GB in Germany

Me and Brenda are on the last episode of The Pacific ... wowzers! Hanks and Spielberg have outdone themselves again. Totally awesome, realistic, and thus very sad.
Moved thread to "Travel" section, perhaps our German members might be able to share some tips etc. as well.
Hey GB , glad to hear your coming to Germany for a short stay. I have read most of your threads (but not all since i am lazy on reading) , anyway the way it sounds is your not coming around the Frankfurt area , or are you. You mentioned the Rhein trip , im assuming that is the one with the boat and fire stuff?!

Anyway taking a car would be the best way to go since we are having somewhat of a trouble with our train system due to the winter weather, although it has cleared up some - had some good positive temperatures the last few days. For sightseeing within the city i would prefer the trolly , it usually takes you just about everywhere and come mostly within a 10 min. time radius.

If your thinking about coming to Frankfurt , i could pick you and whoever you have with you and we could go for a small trip , showing you stuff like the Dome and the Römerplatz which is a very nice thing to see.

Like the Mod mentioned , just about every main city has nice things to see , so just try to get around as much as you can. Since the US Forces has built down there troops over the years , alot of the Military (ehmahlig) Institues are closed and the Americans are "numbered" :D

Also do watch yourself on that German Beer, IT WILL KNOCK you off your socks. Its a lot more potent then the American Beer (piss beer , we call it). Although i dont drink myself , if i do then only Armeretto , I have seen many Americans (in my Service time) try to master the german beer. The best is the dark beer, if your a beer drinker you will love it. Also the food here is great, dont go to McDonalds while your here , and if you do just remember a Cheeseburger here wont fill you up , and it does taste different then an American Hamburger at McDonalds in the states.

Take care John
Nice. thanks for the info. We're not planning on going anytime soon tho. We're looking at August 2012. Hopefully snow won't be a problem then, haha. We are hoping to do most of Germany and maybe even some of Switzerland. Frankfurt may even be the city we fly into. Would love to meet up with you and get your tour. Unfortunately it would probably be a weekday tho.

I shouldn't have a problem with the beer since I am Canadian and typically our beer is much stronger than the american stuff. I'm also accustomed to microbrew which is even more potent. I'm sure I'lkl be fine and can't wait to partake in your "water of the gods".

Thanks for the tip on McDonalds, we will stay clear.
I can't argue with you at all. The beer in Germany is great! When we got there, one of the guys from the unit we were covering for brought us 6 or 8 cases of beer ranging in styles. I drank several of the Dunkel. I'm not sure what brand it was, but it was good.

I'm still trying to figure out why our leaders made us stop at a McDonalds. We have them back home. I guess some of the members of my unit can't pass a McDonalds without stopping.

If you get the time, definately go see the Dome. The architecture is amazing and the history is very interesting.
I got to visit Munich for the first time on a business trip. Great place! I'd definitely try and go back for a more extended vacation. What little I saw / experienced, I love it there.
I am planning another trip to Germany either at the end of this year for Oktoberfest again :p or perhaps first quarter of 2013.

Maybe once I have everything planned I can meet a few of you? Bangberg for some freaking smoked beer!! :D
Have you ever been to Germany GB? I will definately go back someday. I was there for 2 weeks and loved everything about it.
Yes! I have visited Germany with my uncle and his family. This is very good tour of all of us. We visited Berlin which is the capital city of Germany. The places which we visited are:

· Treptower park

· Museum island

· Berlin Television Tower

· Charlottenburg Palace

We enjoyed a lot by visiting the famous places of Berlin.
The one I went to was in Bamberg, Germany. Another thing, a lot of the towns in Germany have a particular style of beer that they are famous for and Bamberg is famous for Rauchbeir, aka smoke beer. The one I had was the Aecht Schlenkerla Marzen Rauchbier. We all called it bacon beer because it tasted like you were drinking bacon. :scat:

Looks like Wacken is up near Denmark. Bamberg is down near Switzerland. They are about 5 to 6 hours apart. There's a ton of great scenery in between.

Didn't you say that you were also going to Switzerland?

This post is so friggin old, but **** - you've been to Bamberg!!!! :woot::woot::woot::woot::woot:
That's about 15 minutes from where i live! :LOL:
So funny seeing you talking about the beer from there, but every word you wrote was true!