Book of Eli and Avengers SteelBook Give-away

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Is Here To Serve
Staff Member
Jan 26, 2009
Future Shop versions ... ie BOE has inside art :)

BOE + Avengers open steelbooks with no discs ...

What is your favorite Denzel movie?

Which Avenger would you be and why? .... and you cant pick Iron Man! (Because we all know we want to be him!)
Remember the Titans! Great film.

Probably Thor. So I could dump Natalie Portman and get cheeky with Kat Dennings instead ;P
Thanks, Wreck!

Favorite Denzel film is American Gangster.

If i were to be an Avernger, i'd be Tony Stark / Iron Man. Why? Because in my opinion, he's the coolest. He's also just a man, in a suit. No mutation, no genetic alteration. Just a man.
1. Glory

2. Captain America because he started out as a small guy with heart and that didnt change when he was given super powers.
Favorite Denzel movie is Philadelphia, a movie close to my heart.

I d like to be Thor cause I d love to have his body and his hammer :)

1) I have to go with Training Day. What a film!

2) Captain America - because he's truly "super" human.

Thanks for the giveaway!
Thanks for the giveaway Wreck! :scat:

1. Training Day
2. Captain America cos he never gives up fighting for what's right.
Favourite Denzel film would be Training Day.

as for which avenger i'd like to be?

HULK cos i had so much fun being him one night at my friends heroes and villains party i'd love to do it full time!


thanks for the give away
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Fave Denzel Movie is Book Of Eli.

Avenger I want to be is Hulk. I like to just hulk up when I get angry!
man on fire
Captain America, Because he is the Leader of the Avengers ;)

Thanks for the giveaway :)
1. American Gangster

2. The Hulk! Mean green fighting machine. ;)

Thanks for the give-away!
favorite denzel movie is Deja Vu.

it all comes down to babe access, which leads me to captain america and thor. since thor can fly i have to go with thor.
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