Braveheart (Blu-ray SteelBook) (Play Exclusive) [UK]


Is Here To Serve
Staff Member
Jan 26, 2009

As one of the biggest lovers of this film, I'm extremely happy to announce and have had a small part in this steelbook's inception. :D


All are standard G2/Blu-ray sized SBs, and have front / rear / interior artwork with no logos or certs printed on the covers. They will be double play (dvd & bd) on all the single films - Limited to 4,000 of each and priced very favourably!!


Pics courtesy of Prometheus:









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WOW! Thank You Prometheus again for the pics! This one might be my favourite of the wave so far based on pics. That simple art with that amazing finish is just awesome. Like Acid said it looks like the sword and blood are floating on the cover, amazing!

im so glad I got in on this wave. Too bad I could only get 1 copy of each as I just know it, down the road these will come in handy for trades. Oh well at least I got me 1 copy each!
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God damn it none of my Fox wave has arrived yet I'm at work tomoz meaning I'll get a card and can't get them until Wednesday :(
I have this and it looks even better in your hand. The back art has a metalic look that hasn't really been caught on camera yet. Really impressive.
I used the distraction game with my wife - got her involed putting the polybags onto my new steelbooks whilst i snuck upstairs with my extra copies that have now been stored in my draw away from prying eyes ;) (married life eh)

Hope you get your copies soon :D

Ha Ha that's nothing mate ... my wife did a ramdon check on my bank account as we have joint accounts with the same bank , i got a text at work saying i needed to call her .. shock horror the wifey had found out via on-line banking and all the paypal transactions via my account had arose to the amount of £400 in one month , the wifey was best not pleased and i got told that i had a massive addiction to steelbooks :hilarious: and then i got told to sort my head out or face divorce , so i have cut down a little bit , but last month with the fox wave it was only £119.00 give or take a few £20 pounds here and there .

Ha Ha that's nothing mate ... my wife did a ramdon check on my bank account as we have joint accounts with the same bank , i got a text at work saying i needed to call her .. shock horror the wifey had found out via on-line banking and all the paypal transactions via my account had arose to the amount of £400 in one month , the wifey was best not pleased and i got told that i had a massive addiction to steelbooks :hilarious: and then i got told to sort my head out or face divorce , so i have cut down a little bit , but last month with the fox wave it was only £119.00 give or take a few £20 pounds here and there .


Eww man, that's harsh. EEK! I would kick the SteelBooks for a while or severely cut back. Better yet, get her into the SteelBook world and you can both enjoy the guilty pleasures. :oohyeah:
Eww man, that's harsh. EEK! I would kick the SteelBooks for a while or severely cut back. Better yet, get her into the SteelBook world and you can both enjoy the guilty pleasures. :oohyeah:

i am trying to get the wifey involved its working slowly , she has a passion for films but not just in-cased in a steelbook lol , even though i get the odd comment i see the blu ray shelves are growing in size getting bigger with row after row of steelbooks ..
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Yeah, I just noticed that since you pointed it out. Are they 2 different disc from different releases?

My guess would be the back is the dvd copy, possibly leftovers from a SE DVD?? Either way the set is awesome. Thanks for the snapshots. ;)
The one I ordered last week came through today, the 2 I ordered over a month ago i'm still waiting on :dunno:

I must say, this aside, play have done a steller job.

Not only on the steelbooks, but the packaging is perfect.
i am trying to get the wifey involved its working slowly , she has a passion for films but not just in-cased in a steelbook lol , even though i get the odd comment i see the blu ray shelves are growing in size getting bigger with row after row of steelbooks ..

My wife is in bigtime now. She is enjoying it!!! :D
Does anyone know if ships to the us because Ive hear mixed answers. If they don't does anyone know how to get the rockbottom prices like because Im located in the Us. Thanks in advance.

No Play does not ship to North America unfortunately but you can join awesome Group Buy's once you reach 30 posts which will enable you to get some of those play releases sent to you :)

PS Welcome to the site
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No Play does not ship to North America unfortunately but you can join awesome Group Buy's once you reach 30 posts which will enable you to get some of those play releases sent to you :)

PS Welcome to the site

Thanks. So after thirty post where do i continue? Is there a special forum or area where you can get in on some of these group buys?
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My guess would be the back is the dvd copy, possibly leftovers from a SE DVD?? Either way the set is awesome. Thanks for the snapshots. ;)

Yes they are the 'Disc 1's' from the Blu Ray and DVD releases. I've upgraded this from the original 2 disc Blu Ray release for the Steelbook casing, so feel a little ripped off that they couldn't just have repackaged that and not included a DVD which I'll never use. Same with all the double play Steelbooks really :(

I guess we're never happy!! :dunno: