[Ninja Week '14 Giveaway] HDN Print #2 Variant (blue)

White Rat

Premium Supporter
Jan 22, 2012
It is with much pleasure that I offer our wonderful community a chance at winning this limited edition screen print by our very own AlexG!

Print details:

18x24 (easy framing!)
4 colors including metallic ink
Edition of 50


All you have to do in order to participate in this giveaway is list one item, be it a steelbook, print or blu ray, that you would not have bought were it not for hearing about it on HDN.

This giveaway ends on 2/5/14
They're not released till the end of this month, but Leon and The Wrestler are my first Asian steelbooks. Without the steelbook forum I wouldn't even know that Plain Archive and Kimchidvd exist
So many releases...the lates was BF Godfather as I first decided to skip it but after reading and seeing pics I gave in.
Wow list one item... um thats a toughie, before i found HDN i collected some steelbooks, but really had no idea the scope and range that was out there. Had never heard of Blu fans, Kimchi etc and was paying ebay prices. I certainly have a lot more in my collection that i would never have had and at much better prices but...
I think my favourite item that i have because of HDN is my TRON Legacy Autralian Viva which was my secret santa gift. Its BOOTIFUL!!!

thanks for the giveaway
I would say it would have to be the prints , I would not have gotten them if of course HDN did not organize AlexG to do them ....

Thanks for the wonderful chance of winning

Take care
I was already addicted to Steelbooks when i entered here but thanks to HDN i got also addicted to figures. I have picked up a few nice 1:6 Kotobukiya figures thanks to you i didn´t even know they existedbefore.
It was Blufans' Wreck It Ralph steelbook that I wouldn't have a chance to own if it wasn't because of this site. I'm forever greatful for that!

thanks for the giveaway! :thumbs:
Thanks for the giveaway!
A steelbook I would have never known existed if it wasn't for HDN's awesome coverage would be Real Steel Blufans when I first started collecting.
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As most people have said, all my steels from Blufans & Kimchidvd is thanks to this site.

Wreck it Ralph was my first group buy.

Thanks for the giveaway
While I knew that Catching Fire would be released in Steelbook, had I not read about it on HDN, I would never have known that it was pre-order only (still a pretty silly decision by FS, if you ask me...). Thanks HDN, and thanks for the great giveaway!
For me it's the Steelbook of
T2 KimichiDVD I love it and without this site there is no way I would have know.
Cheers White Rat..:thumbs:
Thx. for the excellent giveaway!!!

Just visiting the site and saw Drive (Future Shop Exclusive Slipcover). It got me hook in slip collecting and signed up to become a full pledge Ninja.

Happy Ninja Week!!!