

With releasing Lawless in January, is there much chance of them picking up more new releases in 2013? HMV seems to get most new release exclusives in the UK at the moment which IMO is a big shame, as seem to be a lot more accommodating to collectors.

Some people like to play hardball and and thus people like Play can lose out on some titles. Thats really all I can say while being discrete. But just look at who's titles are selling out faster and then you know as to whom are trying to release stuff more for collectors.
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are play going to start putting exclusive stickers on their steelbooks anytime soon
something like below

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Thanks for that last update Wreck, very informative. It's good to see how you're fighting our corner, I can see how these forums can be very powerful for that.
I see questions like this all the time on here and am constantly wondering, why on earth would an ONLINE retailer put stickers on their steelbooks? I mean, they are ONLY available on and everybody bought them there, why put a sticker on there stating the obvious? It makes sense for Media Markt or FutureShop, because these are actual stores, but for play....?!?

are play going to start putting exclusive stickers on their steelbooks anytime soon
something like below

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How come the UK missed out on these nice "new title" releases?

Underworld Awakening

Both high quality, premium steels that would have flown off the shelf at HMV or go OOP at Play. They seem to be have released everywhere except the UK, even Kazakhstan :hilarious:
I see questions like this all the time on here and am constantly wondering, why on earth would an ONLINE retailer put stickers on their steelbooks? I mean, they are ONLY available on and everybody bought them there, why put a sticker on there stating the obvious? It makes sense for Media Markt or FutureShop, because these are actual stores, but for play....?!?

I agree, also why would you want a big ugly sticker covering the artwork you paid for?
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I agree, also why would you want a big ugly sticker covering the artwork you paid for?

thats the thing about stickers they can be removed if you dont want them
people seem to go mad for fnac stickers or futureshop, why not
i mean only on exclusives from play, not every single steelbook they sell
Hey Wreck, I'm curious about video game steels. Do they have the same 4000 min print run as movie steels. I never seem to see that many vg steels on the market in the US and Europe in terms of print run.
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Hi Wreck, I cannot believe I've missed this thread.

Personally there have been 3 main issues relating to the recent play releases (although not just play).
1) There seems to be far too much glue being used and not of the right sort. Any thoughts from those on high ?
2) The quality of the shrinkwrap used seems very haphazard and combined with the "overglue" is creating a pock mark effect on the steel. Also the "air holes" in the shrink are creating what look like pear drop holes (usually on the back thankfully), is this because of too high temperature being used in the shrink ? Any changes forecast or is this remain the same ?
3) Whilst the thick card used is obviously a cheaper option, the glossier paper such as that used on Battle Royale gives a far better appearance and is easier to remove glue from, and doesn't become like sandpaper on the covered areas of the steel. Who chooses the "surround" material on the Steel ?

Sorry if this all sounds a bit negative it's not meant to be honest :D but collectors expect the best from a premium product and it can be difficult with return rates that I have been seeing over the past couple of months.

The first 2 caused the vast majority of returns which I had to make, although not all.

Once again thanks for this forum and this thread.
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Hey Wreck, I've just been on my open orders page on play and I realised that in 3 weeks everything there will be shipped and it will be empty again EEK!
Do you know of any new waves that will be announced soon ?
Hey Wreck, just wondering since a lot of people are talking about quality control. When Scanovo make a print run of say 4k for Battle Royale, and then in packing at the staff noticed a scratch on a hundred or so of them, what happens? I know at the moment people are saying that the QC isn't great and they're being sent out anyway, but is there a procedure in place to send back the 100 damaged ones at factory level and reprint another 100, or simply leave a more limited 3900 in circulation?

Surely when things sell out on preorder I'd imagine its harder to justify cancelling the order.


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Hey Wreck, I'm curious about video game steels. Do they have the same 4000 min print run as movie steels. I never seem to see that many vg steels on the market in the US and Europe in terms of print run.

same but its highly not likey that a video game ever gets only just 4k printed. They sell bigger volumes so they make bigger orders.

Hey Wreck, I've just been on my open orders page on play and I realised that in 3 weeks everything there will be shipped and it will be empty again EEK!
Do you know of any new waves that will be announced soon ?

I know of a lot of future titles but cant say anything yet. Nothing has specified dates yet so dont know when that'll happen.

Hey Wreck, just wondering since a lot of people are talking about quality control. When Scanovo make a print run of say 4k for Battle Royale, and then in packing at the staff noticed a scratch on a hundred or so of them, what happens? I know at the moment people are saying that the QC isn't great and they're being sent out anyway, but is there a procedure in place to send back the 100 damaged ones at factory level and reprint another 100, or simply leave a more limited 3900 in circulation?

Surely when things sell out on preorder I'd imagine its harder to justify cancelling the order.
Most retailers hold on to X qty and then try to handle returns etc so no they print more. So much printing going on that titles have schedules before they can be ran. I think the retailers work first hand with studio in regards to returns and then they get a credit. Not sure what if any credit at all the studio might get with Scanavo. Cant speak on that.

other questions I skipped over (surf) I'll try to get to next time. Going to sleep.
Hi Wreck,'

I am wanting to get a Jumbo version of Indiana jones qud ~ steelbook..

lotes available , Yes !!

I am leaning towards the Italian version for the price point..

But I allso look at Amqazon Germany ansd they have 2 diff versions ?? & I can get other irtemz at the ame time for 1 off shipping cost :D

they have 2 versions listed atm..: this
and this

Do you have any idea of the difference ? apart from the 2 extra EUR dfor the *** lighter ??

I read soem where that 1 of thes Indiana Jones , had a Lenticular front ??

any input would be gratefull ?

many tahnsk Daz
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