Dredd (3D+2D Blu-ray SteelBook) (FilmArena Collection #50) [Czech Republic]


Premium Supporter
Jun 30, 2014
Alexandria Safe-Zone
Release date: October 28, 2016 (Standard) - November 28, 2016 (FAC)
Purchase links: Standard - FAC Edition #1 - FAC Edition #2 - FAC Edition #3 - FAC Edition #4
Price: 799 CZK (Standard) 899 CZK (Edition 1) - 1,099 CZK (Edition 2) - 2,199 CZK (Edition 3) - 899 CZK (Edition 4)
Notes: E1 1001 copies - E2 751 copies - E3 HardBox (E1+E2) 701 copies
HDN Group buys: E1 Edition only - E2 Edition only - E3 Edition - Hardbox - E4 Edition - E5 Edition (Scanavo Case)

Full Slip Scanavo Case release thread HERE

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Sometimes we get warnings, sometimes we don't. I've missed a few GB's, I don't begrudge those that managed to secure copies though. Don't think there has ever been a Filmarena GB with a set go live time. Once art has been announced it usually only a day or so before the GB appears. Yeah it is a case of just waiting and enjoying the forums. [emoji4]

Yes Filmarena ship worldwide if you order direct.

Thanks, I'll just order directly when it goes live
Should of joined the group buy earlier. Wanting everyone else to have 1 instead of 2 cause u were late to join the group buy seems pretty unfair don't u think....

...I tell you a true story : you remeber the hype etc with Steel Archives very limited relase of Spring ? I asked a friend in this forum to try to get me a copy as I was trying myself too. because I saw that possibility of both getting a copy was minimal.

but we both got one !

what did I do. I let go of that another copy. he either cancelled it or kept for himself.

did not come in to my mind at anytime making money out of it. or having double around because they look so awesome.
actually I do not think so.

thinking it's ok for me to have more and some none is pretty selfish to me. and I tend to think that way life in general. not just in steel collecting.

and more. being in GB IN TIME (I posted my want for 1, when GB was open - I WAS NOT LATE !) and still not have one, so some can get 2 is IMO wrong.

HDN exclusive limit for GB 299 copies

if you post in the group buy after 299 copies have been allocated to people you will not get one. you just gotta accept it and move on. we have all missed group buys.
HDN exclusive limit for GB 299 copies

if you post in the group buy after 299 copies have been allocated to people you will not get one. you just gotta accept it and move on. we have all missed group buys.

yep. my world won't end if I dont get one.

my point was it's not fair IMO others to get more than one and because of that some get none.

your post IMO stated that IS fair. that is the question here. not missing out in GB.
HDN exclusive limit for GB 299 copies

if you post in the group buy after 299 copies have been allocated to people you will not get one. you just gotta accept it and move on. we have all missed group buys.

and more. if there were no limit in GB would you be okay one person getting 299 copies and you none ?

did not think so !
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Requesting 2 copies would, I assume, be for the following reasons....
1. To open 1 copy and keep one sealed (really don't understand that, personally)
2. To pass on the second copy to friends or family,
3. To sell on the second copy for profit.

All of the above reasons do, whether people want to hear it or not, contribute toward members missing out on group buys. Yes, I was late requesting a copy as I was tagged by @Actarus late thursday and missed it (much appreciated, by the way @Actarus!!), however, if each member had requested just the 1 copy, I, and others here, would have been able to get in before the 299 limit was hit.

No doubt my comments will ruffle a few feathers, But I'm a big boy, so I can take it!!
All this, and it's still likely you'll be able to order 3 copies direct from FA. [emoji2][emoji106]
I missed the T1 GB. Ordered 1 from FA. Cost a little more on postage but hey ho.
Failing that, there are actually some reasonable sellers on eBay. All is not lost. [emoji106]
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All this, and it's still likely you'll be able to order 3 copies direct from FA. [emoji2][emoji106]
I missed the T1 GB. Ordered 1 from FA. Cost a little more on postage but hey ho.
Failing that, there are actually some reasonable sellers on eBay. All is not lost. [emoji106]
ebay will be my option if I have missed out here. Don't mind paying a little more, if need be......
Reminder Karel has posted this in the Group Buy and in some of his other Group Buys
Karel's conditions on requesting a copy in his group buy

He lists this rule
I am sourcing these for collectors and not for someone to make profit from it so I hope I wont see any of these end up on EBAY otherwise I will be banning you from all my current and future group buys. THIS IS FOR TRUE COLLECTORS ONLY!

So if a member requests a copy in his group buy and breaks his conditions you might find your copy not getting sent to you and also not allowed to request a release with future group buys
Do we have to go through this same complaint with every GB? It's tiresome.

I'm sorry too for boring you.

Tho IMO this is what this forum is about about. Steels, GBs, missing one, getting one, and what ever the result : commenting it.

...and FYI : I do not mind missing one, but do like to comment if people get multiple and some none. and being in time in GB.

...and note again : I do not know if I missed this. so one could say I'm commenting on behalf of those who did miss this. I feel for them. but not those getting more that one !

but I guess you're fast asleep by now because of commenting on this tread.
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Finally :

sorry for OT and thanks for mods for taking it.
hope @carllenc @Collector03601 read this thread carefully.

Now : I'll wait GB hosts to comeback and have their say.

And : what ever is the outcome : I'll love this site and it's users !

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Reminder Karel has posted this in the Group Buy and in some of his other Group Buys
Karel's conditions on requesting a copy in his group buy

He lists this rule
I am sourcing these for collectors and not for someone to make profit from it so I hope I wont see any of these end up on EBAY otherwise I will be banning you from all my current and future group buys. THIS IS FOR TRUE COLLECTORS ONLY!

So if a member requests a copy in his group buy and breaks his conditions you might find your copy not getting sent to you and also not allowed to request a release with future group buys



My Dracula Untold was from ebay and NOT ANYONE ON THIS FORUM OR Karels GB .

People other than here buy , sell trade on ebay obtaining thire own copyes to do with what thay will.
Reminder Karel has posted this in the Group Buy and in some of his other Group Buys
Karel's conditions on requesting a copy in his group buy

He lists this rule
I am sourcing these for collectors and not for someone to make profit from it so I hope I wont see any of these end up on EBAY otherwise I will be banning you from all my current and future group buys. THIS IS FOR TRUE COLLECTORS ONLY!

So if a member requests a copy in his group buy and breaks his conditions you might find your copy not getting sent to you and also not allowed to request a release with future group buys

Well Paul, as you and I and lots of others know, and many, including Mods, have complained openly and to Karel etc, many of those buying multiple copies are selling on at a profit, yet nothing has been done about it so far.

I and a number of others have suggested that ALL gbs be made one copy per member until 3 to 5 days before the end of the GB in order to level out the playing field somewhat.

We wait with baited breath . . . .