Criterion Price Drop & Sales/last purchased thread @ hidefninja

my last purchases. waiting for the next sale...

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Swung by Costco again and they had more Criterions for sale:

Seven Samurai
On the Waterfront
Blow Out
Frances Ha

All for $19.99.

Picked up Seven Samurai & Traffic.
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I got a great deal on the Zatoichi box set a while back as well and couldn't resist. It is probably the most beautiful thing on my shelves. Now it's time to wait for the next B&N sale...
Just ordered Fantastic Mr Fox from BIOH, but am saving up for a few more titles in the next B&N sale. Definitely Persona, Life and Death of Colonel Blimp and Y Tu Mama Tambien. Maybe The Lady Vanishes and the Pierre Etaix boxset.