Red Faction - Megathread - Out Now!!!

Jan 29, 2009


Set 50 years after the climactic events of the original Red Faction, Red Faction: Guerrilla is a third-person shooter that allows players to take the role of an insurgent fighter with the newly reestablished Red Faction guerilla movement on Mars as they battle for liberation from the oppressive Earth Defense Force. Red Faction: Guerrilla redefines the limits of destruction-based gameplay with a huge open-world, fast-paced guerilla-style combat, 16-player online multiplayer and true physics-based destruction.

Red Faction: Guerilla
Releases June 2nd
Trophy List Here!!!


<a href="">Red Faction Guerilla</a><img src="" width="1" height="1" border="0" alt="" style="border:none !important; margin:0px !important;" />

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Amazon Exclusive Pre-order Bonus


Pre-order Red Faction Guerrilla, for PS3 or Xbox 360, and get an Amazon exclusive golden sledge hammer to use in-game. The golden sledge hammer is prized among Martian miners for its strength and durability, and can deal more damage than standard-issue sledge hammers. Codes to access your bonus golden sledge hammer will be sent within 10 days after the game releases. Offer good while supplies last. Must be sold and shipped by to be eligible.


The Story
In the year 2075, the Earth Defense Force (EDF) received a distress signal from a small mining facility on the surface of Mars. A group of rebels calling themselves the Red Faction had overthrown the ruthless Ultor Corporation after years of oppression. The EDF responded by launching a fleet of warships to Mars to aid the miners, bring Ultor to justice and restore order to the Martian colonies. In order to ensure safety and security for the newly liberated colonists, the EDF set up command posts and bases across the planet. Initially, under the EDF's rule, the people of Mars prospered: colonists established homesteads, built towns and independent mining operations and began to stake and work their mining claims. But the more things change on Mars, the more they stay the same.

The troubles began with colonists being driven from their homes and mining claims by greedy, Earth-based corporations. Then came a 50 year turn of events that saw the EDF adopting the heavy-handed tactics that it once stood against. Yet in doing so it also instilled a deep-seated resentment among the miners and settlers of the Martian colonies. One of these new Martians is miner Alec Mason, whose dream of a new life carved out of the course Martian soil was crushed in the face of EDF-ordered curfews, detention centers, beatings, mass arrests and personal tragedy. But as powerful as the EDF is, there is resistance. Mason and a small group of revolutionaries have banded together, taken up the Red Faction name and pledged to again bring about a free Mars. And though their enemy has changed, their battle cry remains unchanged: "Better Red than Dead."

Key Game Features:

Join the Revolution - When the citizens of Mars can no longer bear the injustice of an oppressive regime, the fate of the planet lies in the hands of Alex Mason and the Red Faction.

Open World Guerilla Warfare - You decide who, when, where and how to battle. Utilize guerilla tactics, improvised weaponry, and modified vehicles to lead insurgent attacks on EDF targets. Launch attacks based on your own gameplay style, take on missions in any order you choose, or engage in destructive activities to weaken the EDF’s grip on Mars.

Geo-Mod Technology 2.0 - Use destruction to your tactical advantage, setting ambushes or chain reaction explosions to attack enemy strongholds and permanently modify the game environment. Leverage fully-dynamic physics-based destruction to improvise on the fly: blow holes in a wall or floor to set an ambush or escape, take out a staircase to stop your pursuers, or drive vehicles through blown out walls.

Evolving & Emergent Gameplay - Carve your path through an ever changing landscape as you improvise your combat tactics – mixing gameplay styles, vehicles, weapons and explosives to defeat the EDF.

Epic Sci-fi Setting - Explore the huge, unforgiving Martian landscape, from the desolate mining outpost of Parker to the gleaming EDF capital city of Eos; then tear through the fully destructible open-world environments swarming with EDF forces, Red Faction resistance fighters, and the downtrodden settlers caught in the crossfire.

Multiplayer Combat - There is no place to hide when you put your guerilla warfare skills to the test in a variety of highly destructive 2-16 person online multiplayer combat modes.

PlayStation Network Support - Build your trophy collection and leaderboard placement via full PlayStation Network (PSN) support.

Guerilla Warfare:
You don't stand a chance against the EDF using standard military tactics. The only recourse when the few stand against the many is the use of hit and run tactics. Learn the routes of the patrols and quickest ways in and out of EDF strongholds. By studying these things you can instinctively know when to attack, and when to wait for a better opportunity.

Ambushes are also useful in thinning EDF ranks. Remote charges and proximity mines are your best friend when preparing an ambush. A few well-placed charges on the structural supports of a bridge can do wonders for stopping a convoy dead in its tracks. Above all else, remember this: guerilla tactics are not about fighting fair, they are about winning.

Product Description
Set on Mars, 50 years after the events of the original Red Faction. You take the role of an insurgent fighter with the newly re-established Red Faction movement as they battle for liberation from the oppressive Earth Defense Force. Throughout the fight for freedom, you carve your own path, wreaking havoc across the vast, open-world environment of Mars, from the desolate mining outpost of Parker to the gleaming EDF capital city of Eos.

Utilizing improvised weapons, explosives and re-purposed mining equipment and vehicles, Red Faction: Guerrilla allows you to tear through fully destructible environments in an unforgiving Martian landscape swarming with EDF forces, Red Faction resistance fighters, and the downtrodden settlers caught in the cross-fire. Also features a multiplayer component, including several modes focused on destruction-based game play.


Kotaku's Take on it ...

There were a lot of games the New York Comic Con this year, but of the ones I saw none were more technically impressive than Red Faction: Guerrilla.

What Is It?
Red Faction: Guerrilla is the third game in the series from Volition. This is a somewhat substantial change to the series has the first two games have been from the first-person perspective. The story takes place about 50 years after Red Faction 1 and 2, and takes place completely on the surface of Mars. Not in the mines. It's more of an open-world game where you can walk or drive anywhere at anytime. The big hook in this PC, PS3 and Xbox 360 game is that every single building and environment piece can be destroyed.

What We Saw
I timed 10-minute single player demo on the New York Comic Con show floor.

How Far Along Is it?
The demo was in alpha form with the full gaming coming this June to the PS3, Xbox 360 and PC.

What Needs Improvement?
Emptiness inside you: Since all the buildings are destructible, they aren't really filled up with anything. Most of the rooms are completely empty of furniture. In fact everything I noticed that can be blown up is basically hollow.

No Digging: Unlike previous games in the series where you could burrow a hole for seemingly ever and ever, Guerrilla makes it so you can't get down and dirty.

Jumping: While the controls in general are fine, I found the jumping to be just a little wonky, especially when going up alongside a steep incline.

What Should Stay The Same?
Geo Mod 2.0 – The level of destruction is just awesome. Nothing really implodes the same way twice. Ever. I spent most of my time simply throwing remote mines on different areas of structures and detonating them to see the varying result.

Stay down!: What I love probably more than anything else about this game is that anything you blow up stays so the entire game. The only buildings that reform after time are story-based ones. But everything else stays in pieces.

Graphics – You might not notice it right away, but the look of this game is really crisp and colorful. Volition did a great job with this.

Final Thoughts
Probably my surprise game of the show, if I had to pick one. I like the changes they did to the series and it seems like I could spent a lot of time blowing stuff up! Oh, there's a pretty good game here, too. I really hope Volition decides to do a demo before its release.
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its on a dvd not a bluray..

Well, lets be honest, the price ranges are always a $10 swing at the least ... so its not because its Blu-ray .. since you can get the discs at retail for $5 each so imagine bulk!

So that's not the case. I think they just think the PS3 crowd makes more money than 360 crowd as their are alot of kids with 360s compared to PS3s
Well, lets be honest, the price ranges are always a $10 swing at the least ... so its not because its Blu-ray .. since you can get the discs at retail for $5 each so imagine bulk!

So that's not the case. I think they just think the PS3 crowd makes more money than 360 crowd as their are alot of kids with 360s compared to PS3s

A blu-ray is $20 for a single disc (4x burning) or $1 for a DVD, you can get DVDs for 5 cents per DVD if bought in bulk. And Blu-rays are not sold in Bulk yet.

I'm pulling consumer prices, but that justifies it for me. That and the 360 sells more because of their install base which is in the other article I posted.
A blu-ray is $20 for a single disc (4x burning) or $1 for a DVD, you can get DVDs for 5 cents per DVD if bought in bulk. And Blu-rays are not sold in Bulk yet.

I'm pulling consumer prices, but that justifies it for me. That and the 360 sells more because of their install base which is in the other article I posted.

Frys has a 15 pack 4x speed for $60. That's $4 per BD consumer price ;)
still $4 more... easier to drop the price by $10... That and DVD manufacturing has been around forever, so its hell a cheap now, including cases, etc.

Cases??? They're both plastic with a slip cover n book. lol. I'm just saying I've seen 360 games go on sale more often. PS3 has had some sales that have been the same, just not as often.

Nerdkiller! When are you joining us? We've been on it all week :)
Cases??? They're both plastic with a slip cover n book. lol. I'm just saying I've seen 360 games go on sale more often. PS3 has had some sales that have been the same, just not as often.

Nerdkiller! When are you joining us? We've been on it all week :)

Yes but DVD cases are diff than blu-ray cases, when manufacturing stuff its cheaper to make it all the same, instead of changing the shape. Blu-ray is getting cheaper and cheaper, but it will always cost more until the consumer moves over.

I'm just saying that is part of the reason, plus the bigger install base on the 360.. not the main culprit.

Though "pleased" on the game's sell-through, THQ CEO Brian Farrell told a conference call on Tuesday, "I'd give us a B on the launch of Red Faction: Guerrilla." So, with a strong quarter – mostly driven by sales of its UFC game but also owing in part to RF:G – what did Farrell think THQ could do better for "the next iteration"? (What? You didn't think that was it, did you?). Farrell said, "We've shipped more than one million units of this title to date" and reported that "the game was a top 10 best seller in the US and UK in June" but admitted that THQ could have done a better job "creating day one demand."

"We moved the title a couple times, that doesn't help," Farrell confessed. "I'm very pleased with a lot of the strides we've made recently but that doesn't mean we can't do some things better." Sounds like a refreshingly honest assessment to us in the press and, we imagine, to the hundreds of thousands of gamers out there who picked up the game on incredibly strong word of mouth. Farrell acknowledges as much, saying, "The amount it's been dropping off, week after week, has been something that would indicate good word of mouth on the game based on the high Metacritic ratings." Sure enough, at "85" it ranks fifth for recent releases.

To make up for those ostensibly not-as-good-as-they-could've-been day one sales, THQ is looking to "drive future sales of Red Faction: Guerrilla with continued advertising support and new downloadable content," Farrell said. " We hope Red Faction has a long tail on it as we move into the holiday season." Downloadable content – which THQ has used to great effect with Saint's Row 2is about more than just revenue, Farrell says. "When we look at DLC, the revenue, it's not that great. It's good, but we also like the fact that it keeps the customers engaged with our games for a long period of time."

Of course, this reduces trade-in and used game sales, he explains, but it also helps "keep that brand active with consumers." Which is precisely what they'll have to do if they want to keep sales up in the increasingly spartan (and sans Spartans) but nevertheless competitive holiday shopping season.
Upcoming Patch

We have a few portions of Red Faction Guerrilla that we'd like to tweak a bit. Some of this is based on community feedback, some of it is preparation for future content, but all of it means that RFG will continue to grow and expand. Below, I've listed out a number of new features we'll be adding to the game, along with some small fixes to make overall gameplay more enjoyable. All three of our main modes are receiving an upgrade, so find your favorites below.
The release date for this patch has not been finalized as of this moment, but that information should be available very soon and this post will be updated at that point. This will be for 360 and PS3.

New Features:

New Wrecking Crew mode - Challenge Mode: There are 3 rounds of distinct submode/weapon/backpack settings per level. Each participant plays through all 3 rounds to try to get the highest score possible. Challenge Mode is the best way to enjoy WC by yourself, and we're also allowing all modes to be played with a single player.
Wrecking Crew Leaderboards: Your scores for Challenge Mode only are automatically uploaded to leaderboards (1 per level) so you can compare how you’re doing against your friends and the world. Leaderboards are only available for Challenge Mode.
Bonus Wrecking Crew levels unlocked: The 4 pre-order bonus WC levels are now unlocked for everyone, giving you 10 levels in which to blow everything away.
Weapon and Backpack disabling in Multiplayer: Prevent any specific backpacks or weapons from spawning in a level within a custom match.
XP multiplier for matchmaking playlists: Double XP playlists are now possible (and will be used).
Ore Deposits on Minimap: Mining ore that hasn’t been mined will now show up as purple pulsing dots on the minimap. This will help players to obtain the “Working the Land” achievement/trophy.
Support for upcoming DLC: Demons of the Badlands, our first DLC pack, will be released on August 13th.

Other Fixes:

  • House Arrest icons now reflect their proper completion status after you finish the last mission.
  • Convoy spawning is now fixed after you finish the last mission. Previously some convoys would be prevented from spawning.
  • Scale of some icons on the full-screen map and minimap has been fixed.
  • Parties are no longer allowed to matchmake into Anarchy through the "Any Playlist" selection option.
  • Ties no longer count as losses on the MP leaderboards.
  • Various minor matchmaking fixes.
Yeah this is awesome!!!

heres what I wrote at br

HOLY FN CRAP!! VOLITION ARE GAMING DEV GODS! They have been on top of the ball!! I thought I was going to have to play the game completely over again to get that "All g-actions trophy" because of the convoy missions not spawning all of them etc after game completion!

Now I dont, sweet! I havent been checking their official forums since I been on vacation and currently at work ... any idea when the patch goes active?
More Informaton on the DLC

Hold on Wreck, prepare to orgasm with more info on the DLC.

If you're getting close to mining every last piece of ore and tracking those hidden radio tags, fear not! There's more single-player destruction on the way to Red Faction Guerrilla!
We're proud to announce today, the coming of three download packs for RFG. The first of which - "Demons of the Badlands" - will feature a single-player mission arc that takes place in an entirely new Mars landscape outside of the existing expansive world.



"Demons of the Badlands" will be available for download on Xbox® LIVE and PlayStation® Network on August 13th for 800 MS Points or $9.99. We've also provided 5 new screenshots for a hint at what's to come in just a little more than a month. We'll have more details incoming later on, detailing more information on this DLC package and others, so be sure to continue watching this front page.


Also, I don't know when the patch goes live, but I'm sure it'll be soon.

Patch Out on August 6th + Double XP Long Weekend!


We've heard a lot of the community asking for a Double XP weekend, but instead of just two days, we're going to give you four! Once the patch goes live on August 6th, all games will be Double XP until Sunday (August 9th) at Midnight PST. No matter which playlist you pick, you can earn a ton of XP and make your way up to the elusive Ostrich Hammer.
Another addition to this patch is a new playlist titled "MLG Playlist". This specific playlist contains rules that were sent to us from MLG and are equivalent to what the 4v4 Ladder Tournament will follow, across multiple modes. This is a great way to get in a quick pick-up game with your team without having to setup a custom game. You can find the full playlist settings here, just scroll down until you see "K. Settings".
As per usual update status, the 360 patch normally goes live around 4AM PST and the PS3 will go live sometime in the afternoon. If it's not up directly at 4 AM for those of you who sit and watch the atomic clock, just be patient and grab a snack while you wait. There will be plenty of time to experience the new Challenge Mode in Wrecking Crew, go hunting for some elusive Mining Ore, or build up your XP with a few MP games. Remember that our first DLC pack will be releasing next week, so stay tuned for more information on that soon. You can find the rest of the patch notes here.