Completed Game Of Thrones (Season 8) [HBO]


Steelbook Viking
Premium Supporter
Jan 3, 2011

Seen the first 5 episodes now and must admit it is growing on me. The characters and character development is really great. Not that much action so far but I have a feeling that will change.

Anyone have some views on this series? :scat:



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He's back, you knew he would be back, but he's back, can't wait to see ramsay's face if he storms the wall.

Still shipping John and daenerys for a nice courtship

Also do we really care about the Greyjoys at this point. I know the whole book story arc, but it just feels like their time is past
oh and no daenerys this week is meh. I would rather they go with the books and spend like 20 minutes each episode on one story arc and only cover 3 arcs per week
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@Noodles I know right! :woot:

This was me as soon as the episode ended! :D
Haha same dude... I knew it was coming (as I think we all did), but it wasn't any less awesome!

Be careful what you wish for.
Will he be the same man? He might worship the Lord of Light and start burning royal bloods.
This is what I've been saying too... I don't think he'll be the same Jon Snow.
Haha same dude... I knew it was coming (as I think we all did), but it wasn't any less awesome!
I thought
he'll open his eyes and it will be all blue. Then cut to closing credit.
This is what I've been saying too... I don't think he'll be the same Jon Snow.
He might be
as cruel and bloodthirsty as Ramsey. The genius of GOT is you'll like or feel sorry for a character that you once hate and vice versa.
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I have been saying it since Season 5 that Jon Snow will be back, everyone in my work place kept saying "but he is dead" to which I always replied "his body is still intact, he just bled a world of Dragons, Magic and Snow're telling me that dead...means dead"
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a lot has happend in the beginning of the season, still fell underwhelming. IMO. maybe they try too much...note : not read the books.
finally some movement, lots going on

disappointed they did not show harranhal this episode
tommen about to become a belieber
anyone else think that was not rickon or his direwolf

needs moar dragons
i found the young ned terrible. Am i the only one?
@mllNY right girl, but thats not rickon or they replace the Actor. Direwolf Head seems a little bit small for a direwolf in my opinion

Beste Scene was when Tormunds makes a dick joke :D
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finally some movement, lots going on

disappointed they did not show harranhal this episode
tommen about to become a belieber
anyone else think that was not rickon or his direwolf

needs moar dragons

i found the young ned terrible. Am i the only one?
@mllNY right girl, but thats not rickon or they replace the Actor. Direwolf Head seems a little bit small for a direwolf in my opinion

Beste Scene was when Tormunds makes a dick joke :D
Art Parkinson (Rickon), he just grew up.

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