Resident Evil: The Final Chapter ( 3D+2D Blu-ray SteelBook) (Kimchidvd Exclusive No.49) [Korea]

Aug 25, 2011
Hong Kong
Release date: April 26, 2017
Purchase links: Lenticular - Full Slip - One-click
HDN Group Buy: One Click - Full Slip - Lenti
Price: $40.99 (Full Slip or Lenti) - $81 (One Click)
Note: Lenticular Edition (700 copies Numbered Card) - Full Slip Edition (500 copies Numbered Card) - One Click will be made as same Number (1~150)

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Would possibly pick this up at $30.99, but definitely not at $40.99. One more Kimchidvd release skipped.
I like this steelbook and Lenti the best so far in terms of artwork but not sure if I will just buy the UK steelbook, also no premium releases for the other movies, never know if they will release them. So I'm not sure what to do. :confused:
Love the lenti, but seems its a bit of lazy package again for the price - probably still pick it up at some point, but in for the HDzeta and UK releases 1st...
Not overly sold on this as all my prior RE steel's are standard ie no slip's.

BUT will certainly try for a lenti come pre-order date. If I get one, ace, if not, I'll stick with the standard UK to go with my other steels.
Would be nice to get this, but am not too bothered if I cant score one.
Loving the look of the lenti release. Always liked the Motorbike and Movie poster 'crow style' artwork.
Do we know if this is region free or locked release?

I'd love to have a Pop Art release to go with the rest of them, but I get the feeling they will screw us all over and not make one, so now I have to decide on this version lenti, or just the regular UK release.
I quite like what I am seeing. The lenti looks really solid. Whilst there will be quite a few more releases out there, I do very much like o-ring lenti. The skinny package is also great for saving some shelf space. Will not resist this. Instant purchase for me.