[CONCLUDED] Naughtius Maximus's clearout (Giveaway) PART V

Naughtius Maximus

Premium Supporter
Oct 30, 2011

Morning/Afternoon/Evening all Ninjas,

I've got some more steels to give-away, so I thought I'd offer you guys the chance to take these off my hands for FREE!!!

Here are the Play.com films up for grabs (from Left to Right):


1) Incredible Hulk
2) Pitch Black
3) A-Team
4) The Untouchables
5) War of the Worlds
6) Battle Royale
7) Transformers
8) Watchmen (tear on front, mint)
9) Hellboy II
10) Kick-Ass (open/mint)

All you have to do is:

A) State which films you'd like to win!
B) State the FUNNIEST film you've ever seen - with a quote from it :)

There is no limit to how many you want to go in for... the winner(s) is/are responsible for any costs involved inc shipping and so on.

Thats it! Entries will close Sunday 20th January @ midnight (UK time!). The winner(s) will be picked at random...and announced on Monday 21st at 20:00BST. :oohyeah:
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Ones I'm interested in
The Untouchables
kick-Ass (open/mint)

Old school!

Mitch: I've had a hell of a day and even worse week. And all I want to do is get some f*cking sleep.
Beanie: Whoa. Whoa. Why the F-ing? Why in front of the kid? All ya gotta do is say "earmuffs" to him, and you can say "****, ****, *****."
Frank: Cock. Balls.
Beanie: I'm just trying to make a point, Frank. You don't have to celebrate it..

Thanks for the give away!
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I'll be happy if I can win any of those :)
so answer for A:

1) Incredible Hulk
2) Pitch Black
3) A-Team
4) The Untouchables
5) War of the Worlds
6) Battle Royale
7) Transformers
8) Watchmen
9) Hellboy II
10) Kick-Ass

The funniest film I watched recently was Pitch Perfect (I own it on blu-ray), so my favorite quote from the movie:
Fat Amy: You guys are gonna get pitch-slapped so hard, your man boobs are gonna concave.

Thanks for the give-away.
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I would like Pitch Black, Watchmen, Battle Royal, Kick-Ass, and Hellboy 2.

My favorite comedy is Dirty Work.

Dr. Farthing: I know there's really nobody to blame for this but myself, well, I don't know, maybe the Buffalo Bills, the Boston Red Sox, or Mr. T or, or the Jets...
Mitch: Wait a minute, Mr T.? Are you telling me that you bet on the fight in Rocky III, and that you bet against Rocky?
Dr. Farthing: Hindsight is twenty-twenty, my friend.
I would love Kick-Ass or War of the Worlds or Battle Royale

Superbad is my favorite funniest movie of all time.
Guys sorry for my sick and depraved sense of humor but here are the quotes,

Becca: Your cock is so smooth!
Evan: Your's would be too... if you were a man.


Seth: You know when you hear girls say 'Ah man, I was so ****-faced last night, I shouldn't have ****ed that guy?' We could be that mistake!

[fantasizing about how he'll get liquor]
Seth: You dropped your purse, ma'am. Would you like me to help you with your groceries?
Old Lady: Well that would be lovely young man. Would you like me to buy you alcohol?
Seth: That would be lovely!
[at the cash register, after buying alcohol]
Seth: Enjoy your remaining years!
Old Lady: I will! Enjoy ****ing Jules!
Seth: I WILL!

Seth: [imitating Becca] Oh Evan, thank you for bringing that lube for my *****. I never would've been able to handle your four inch dick inside my ***** without that gigantic bottle of lube.

Quote#5 My Favorite quote of the whole movie.
Jules: You scratch our backs, we'll scratch yours.
Seth: Well Jules, the funny thing about my back is that it's located on my cock.
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Maybe I'll get lucky again! Might as well go for all the one's I don't have.

2) Pitch Black
3) A-Team
4) The Untouchables
5) War of the Worlds
6) Battle Royale
7) Transformers
10) Kick-Ass (open/mint)

I love the dark comedies and can never get enough of Heathers
"I love my dead gay son".
Nice give away Maximus, I'd love to get:
- Transformers
- Watchmen
- Battle Royal

For me right now is Ted, still laughing my ass off even watched it a couple of times.

JOHN: Lemme ask you something... you don't think she's gonna be expecting something... big, do you?

TED: (beat) What, like anal?
a) Hellboy II because I don't have it

b) Superbad.
At the time I saw it I had no idea what it was about and I went in blind...
5mins into the film I thought I was gonna piss my pants!

Jonah Hill as Seth: I'm over here in my unit, isolated and alone, eating my terrible tasting food, and I have to look over at that. That looks like the most fun I've ever seen in my entire life, and it's B.S. - excuse my language. I'm just saying that I wash and dry; I'm like a single mother. Look, we all know home-ec is a joke - no offense - it's just that everyone takes this class to get an A, and it's bullshit - and I'm sorry. I'm not putting down your profession, but it's just the way I feel. I don't want to sit here, all by myself, cooking this ****** food - no offense - and I just think that I don't need to cook tiramisu. Am I going to be a chef? No. There's three weeks left of school, give me a ****in' break! I'm sorry for cursing.
Incredible Hulk
The Untouchables
Watchmen (tear on front, mint)
Kick-Ass (open/mint)

The Hangover Part II (2011)

Alan: I'm going to miss you monkey. I wish monkeys could Skype. Maybe one day.
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Funniest movie Kung Pow: Enter the Fist

Wimp Lo: I see the way you look at him. I'm a man, too, you know? I go pee pee standing up.
6) Battle Royale
10) Kick-Ass (open/mint)

funniest film........got to go for The Pink Panther Strikes Again.....

Clouseau: Does your dog bite?
Hotel Clerk: No.
Clouseau: [bowing down to pet the dog] Nice doggie.
[Dog barks and bites Clouseau in the hand]
Clouseau: I thought you said your dog did not bite!
Hotel Clerk: That is not my dog.


pure genius
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the Watchmen

The Good, the bad and the ugly

Tuco: God's on our side because he hates the yanks too!
Blondie: God's not on our side because he hates idiots also.
Thanks for yet another great contest Mate.

Incredible Hulk
Pitch Black
The Untouchables
War of the Worlds
Battle Royale
Watchmen (tear on front, mint)
Hellboy II

My Favorite Comedy is Very Bad Things, I think it funnier than The Hangover

My quote from the movie:

If you take away the horror of the scene, take away the tragedy of the death, take away all the moral and ethical implications that have been drilled into your head since grade one, do you know what you're left with? A 105-pound problem that needs to be moved from point A to point B.
Thanks for the contest.

1) Incredible Hulk
2) Pitch Black
3) A-Team
4) The Untouchables
9) Hellboy II

40 Year Old Virgin

Andy: You know how when you grab a woman's breast... it feels like... a bag of sand.
hey there - thanks for the comp, great idea!

The Untouchables
Watchmen (tear on front, mint)
Battle Royale
War of the Worlds
Pitch Black
Incredible Hulk

mine - has to be Life of Brian. Cried my way through it somehow, but this scene nearly killed me:

Pontius Pilate: So, yaw fatha was a Woman? Who was he?
Brian: He was a Centurion, in the Jerusalem Garrisons.
Pontius Pilate: Weally? What was his name?
Brian: 'Naughtius Maximus'.
[the Centurion laughs]
Pontius Pilate: Centuwion, do we have anyone of that name in the gawwison?
Centurion: Well, no, sir.
Pontius Pilate: Well, you sound vewy sure. Have you checked?
Centurion: Well, no, sir. Umm, I think it's a joke, sir... like, uh, 'Sillius Soddus' or... 'Biggus Dickus', sir.
Pontius Pilate: [guard chuckles] What's so funny about "Biggus Dickus? "
Centurion: Well, it's a joke name, sir.
Pontius Pilate: I have a vewy gweat fwiend in Wome called 'Biggus Dickus'.
[guard chuckles]
Pontius Pilate: Silence! What is all this insolence? You will find yourself in gladiator school vewy quickly with wotten behaviour like that.
Brian: Can I go now, sir?
Brian: Aaah! Eh.
Pontius Pilate: Wait till Biggus Dickus hears of this!
[guard chuckles]
Pontius Pilate: Wight! Take him away!
Centurion: Oh, sir, he - he only...
Pontius Pilate: No, no. I want him fighting wabid, wild animals within a week.
Centurion: Yes, sir. Come on, you.
[takes the guard away as continues laughing histerically]
Pontius Pilate: I will not have my fwiends widiculed by the common soldiewy. - - Anybody else feel like a little... giggle... when I mention my fwiend... Biggus...
[another guard chuckles]
Pontius Pilate: ... Dickus?
[more chuckling]
Pontius Pilate: What about you? Do you find it... wisible... when I say the name... 'Biggus'...
Pontius Pilate: ... Dickus?
[both guards chuckle]
Pontius Pilate: He has a wife, you know. You know what she's called? She's called... 'Incontinentia'... Incontinentia Buttocks
Pontius Pilate: [Guards are laughing] Stop! What is all this?
Pontius Pilate: [laughing continues] I've had enough of this wowdy webel sniggewing behaviour. Silence! Call yourselves Pwaetowian guards? You're not - Seize him! Seize him! Blow your noses and seize him!
The Untouchables please! Thanks for the giveaway!


“I'm a mog - half man, half dog. I'm my own best friend.” -Barf (John Candy)
Transformers coz I have most of the others,
I. Hulk coz I have all the other Avengers SBs,
WOTW coz I didn't order it and it's spielberg!

Dumb and Dumber:
"Want to hear the most annoying sound in the world?"

---------- Post added at 02:45 AM ---------- Previous post was at 02:44 AM ----------

Also Battle Royale please as I haven't seen it and i heard it's good ;)
Awesome giveaway!!! :scat:

A) A-Team , The Untouchables, War of the Worlds, Battle Royale
B) Coming to America (Un Prince à New York), and I have to give the quote in French since it's just too good!!! :hilarious:
Akeem : "Bonjour mes voisins !"
Voisin : "Hey oh, va chier !"
Akeem : "Oui merci ! Vas chier aussi ! Oui merci ! Vas chier aussi !"

Starting at 0:18 (in original English)
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