Captain Marvel (4K+2D Blu-ray SteelBook) (Best Buy Exclusive) [Canada]


Super Moderator
Premium Supporter
May 3, 2011
Release date: June 11, 2019
Purchase link: Best
Price: CDN $44.99

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Nan… must be the j-card.
Pet slip on Canadian steels are really rare… like Deadpool2...
agree, but that speckle design overlaying art and goose would look good if only on the plastic slip as opposed to the steel.
Thanks for the tag, but odd I'm not getting notifications when I am tagged anymore. Same happened with Shazam! ... Any suggestions?


PS: PRE-ORDERED, of course :naughty:

Yes it was pointed out that both @Drum18 and me tagged more than 8 people which is the maximum. More than 8 tags in one post then nobody is tagged.

Glad to see you got your pre-order in though. :thumbs:
Yes it was pointed out that both @Drum18 and me tagged more than 8 people which is the maximum. More than 8 tags in one post then nobody is tagged.

Glad to see you got your pre-order in though. :thumbs:

Wasn't the tag limit removed a while back @apsmith21?

Sorry @Noodles, tag limit is still in effect for most members.

Staff and mods get a pass on that though.

And first 8 or whatever will get an alerts, folks after that wouldn't.

All good guys! I just thought I may had inadvertently turned some setting off here that prevented me from getting notifications from tags.

On another note, that steelbook image definitely lends itself to a slipcover the way the design is. Could be wrong, but if you look at the recent Captain America ones, they have an edge at the top towards the spine indicating it's a simple jcard whereas wiht Captain Marvel, there is no edge.

All of the new Disney/Marvel 4K SteelBooks have disappeared from Best Buy Canada's website including this one.
This one wasn't even sold out.