Fight Club (Blu-ray SteelBook) (Manta Lab Exclusive No. 6) [Hong Kong]


Premium Supporter
Sep 20, 2015
Release date: March 30, 2018
Purchase links: Full Slip - Single Lenti - Double Lenti - One Click (Pre-order February 16 at 8 PM HKT, UTC+8) - Check your local timing HERE
Prices: $38.99 (Full slip - Single Lenti) - $39.99 (Double Lenti) - $132.97 (One Click)
Group buys: hosted by Aniv - One Click - Double Lenti - Full Slip - Single Lenti

Fight Club.jpg

[ME#6] Fight Club Steelbook reveal.
Took long time and some difficulties but we are super happy to reveal this artwork. Enjoy!
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Regarding the steelbook this one certainly KOs the opposition and for fans of the film this has got to be a definite want.

That floppy rubber slipcase is an interesting idea ... looks great with the high relief title on the front and the impressed text on the back and spine

Pics courtesy eBay ... although half expected it to be photograph in proximity to a bath





Not really my type of film so only got the UK steelbook and futurepak ... but now this chicken has come home to roost ... time to look at the others in the coop.

Pics from around and about:-

Germany (2008)

UK, Japan etc. (2012)

US steelbook (2016) vs. UK futurepak (2014)


"After the Lord Mayor's show comes the dust-cart" ... although to be serious looks like a v. nice shiny metallic steelbook + it's got inside art unlike the original from Germany.
France etc. (2017)

Manta Lab (2018)




Not sure I understand the thinking behind these premium retailers in not going for embossing of the artwork on their WEA steelbooks ... something done really successfully on loads of "off-the-shelf" steelbooks ...
Seems to me that embossing of just the title is a bit of a missed opportunity ... Brad Pitt could've been embossed here thus giving a more tactile aspect ... title could've been de-bossed or at the same level as the embossed artwork.
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I saw it was delivered today. Immediately called home to verify and yeah!!! :LOL:
Now I have to wait a couple of days beforeI’m home again and I can unpack it :emb:

Awesome sauce! What happened to the customs on the other one?
^^ I understand your trepidation @virkia but I think Manta was a bit nervous about this release and not altogether sure how much coin to sink in to it.
As I understand from some forum reads, they almost cancelled completely because they were hearing "cult film", "niche market", "NA interest only" etc...
So the fact they went ahead to the level they did I think was a bold move and since they sold out, one I think they are quite pleased with.
I'm hoping they continue to take bold moves because remember, the NA and Europe market are but a fraction of their base, though possibly the most rabid collectors...;)
^^ I understand your trepidation @virkia but I think Manta was a bit nervous about this release and not altogether sure how much coin to sink in to it.
As I understand from some forum reads, they almost cancelled completely because they were hearing "cult film", "niche market", "NA interest only" etc...
So the fact they went ahead to the level they did I think was a bold move and since they sold out, one I think they are quite pleased with.
I'm hoping they continue to take bold moves because remember, the NA and Europe market are but a fraction of their base, though possibly the most rabid collectors...;)

I wouldn't know about any of the internal politics at ML but seems to me that the success of this release will persuade them to create other equally good WEA designs for the type of film that they were not hitherto associated with.

Anyway, a couple of pics - courtesy IlandNo - of what I'm guessing is the least popular of the 3 slipcase choices ... if only because the artwork designs on the other two are better (imo):-

Back view:-


Speaking of. Anyone hear about the high school fight club in waterbury, ct run by a substitute teacher?

Look it up. Pretty crazy. My wife’s mom works at the middle school in that town.
Balls...., Had the DL in my cart but didn't pre log in to paypal as this was my first purchase there I didn't know they accepted it.

Went to pay and it was sold out.

Then went for the OC and that sold out in the same way :sick:

Oh well, live and learn. I'll know for next time.