Her (Blu-ray SteelBook) (Kimchidvd Exclusive #17) [Korea]

Choi Chungkwon

Premium Supporter
Jan 28, 2013
South Korea
Release date: October 31, 2014
Purchase links: Lenticular - Full Slip - One Click (Pre-order October 2 at 2 PM Korea time)
Price: $34.99 (Lenti or Full Slip) - $68.98 (One Click)
Notes: High Glossy, Made in Denmark. Available: 700 Lenti - 700 Full Slip - 100 One Click

List of Kimchidvd Exclusive SteelBook Editions


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I think we all should agree to disagree, even I love Scarlett in this movie but I didn't see any connection with her image being on the artwork at all (let alone that image doesn't have anything to do with the movie marketing material at all.... but ...well I wouldn't complain either :D) so I guess lots of ninjas who didn't agree just go with Lenticular which I think the effect is really really a nice touch... (for me I'd go for both :D)
I feel the full slip design makes perfect sense. The entire film is about a man falling in love with a girl that only exists in a computer, therefore only existing in computer code 0's and 1's. So making the focus of the film (a virtual girl) the front cover design surely makes perfect sense.

It's the same as putting Douglas Rain on the front cover of 2001: A space odyssey, it would never happen and wouldn't make sense. And neither would they have put Samantha Morton on the cover of this if she'd been cast in the voice role, which originally was supposed to happen. It just seems an opportunistic way to stick Scarlett on the slip.
It would have made sense if they had used a completely random photo of Joachim Phoenix as well, but in this pic he is in character. But since I'm a sucker for lenticular and need to cut my Steel expenses, it doesn't matter. I'll stick with the lenticular no matter how much I would love to thave that 36p booklet...
Yeah, what's the deal with people coherently voicing a perfectly acceptable point about how Kimchi made an evident mistake? Asian retailers are never wrong, we know that, you are wrong for expressing valid criticism with though-out arguments :).

Besides, we all know who should have been on the front :


About the lenti, what's with the "for your consideration" crap? Isn't that what's written on Oscar (Pop-Pop?) posters/packages? Kimchi couldn't just take it off, could they?
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I don't have any kimchi release with a booklet, so a quick question for those who do: what language are they in, english or korean?
I am not yet sure if I'll pick this one up, though I did enjoy the premise of the film, and the performances. I love Joaquin! But speaking from just a visual standpoint of the way the packages are assembled, I think Kimchi has done a nice job with these. The debate of whether Scarlett should be shown at all is actually very interesting to me, because she is such a powerful entity in driving the tone and emotion of this story. I think sometimes there is a strong sentiment of not including 'non-key' characters on movie posters or packaging...so I think each person needs to decide what her character means to them, and or/to their perception/perspective of the film. I think both representations created for the packages work, depending on how you view the above aspects.
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ive not seen this film but what i get from the banter on this thread is that u dont actully see scarlet?
id prob go for amy adams being on front , only cuz i fancy her like hell:kiss:
i suppose its probs similar to true romance , if the cover had a face on it , u wouldnt have val kilmer (elvis) on it , it would be christian slater on it .
Kimchi did a great job on these! Ordered for sure!
Maybe they can do a first order, lowest number move on this :)
For me I think Scarlett is the main female lead in the film even though you see the other 3 but it's her voice that makes the part. If an actor decides to take a voice part where they do not show up in the film at all then I don't think they should be in the posters or release art. I personally find it strange they have added her on the full slip but at least it's not a bad photo and don't bother me too much in this case because I'm really up for the lenti, the ones I do own I love plus I've purchased loads of blu ray/ DVD lentis to custom make and I've never had a kimchi one. Love the vibrant pinky/red they used for the steel and was hoping they went with that image too. Also wanted this or drive to be my first kimchi. I do understand why her (see what I did) being on the cover will piss others off but like I said in all for the lenti.
Does anyone reakon this will sell fast? because I prob won't be able to get it when it goes live due to work and possibly it being silly o clock in the uk
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For me I think Scarlett is the main female lead in the film even though you see the other 3 but it's her voice that makes the part. If an actor decides to take a voice part where they do not show up in the film at all then I don't think they should be in the posters or release art. I personally find it strange they have added her on the full slip but at least it's not a bad photo and don't bother me too much in this case because I'm really up for the lenti, the ones I do own I love plus I've purchased loads of blu ray/ DVD lentis to custom make and I've never had a kimchi one. Love the vibrant pinky/red they used for the steel and was hoping they went with that image too. Also wanted this or drive to be my first kimchi. I do understand why her (see what I did) being on the cover will piss others off but like I said in all for the lenti.
Does anyone reakon this will sell fast? because I prob won't be able to get it when it goes live due to work and possibly it being silly o clock in the uk

Well the "live" times for kimchi preorders are usually very EU-firendly, something like noon if I recall correctly. I too hope I'll have access to a computer when the go up...
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i think it's really cool to include the picture of scarjo on the fullslip, and obviously so did the studio... it ties directly into the concept of falling in love with a fantasy... and what better way to depict the face of that fantasy... this may be the first kimchi fullslip i try for...
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Seeing those I went looking for a 1/4 slip. I hope they do something that still shows off the cool red color. Those slips just hide it, none too well.
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Come on, the whole point of the movie is to present the idea of loving someone/something non-visual, intangible. He develops feelings for the "personality", not the "image". Throwing on a visual representation of that personality (that never even appears in the film) is absolutely wrong. Jonze specifically decided and went to great lengths (which was a superb directorial decision) to NOT give Samantha a "face". Surely you don't think that was just a random coincidence.

Also, if the fact that the picture is made out of zeroes and ones represents a virtual woman (I get the idea, I just think that the execution is a tad lazy), why is his face also made up of zeroes and ones? Does it represent him as a virtual person as well? Or are we just going to be inconsistent and decide when there is a subtext to the design and when it's just there to look pretty.

Any way you look at it, the decision is completely unjustifiable in the context with the movie. Those who don't really care about respecting the artistic vision of the film will be ok with it though...

that's exactly 100% my opinion too. thanks for "expressing my feelings" :D
Sorry in advance but another naysayer here. I'm in the "Don't think Scarlett should be on the cover" camp, and I think the lenticular design fits the movie better. The overall design of the fullslip just doesn't work for me. Think all the white just looks dull because of how striking that shade of pink/red (magenta? is that the word?) from the original poster and steelbook is. The gatefold is just weird as well.

This is a great movie though and everyone see it.
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