Guardians of the Galaxy - Steelbook feedback for Disney

Would you be happy with the GOTG steelbook as currently designed?

  • Yes

    Votes: 126 23.6%
  • NO! Please give us an alternative design Disney & Marvel!

    Votes: 407 76.4%

  • Total voters
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Operations Director
Staff Member
Aug 6, 2010
Attention members!

Please provide us with your feedback, alternate designs and definitely vote in the poll!

I will pass along this thread, along with your constructive feedback about how to improve upon the design that we've already been shown.

As we know, it is up to the studio to provide the final choice of artwork & design, but if this response if OVERWHELMING, we may have a shot to be heard.

Thanks in advance, as always for being members of HDN!

EDIT - To clarify, if our feedback is too late for this run, please keep in mind that this thread CAN be used for a variant steelbook release that could happen in the future! Keep those suggestions coming!
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I'm sure it wouldn't make one iota of difference, but has anyone contacted Disney regarding the threads on this forum and pointed them towards the amount of disappointed fans??
Although I dare say if anyone has contacted them they wouldn't have heard anything back- I did email them an age back regarding the disgusting treatment of the Avengers Assemble DVD (this being the one devoid of any features bar a 5 minute pointless 'feature')
I pointed out that the US release had an audio commentary on the DVD yet the UK customers didn't see this. And surprise surprise. I got no acknowledgement of my email whatsoever...
(Oh, and this was before I started my steelbook collection off and was still buying DVD's at the time...)
Seeing as the director James Gunn has just tweeted a link to the zavvi Steelbook saying how he thinks it's awesome, there is no chance!
Might be an idea if when posting about NO you note which versions (Zavvi, FS , Amazon etc) you were thinking about , so Disney can Gauge the disapproval by region / retailer.
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Disney and it's distributing team wouldn't have started producing the steelbooks yet seeing as the film isn't released until the end of next month, right??
Can't see them changing their minds on this design, but if they listened to what (the majority) of the consumers purchasing their product wanted in this instance it would be a fantastic move by them.
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Might be an idea if when posting about NO you note which versions (Zavvi, FS , Amazon etc) you were thinking about , so Disney can Gauge the disapproval by region / retailer.
At present, we've only got the confirmed artwork of the tape deck- If Disney keeps up their tradition on releasing Worldwide artwork for their steelbooks here's hoping there's a lot of noise Stateside when this is confirmed as the Best Buy/Future Shop artwork as well...
simply putting a shot of the characters on the front even without the title is an improvement over how it currently stands. The Guardians steelbook doesn't fit in with any other Marvel steelbook and that's what I dislike the most!
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Seeing as the director James Gunn has just tweeted a link to the zavvi Steelbook saying how he thinks it's awesome, there is no chance!

Have you read the comments on his Facebook post from all the people who clearly had never even heard of a steelbook, let alone collect them!?! They don't have a clue what a great steelbook is, and not a single one of them has realised that it's not the Walkman from the film!!! Oh, the one thing making up for their idiocy is seeing their dissappointment that it's already sold out though! :hilarious:

Going to be stuck with this aren't we... :mad::mad::mad::mad::angry::angry::angry::angry:
Maybe Disney will release another steelbook with a better design that is 2D only? Not ideal I know but still I guess it would please both those who like it and those who don't like the tape design (granted it will annoy those who hate the tape design and want 3D)
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I voted to keep the artwork. I like it, think it's fun and I really hope it doesn't come with a jcard :D

Remember people - different isn't always bad :p And in this case, different is excellent.
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Maybe Disney will release another steelbook with a better design that is 2D only? Not ideal I know but still I guess it would please both those who like it and those who don't like the tape design (granted it will annoy those who hate the tape design and want 3D)
Think that's the only way we'll be seeing alternate artwork- The fact is, on James Gunn's Facebook page (where he's posted the design of this steelbook) ALL the reaction on it (apart from mine...) is extremely positive.
That, add to the fact that the Zavvi pre-orders are sold out with this artwork means Disney have no need whatsoever to change their artwork.
I'm angry with the design of this, but at the end of the day, there are more pressing issues in the World than this I suppose...
Very disappointed with this release of The Guardians of the Galaxy, it's very simplistic and plain looking, it does not belong on a steelbook and not on a premium product, prop or not, I would not even want this on a 80's or 90's movie for a steelbook.

A movie like this deserves a promo or poster artwork instead, if Disney can't do that then I expect custom artwork that represent the characters of this movie and the movie, something a lot more vibrant too. I expect to see a much better standard in artwork and when I see bad artwork I wish we had more input on the artwork even more. I will not be buying this steelbook with this current artwork, I will be putting this on my avoid list.
Its a quit nice looking design im satisfied with that, but anything better comes I dont mind that either happy all the way..
I know most people won't like this, but I kinda like the art that comes with the vinyl edition of the soundtrack

That is FAR BETTER!!! And that would also not be my first choice! BUT, here you know WHAT Movie you are getting (or going to watch!) once the J-Card is removed...
I made my feelings clear in the main Zavvi thread, but to recap why I voted NO:

1. It just doesn't look very nice, even if it is arguably a clever concept. Just because they could do it doesn't mean they should.

2. It doesn't fit at all with other Marvel steelbooks.

3. It's not even an accurately designed walkman (thrown together in 5 minutes on photoshop).

4. Potential sequels won't match - unless they ALL have a flipping walkman design!!!

5. The poster art (the all-action one) was exceptionally good and it may have been the best looking steelbook of the year. Such a waste...

6. Unless the walkman is the most important thing in the whole film I don't see why it deserves to dominate the steelbook.
i expected something different as artwork, but i like this one also.
i've seen worse!

disney probably wanted something different, makes people to talk about it.
I voted YES! I do not mind this artwork. Yes it could be better, but it also original. Looking at my steelbook collection I already see that my Marvel steelbooks do not match with eachother. I do not want more steelbooks with characters on the spine, because then it gets confusing.
I rather like it... yet can see it now being changed due to backlash over the design.... then a real turd gets dropped in as the new replacement :p
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