Braveheart (Blu-ray SteelBook) (Play Exclusive) [UK]


Is Here To Serve
Staff Member
Jan 26, 2009

As one of the biggest lovers of this film, I'm extremely happy to announce and have had a small part in this steelbook's inception. :D


All are standard G2/Blu-ray sized SBs, and have front / rear / interior artwork with no logos or certs printed on the covers. They will be double play (dvd & bd) on all the single films - Limited to 4,000 of each and priced very favourably!!


Pics courtesy of Prometheus:









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I wish I'd known this would be missing the Disc 2 Blu-ray. As much as I like the Steelbook, I really want the extras, but don't want to spend another £8 or so to get them. Play's product description even states you get over 150 minutes of never before seen content, most of which would be on disc 2.

I'm contacting them - I want my Disc 2!!!!!!!
I took my USA amaray that had 2 disc and put the cover art in a one disc amaray and turned it in and kept disc 2. :)
I have one but put in an order for an extra recently. I really like the art on this steelbook, and even though it's getting released in a few other countries, I still think it will be desirable once it's oop.
Phew! Apart from Predator this was the other steel I was ummming and ahhing about. After what happened to the first I put an order in for 1! Thank God I did eh!

Such a stunning looking steel.
i've just tried to order this from after thinking about it all morning and it's vanished. They were showing 138 steelbooks on the site this morning and now it's down to 100
i've just tried to order this from after thinking about it all morning and it's vanished. They were showing 138 steelbooks on the site this morning and now it's down to 100

ive just ordered this 20 mins ago and got a email 20mins later to say they posted , they are still instock mate , try again
I think pipper was referring to the number of steelbook titles Play had listed, which seemed to have dropped since this morning. All looks to be fixed on their site now

I think it's because they've been updating information on many of their listings. All looks in order now though as you say.
it seems like it was just a site update, it all looks normal now and just ordered Braveheart :oohyeah: sorry for the confusion, i was on about the number of titles and not the stock of the dvd itself, it's in the top left of the results pages.