PS4 PlayStation 4 - Main discussion thread


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Feb 28, 2011

In preparation for tomorrow's announcement, Sony Playstation have released a video which looks back at the evolution of Playstation games and how they pushed the boundaries of play with their innovative titles.

You can watch a global livestream broadcast of the PlayStation Meeting this Wednesday (February 20th, 2013) starting at 6:00pm EST, 3:00pm PST and 11:00pm GMT at these links...




A press release reveals the machine will include an 8-core 64-bit x86 "Jaguar" CPU developed by AMD and a Radeon GPU with the capability of terrorizing televisions with 1.84 TFLOPS of gaming goodness.

PlayStation 4 includes a Blu-ray drive that spins game discs a brisk 6X and 8X for DVDs. Additional specs in the release note the, already revealed, 8GB of unified GDDR5 RAM along with 802.11n WiFi capability, USB 3.0 ports, Bluetooth 2.1 and ports for optical audio, HDMI and even legacy analog AV hook-ups. Though the console will have internal storage, Sony did not detail its size.

Sony's plan is to launch its new PlayStation 4 console this holiday season. No specific date or price was revealed during the reveal event.

The PS4's main features include:

  • - New DualShock 4 controller with built in touchpad
  • - Dramatically improved graphics and processing power
  • - Based on same X86 chips used in desktop computer to help game developers
  • - 3D camera that can track the controller, and the player
  • - Games can also be played on Sony's Vita handheld console


The future of PlayStation is all about great games and entertainment, and at PlayStation Meeting 2013, we brought some of the brightest and most creative minds from the development community on stage to unveil the games that will define PS4. A partial initial lineup for PlayStation 4 includes first-party games from Guerilla Games (Killzone: Shadow Fall), Sucker Punch (inFamous Second Son), Evolution Studios (Driveclub), and Japan Studio (Knack), as well as titles from our partners such as Activision/Bungie (Destiny), Blizzard Entertainment (Diablo III), Capcom (Deep Down), and Ubisoft (Watch_Dogs). PlayStation also reinforced its commitment to self-publishing and the independent development community by having Jonathan Blow onstage who gave a sneak peek of his upcoming title The Witness. Finally, the incredible minds at Media Molecule and Quantic Dream gave glimpses of their conceptualization process and the future of gameplay with some remarkable footage. We only scratched the surface at the event, and will have many more exciting titles to come.


Our next generation console will change the way you interact with friends while you play. PlayStation 4 lets you instantly share images and videos of your favorite gameplay moments on Facebook with a single press on the DUALSHOCK 4 controller’s “share” button. You can also broadcast while you play in real-time through Ustream, allowing friends to comment or jump into your game in new ways.

With PlayStation 4 we also want you to access your games quicker than ever before. PS4’s “suspend mode” eliminates the load time on your saved game and allows you to immediately return to where you left off by pressing the power button. PlayStation 4’s background downloading and updating capability also allows you to immediately play digital titles as they download, or update the system when the hardware is powered off.



DUALSHOCK 4 adopts the familiar form factor of the DUALSHOCK 3 wireless controller with some key enhancements:
  • - Motion control is enabled by a new highly sensitive six-axis sensor
  • - Dual analog sticks fine-tuned for better precision plus improved surface materials and shape for more delicate manipulation
  • - L2/R2 buttons on the top of the controller employ a curved design for easier, smoother interaction
  • - A new “Options” button combines the functions of the DUALSHOCK 3’s “Select” and “Start” buttons for operating in-game menus

You can see more images of the new DUALSHOCK 4 controller here.


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picked up the 1TB today, but I didn´t buy any games, have to wait for the next paycheck
If you get plus at least you will have two games too play for the week.And there are three massive free to play games with Dc,warframe and new one that just released.The name escapes me right now.
@Tacozilla You got the Limited Edition PS4?!?!?!?! :drool: That is fu**ing AWESOME!!!!!!!! :woot: :notworthy: :cool: Enjoy the game my friend, it's one hell of a ride! :thumbs:

Of course i went for the Ltd. edition one, I am a big batman fan...i was going to take a picture of the PS4 with my batman comic collection lol but I had no idea how to get it all in one shot!

I am updating all my games at the moment, will start batman tomorrow after work.

The Ltd. Edition PS4 is very nice indeed, I like that its all matte and no gloss at all on it (well except the PS logo). I still can't believe the bargain I got with this £288 instead of £330 :drool:

I am probably going to sign up to PS Plus at the start of next month when I get paid lol. I will probably use the free 14 day trial though

@bloodsnake007 you made your pink controller yet? :rofl:
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Of course i went for the Ltd. edition one, I am a big batman fan...i was going to take a picture of the PS4 with my batman comic collection lol but I had no idea how to get it all in one shot!

I am updating all my games at the moment, will start batman tomorrow after work.

The Ltd. Edition PS4 is very nice indeed, I like that its all matte and no gloss at all on it (well except the PS logo). I still can't believe the bargain I got with this £288 instead of £330 :drool:

I am probably going to sign up to PS Plus at the start of next month when I get paid lol. I will probably use the free 14 day trial though

@bloodsnake007 you made your pink controller yet? :rofl:
@Tacozilla Congrats my Ninja Bro! :cool: Owning that Epic Limited PS4 would of been a dream... oh well, I'm thankful Alyssa got me the one she did! :drool: So you're gonna go after the Collectors Guide? NICE! :thumbs:

And no, I haven't put together my pink controller yet! :emb: LOL! :hilarious:
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From IGN:

Lifetime sales for the PS4 now stand at 25.3 million - and it hasn't even been out for two years yet. In contrast, it took the PS2 a comparatively sluggish two years and eight months to hit 20 million units sold. PS4 is outpacing the PS2.
From IGN:

Lifetime sales for the PS4 now stand at 25.3 million - and it hasn't even been out for two years yet. In contrast, it took the PS2 a comparatively sluggish two years and eight months to hit 20 million units sold. PS4 is outpacing the PS2.
Congrats to Sony! It's not too surprising really though when you consider how many people switched from Xbox to PlayStation (I know quite a few) because of how poor the XB1 originally looked in comparison... that definitely must've had a massive effect on sales.
Congrats to Sony! It's not too surprising really though when you consider how many people switched from Xbox to PlayStation (I know quite a few) because of how poor the XB1 originally looked in comparison... that definitely must've had a massive effect on sales.

Yeah, if it wasn't for people in the USA buying almost 9 million, of the Xbox One's 13.2 million sold, they'd be even more behind than they already are. I guess they pretty much need to cater to the USA this gen, since the rest of the world doesn't seem to want a One, for the most part. Sony has been doing everything right so far, imo. I hope they can continue to do so.
We don't know how the fight would have been if Xbox didn't shoot themselves in their face during the E3 conference.

I was so mad at Microsoft with their drm plans etc. So mad, the next day I sold my Xbox 360 and all games. And that while I favor the Xbox.

This conference which backfired everything for Microsoft and cleared the path for Sony to take the win, was the defying moment of th Xbox VS Ps4 struggle.

Xbox cannibalized themselves with their conference and Sony gave their best ever counterattack and conference they have ever given.

Sony pulverized Xbox in every way and left gamers on a high and the public wanted only 1 thing, the PS4. The gamer was conditioned to want the ps4 now and not the drm-disaster of the Xbox one.

Up till today, xbox is paying for their disastrous conference and backfired strategy. It's a lesson, which they have to pay costly.

Fortunately, it went well for Sony, cause the rest of the Sony corporation is failing.

Microsoft have enough money to burn, it was as if this was all meant to be. Sony has an angel or 2 on their backs.