Guardians of the Galaxy - Steelbook feedback for Disney

Would you be happy with the GOTG steelbook as currently designed?

  • Yes

    Votes: 126 23.6%
  • NO! Please give us an alternative design Disney & Marvel!

    Votes: 407 76.4%

  • Total voters
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Operations Director
Staff Member
Aug 6, 2010
Attention members!

Please provide us with your feedback, alternate designs and definitely vote in the poll!

I will pass along this thread, along with your constructive feedback about how to improve upon the design that we've already been shown.

As we know, it is up to the studio to provide the final choice of artwork & design, but if this response if OVERWHELMING, we may have a shot to be heard.

Thanks in advance, as always for being members of HDN!

EDIT - To clarify, if our feedback is too late for this run, please keep in mind that this thread CAN be used for a variant steelbook release that could happen in the future! Keep those suggestions coming!
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People will want a Guardians steelbook, partly because of the success of the movie, and partly because they already own Iron Man 1,2 & 3, Captain America 1 & 2, Thor 1 & 2 plus the Avengers steelbooks and want it to add to their collection.

There are collectors (me included) who want a 'complete' collection, were looking forward to the release of this, and have felt a huge sense of disappointment in what we feel is a lacklustre effort.

Sure, we can cancel the pre orders etc, but then there will be a missing gap in the collection. Yes, its petty, but unfortunately that's how it is...

Hit the nail on the head! :thumbs:
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Furthermore to my last comment; Nobody on here is disregarding the fact that unique artwork is a bad idea (which it most definitely isn't) but the HMV exclusives of the first Captain America/Thor films show how to do this right.
I respect the fact there are people on here who like the artwork of the GotG steel, but there are also many, many others who hate the look of it- As has been said before, there was so many alternative designs they could of used if they so wished, this just feels slightly like an anti-climax when we were wishing for something totally different.
The only possible saving grace is the fact that we did eventually see Thor and Captain America steelbooks released using the regular amaray artwork. Sure, they might not of been exclusives in terms of the imagery used, but if we get something similar down the line for GotG then at least we'll have an alternative..
i think people have delusions of grandeur if they actually believe they can get marvel/disney to change the art of an international/worldwide release based on a small number of collectors on one forum. its not going to happen.

this artwork is going to be in every corner of the earth, you cant stop it.
And that's precisely why this thread exists. For those doubters out there, the HDN community has influenced design before, on a country or retailer specific level.

As I mentioned in response to another member, if its too late for a change, then this thread can be used in the future for a variant steelbook of this movie. Its not like Disney is shy about re-releasing titles in steelbook. ;)

I have no doubt in the power of the ninja. :)
Disney should take a cue from comic books, you know those other collectible where all these superheroes were born, and offer variants. Would it really be that hard to do?
And that's precisely why this thread exists. For those doubters out there, the HDN community has influenced design before, on a country or retailer specific level.

As I mentioned in response to another member, if its too late for a change, then this thread can be used in the future for a variant steelbook of this movie. Its not like Disney is shy about re-releasing titles in steelbook. ;)

I have no doubt in the power of the ninja. :)

this site may have had an influence on releases specific to one region, but not an international/worldwide rollout of a single steelbook concept haha be realistic

if you have an influence on a zavvi steelbook, thats only 2000-4000 steelbooks that are affected. but what we are talking about here is tens of thousands of steelbooks in every region of the world. as if a few hundred (or even thousand) steelbook fans from random places in the world saying they dont like the design is going to make a difference. the vast majority will still buy it.

do you really think disney/marvel will view this topic and say ''omg! get on the phone to the factory! get them to halt production of the thousands of steels we have printing! bin them all! the ninjas have spoken!''

as i said, its not going to happen.
People will want a Guardians steelbook, partly because of the success of the movie, and partly because they already own Iron Man 1,2 & 3, Captain America 1 & 2, Thor 1 & 2 plus the Avengers steelbooks and want it to add to their collection.

There are collectors (me included) who want a 'complete' collection, were looking forward to the release of this, and have felt a huge sense of disappointment in what we feel is a lacklustre effort.

Sure, we can cancel the pre orders etc, but then there will be a missing gap in the collection. Yes, its petty, but unfortunately that's how it is...

I agree with you. However despite being a collector of Marvel steels, I am disciplined enough not to buy something I don't like. Buying it kinda puts a stamp of approval on the disliked item. I would rather wait for a future release as most do get a rerelease at some point. Great example is Iron Man. For long, 2 releases dominated the market. Now with a Korean and Chinese versions coming, I'm very excited for the new additions......I advocate PATIENCE
this site may have had an influence on releases specific to one region, but not an international/worldwide rollout of a single steelbook concept haha be realistic

if you have an influence on a zavvi steelbook, thats only 2000-4000 steelbooks that are affected. but what we are talking about here is tens of thousands of steelbooks in every region of the world. as if a few hundred (or even thousand) steelbook fans from random places in the world saying they dont like the design is going to make a difference. the vast majority will still buy it.

do you really think disney/marvel will view this topic and say ''omg! get on the phone to the factory! get them to halt production of the thousands of steels we have printing! bin them all! the ninjas have spoken!''

as i said, its not going to happen.
You have your POV, I have mine. I'm not here to argue the finer points about how to make a retailer / studio listen.

Heck, most of the members here would be happy with a variant they could obtain via group buy.

If this movie taught me anything, its that without hope the galaxy is a cold and dark place. :)
Anything with one of the posters as the art for the steel is fine with me. My design I made some time ago

If this was the final design then I'd keep my pre order but as it stands if it stays as the cassette I'll cancel before they are shipped.
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Disney should take a cue from comic books, you know those other collectible where all these superheroes were born, and offer variants. Would it really be that hard to do?
Great point Dano, up to this point we've only scratched the surface with lenticular slip and full slip variants....we've long said on HDN that some collectors would buy an entire wave like that. More sales = happier studios. What's not to like? :)
I voted no.

The artwork used is an "hommage" to the Peter Quill's backstory yes, but that doesn't make it look nice as a steelbook artwork. They tried something different and bold here and for that I commend them but it doesn't "work" for me. It's just a matter of personal taste.

On that note, I'd love to see the vinyl artwork that @apsmith21 suggested or the custom one that @Noodles did, heck I'd buy both because I loved the movie that much and those happen to be artworks that I like.

I'd also love to see this one from blurpyy that I mentioned months ago here.

Attached herewith for those who don't want to jump into another thread :)

Now that's a bold artwork IMO


Or this one


And this would look great for the back of the steelbook


Vote for change Ninjas! :D
Anything with one of the posters as the art for the steel is fine with me. My design I made some time ago


Like a lot of people on here I think this is one of the best designs I've seen and something along these lines should have been a fore runner.

I think the designers were trying to be a bit too smart with their finished product and it just doesn't work IMO.
The results of the poll on here so far speaks volumes.....
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I like the cassette, but.. with this movie, the steelbook should burst colors and show off its awesome characters. I would LOVE such a steelbook, just like the designs that have been shared in this thread.
Anything with one of the posters as the art for the steel is fine with me. My design I made some time ago


tacozilla that is exactly what we needed something with colour also representive that this film is actually in space.

as people can guess i voted no current steelbook is in no way good enough they took 1 part of the film the walkman because it had a good soundtrack for the film, copied that and made a complete mess of that because i believe had a copyright issue with sony.

as kron posted earlier also when displaying a marvel collection that steel just does not fit/looks extremely odd if you collected 1 steel ever maybe you would be happy but that would be the only occasion ever imho.

i have never been quite so disappionted with disney on this occasion of such a poorly thought and lack luster design and in actual exection e.g. the final product they will produce. i have never had to cancel an order because the art is soo poor and bear in mind is supposed to be major release and premium product at the end of the day.
the orginal art on zavvi at least would have fitted with marvel collection e.g. avengers assemble steel at least.
please disney think on you are supposed to be a global leaders in what you do, i think a five year old could have come up with something better than your current offering.

thankyou apsmith for sticking this thread and taking the lead for the community maybe something good can come out of this debacle so far.

many thanks
basil :thumbs:
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Why Disney/Marvel would approve this grey, dull and lifeless artwork for such a colourful, humourous and fun movie is beyond me! I appreciate the thought that went behind using the cassette motif, but the execution is so boring. All of the other fan renders in this thread are better and more fitting IMO
@Apollon all the designs you posted are epic...IMO And really shows how lacklustre and bad the Walkman art really is next to those......:thumbs:

I also voted no..:muted:
And would also like a complete Marvel lineup. But will not just buy anything that's churned out just to complete my collection. Would rather wait for an alternate version or another option. In this game patience is always the best option...:)
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It's the spine that really gets to me! If a non steelbook collecting friend was round my house and I aksed them to get GOTG out to watch they would never be able to find it! The faces on avengers, CA2 and thor 2 really bugged me but at least they were a little easier to tell what was what.
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