Mar 21, 2013
South Korea
Release date: March 31, 2015
Purchase links: Full Slip - Lenti - Quarter Slip - One Click (Pre-order on March 6, at 8 PM - Korea time)
Price: $35.99 - $36.99 - $109
Note: Total print run is 4000. One Click 200 - Full Slip 900 - Lenti 900 - Quarter Slip 200 (not numbered)

Available on HDN shop SOLD OUT
Group buy:
apsmith21 (Worldwide) - Masterblaster (CLOSED)

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A very good friend of mine from Facebook steelbook pages asked me to order him a full slip & lenti slip as he hasn't ordered from Novamedia before and didn't want to balls the order up.
Well they arrived today :OMG: what can I say other than amazing, fantastic, awesome, the dogs bollocks of releases. I am totally gutted I have to send them to him (I didn't order for myself due to lack of funds :vomit:).
I have most Novamedia releases and I think this surpasses all of them both Full and Lenti slips.
Well done Nova, best release so far!!
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I can't believe you didn't order this for yourself @tokaman o_O

I have the full slip coming :hungry:
@meth head One word - Skint!
I am devastated I missed this especially as I have them sat here right next me knowing by later today they will be gone :sick::grumpy::ugh::dead:

Full slip is brilliant especially the rear art, that metallic colour shine is fantastic.

Damn! Maybe you will pick it up later down the line?
Can't wait to see this in hand now!
I'll try and pick one up in a trade or if I'm feeling a little flush I may pay cash ££.
I really do want this in my collection so I'll be on the look out :watch:
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