Dredd (3D+2D Blu-ray SteelBook) (FilmArena Collection #50) [Czech Republic]


Premium Supporter
Jun 30, 2014
Alexandria Safe-Zone
Release date: October 28, 2016 (Standard) - November 28, 2016 (FAC)
Purchase links: Standard - FAC Edition #1 - FAC Edition #2 - FAC Edition #3 - FAC Edition #4
Price: 799 CZK (Standard) 899 CZK (Edition 1) - 1,099 CZK (Edition 2) - 2,199 CZK (Edition 3) - 899 CZK (Edition 4)
Notes: E1 1001 copies - E2 751 copies - E3 HardBox (E1+E2) 701 copies
HDN Group buys: E1 Edition only - E2 Edition only - E3 Edition - Hardbox - E4 Edition - E5 Edition (Scanavo Case)

Full Slip Scanavo Case release thread HERE

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Well Paul, as you and I and lots of others know, and many, including Mods, have complained openly and to Karel etc, many of those buying multiple copies are selling on at a profit, yet nothing has been done about it so far.

I and a number of others have suggested that ALL gbs be made one copy per member until 3 to 5 days before the end of the GB in order to level out the playing field somewhat.

We wait with baited breath . . . .

I fully support this and am actually amazed this hasn't happened yet.

And I say this in the most constructive way possible, since what Karel offers is beyond awesome. But there have been several titles that sold out extremely quickly where some people got two copies. The demand is there where the GB would fill up without multiple copies. That alone should suggest limiting quantity. Take Dredd. It sold out in about 12 hours. There was no advance notice (I know there never is for Film Arena GBs, but it shows people don't get to plan ahead). Hell, I was asleep most of the those hours. I may have gotten a copy, but I can see how difficult it would be unless you are on here 24/7, having people tag you constantly, or just gotten lucky. As a community, we should help those that don't fit in the above categories. And there's an easy way to do it. Not everyone will make every group buy, but I do think the current system would have an easy tweak to help a lot more people with pretty much no harm to anyone.
Reminder Karel has posted this in the Group Buy and in some of his other Group Buys
Karel's conditions on requesting a copy in his group buy

He lists this rule
I am sourcing these for collectors and not for someone to make profit from it so I hope I wont see any of these end up on EBAY otherwise I will be banning you from all my current and future group buys. THIS IS FOR TRUE COLLECTORS ONLY!

So if a member requests a copy in his group buy and breaks his conditions you might find your copy not getting sent to you and also not allowed to request a release with future group buys

doesn't seem logic to me

people who join the GB are allowed to order 2 copies but they are not allowed to sell their second copy on ebay ...

if you somehow want to prevent that copies end up on ebay it seems more logic to me that you can only request one copy in the GB
Well Paul, as you and I and lots of others know, and many, including Mods, have complained openly and to Karel etc, many of those buying multiple copies are selling on at a profit, yet nothing has been done about it so far.

I and a number of others have suggested that ALL gbs be made one copy per member until 3 to 5 days before the end of the GB in order to level out the playing field somewhat.

We wait with baited breath . . . .

General note folks-The group buy leader can attempt to limit how many copies can purchase-but as has always been the case, some folks will still find all kinds of creative ways to skirt rules including making up nonsensical names to buy extra copies, make up bogus accounts, etc-it's happened for years and not just for GB's on our site. 1-2 copies is more than reasonable as some OCD collectors do not open and people wish to trade. Not everyone requesting 2 copies is a scalper. If you missed out that is unfortunate, but group buy leaders volunteer their time and rely on an honor system. No one has time to police every person signing up for group buys, realistically. Where there is a will there is a way, and all group buy leaders have the right to blacklist folks that don't follow rules that they specify-and they have done so. Remember, all group buy leaders of this magnitude are doing 100's of manual transactions to get these orders sorted, including messages, manually creating shipping labels, all of the questions via pms lol-no small task.

Bulk buyers, Ebayers and offline sellers/transactions will always exist-been part of every single limited collectibles hobby for decades.

Missing the boat on group buys(as on other things in life) just happens. You can always try to order direct. Thanks for your understanding for Karel and all of our group buy leaders who do all of this work to help other fans obtain copies-hats off to you for helping at all:thumbs:

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Not sure if I've secured a copy for dredd I'm post 241 which means I've gone over the number limit which was 299 but oh well will wait and see...
Well Paul, as you and I and lots of others know, and many, including Mods, have complained openly and to Karel etc, many of those buying multiple copies are selling on at a profit, yet nothing has been done about it so far.

I and a number of others have suggested that ALL gbs be made one copy per member until 3 to 5 days before the end of the GB in order to level out the playing field somewhat.

We wait with baited breath . . . .
Some buy 2 copies, 1 to keep sealed 1 to open, be thankful it isn't 3-4 copies its hard to tell who is ordering to sell on the secondary market, if you see someone who sells these on ebay you can always PM the GB Host like @carllenc / @Collector03601 if you smell something fishy, let them decide the outcome Karel can always "Terminate" the seller from all of his GBs :p
I guess it's swings and roundabouts, popular titles will sell out quick, some will not, but I'm guessing Karel needs to sell as many as he can to make sure he gets his allocation going forward. After all its his GB and his rules and he needs to fill the GB's up.

We know the score and there are ways and means to get on a gb. However I do understand why people would want the limit to be 1, as it will probably be fairer.

I'm pretty sure there are people profiting from Karel.
...Take Dredd. It sold out in about 12 hours. There was no advance notice...

Karel always states that GB will open soon a few days before it actually does, here is the post he gave notice Tuesday and it Opened Thursday.

Thanks @digitalbabe for your Post ! No one I am sure fully understand the amount of work it takes to get a group Buy running from start to finish with all the logistic involved which is extremely time consuming. For the last month Karel has been sleeping about 2 hours per night to complete 2 Group Buys offered (Whiplash and Kingsman), he has to work Full Time on top of that, so asking him to add a work load to his Group Buys I think if you have any compassion will agree that he is doing as best as he can.
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Hey everyone

Since there is a really high demand on this one Karel managed to get more copies for this group buy.

Dont know yet how many but there will be more thats for sure. That way more members will get a chance to get their desired copies.

Thank you all for the kind comments on our work - very nice to have a support like that.

Hey everyone

Since there is a really high demand on this one Karel managed to get more copies for this group buy.

Dont know yet how many but there will be more thats for sure. That way more members will get a chance to get their desired copies.

Thank you all for the kind comments on our work - very nice to have a support like that.


That's awesome news. Thanks for the great work you and Karel do.
No idea what you mean? Did you click on the group buy link?

oopss my bad, mistaken this one for Birdman that is limited to xx9 copies :wacky: didn't realize that Karel is on vacation, thought he didn't close the GB because there were more copies allocated, sorry :sorry:
Not to quote anyone specifically but to give few of you answers to comments posted in this thread:

Believe me there are things being done about traders and scalpers. Members have been contacted, asked to take down their listings and blacklisted as well. Mods are helping us monitor members but if they have fake accounts etc. its very hard to track them down unless they directly show a picture of item from Karels group buy (where the numbering sticker can be seen). There are members getting copies from his GB for their collection and getting extra stuff to re-sell from FilmArena directly - I know its not fair but since they are not selling Karels copies they are following his rule so we cant do anything about that.

Usually its very hard to police all members in Karels group buys, simply because its just us two guys and we have to prioritize as we are constantly receiving messages, combining requests, payment queries, questions about shipping members copies etc. And now with the scope of all the group buys we have only little time and energy left to do something else.

That suggestion about limiting copies and changing it before the GB closes is not bad but it would be time consuming to monitor it and it would result in much more orders - that means more time, more physical work, more shipping etc etc etc. - Karel would have to have an extra person to handle all packing, labeling, checking copies etc. And he doesnt have anyone like that so its impossible to be even thinking about a change like that. I always appreciate everyones ideas and always forward it to him to discuss it but believe me when I say we usually dont even get five minutes to discuss these things as we have waves of messages incoming daily.

With all the opened GBs and with more FAC releases coming our way we are both getting very close to the edge of our own possiblities and with not much time left we just keep things the way they are set right now. Any big change would mean delays in all our activities - which will make a lot of members unhappy and complaining. So I guess the only option we have left for now is to just carry on the same way and try to make members happy with how we do it now.

Thanks to all mods, our friends and other ninjas for your help and support!
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