Guardians of the Galaxy (3D+2D Blu-ray SteelBook) (Novamedia Collection #4) [Korea]


Premium Supporter
Nov 12, 2012
Release date: December 22, 2014
Purchase links: Full Slip - Lenti Type A - Lenti Type B - One Click (Pre-order on December 4 at 11 PM Korea time)
Price: $49 ($47 as promotional price for 1 day - Individual editions) - $141 (One Click)
Package type:
1) Lenticular A-type 580 coopies (Order limit: 1 copy per order)
2) Lenticular B-type 500 coopies (Order limit: 1 copy per order)
3) Full slip 700 copies (Order limit: 2 copies per order)
4) One click option 200 copies (Order limit: 1 copy per order, Same number from 1 to 200)

Group buy: masterblaster (ROW)
Premium supporters only: Get selected to purchase either lenticular or full slip @ cost here!

- SteelBook itself has worldwide artwork.
- Extras: 2x Poster card, GoG 4x character artcard, pre-order gift as plastic clear slipcase, Novamnm exclusive slips
- Combined Print run: 1.7K

Full slip:
Lenticular Type A :


Lenticular Type B :

Pre-order worldwide times:


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Also, love the fact there's a $2 discount on pre orders and then the price is bumped up to $49 a day later- It won't be around that long!!

Here's hoping the lenticular does the movie justice...

Also, for anyone hoping to pre order this, it might be worthwhile setting up a login account on Novamedia sooner rather than later- I stupidly went for the DoFP (KimchiDVD) lenticular, managed to get onto the site before the product sold out but because I hadn't used KimchiDVD before/had no login details I ultimately missed out on purchasing it.

Would hate for that to happen to anyone else!
Good question @Hooch . Lets see if they will use for the Full slip the IMAX poster and for the Lenticular use a new artwork
i love how everyone said this was a terrible steel, but now it comes with postcards and a lenticular slipcase its all of a sudden amazing.. talk about emperors new clothing...

I guess it just highlights the different types of collectors. Some collectors are happy to pay a premium for a bit of paper and some post cards they will never look at. I can understand someone purchasing this if they enjoyed the film and like the Steelbook artwork and intend to open the package to enjoy it. I imagine most will keep this sealed though so they are effectively paying $50+ for a slipcase since they will never watch the disc, look at the postcards or see the Steelbook itself which I don't really understand. The only thing I find more mystifying is that many will order multiple copies/versions.
This is my favourite movie of the year, so I'll be buying full slip & lenticular and the zavvi version! The zavvi one is to watch, full slip to open for the extras (hopefully a booklet too) & lenticular to keep sealed for the art and maybe to sell in the future. Don't know if anyone is like me but that's why I buy multiple versions!
So it's still the same steelbook that you all hate but because they sell it with some colourful cardboard with a number on it it's now amazing? Is that what I'm reading?
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This is my favourite movie of the year, so I'll be buying full slip & lenticular and the zavvi version! The zavvi one is to watch, full slip to open for the extras (hopefully a booklet too) & lenticular to keep sealed for the art and maybe to sell in the future. Don't know if anyone is like me but that's why I buy multiple versions!
So that's:

One to open and watch
One to open but NOT watch (why have the Zavvi version then?)
One to probably sell

Still makes no sense to me to have 3 copies of the same film with the same steelbook.

So it's still the same steelbook that you all hate but because they sell it with some colourful cardboard with a number on it it's now amazing? Is that what I'm reading?
Psst, because it's a Chinese exclusive, 90% of the forum will now proceed to inexplicably fangirl over it.