Conan The Barbarian (2011) (3D + 2D Blu-ray SteelBook) [France]

Aug 25, 2011
Hong Kong
Release date: December 17, 2011
Purchase link: Amazon FR
Price: €15.52

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Maybe I got some of Biscuit's luck but on both occasions, my orders were shipped with the steelbooks. And I have not yet heard of anyone getting an amaray for this title from, which could mean that this combo 3D title is only available on steelbook, maybe?
Just watched this movie over the weekend....not bad. Not great, but not bad. Worth a pick up of this steel i think....have to pick it up with my next order.
"Prix vert" price is still 29,99€ for limited time:

Those who are selling it more expensive are making money.
BUT, as it's now going to be harder and harder to source, I can understand the price would be more reflecting the collector value.
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Reminder to members, keep trading posts to the trading forum.

If you're looking for a title like this - you should do one of the following:

1) Post your wants in the looking for a steelbook thread sticky in the trading forum.

2) Post your wants in your trade thread.
3) PM a french member that has an active trade thread in the trading forum.

Any questions, please PM me.
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